Recent News

18 Jan 11

2010 a Record Year for DMTF

With a full two weeks of the New Year behind us, I wanted to take a moment to review the remarkable achievements DMTF recorded in 2010. I’ve been involved with DMTF for a long time and I can confidently say 2010 was one of, if not the, best years ever.

13 Jan 11

Thanks for your Participation in the 2010 DMTF Member Survey!

The 2010 DMTF Member survey is now closed. Many thanks to all of our members who participated; we received 90 survey responses this year! 

3 Jan 11

New Documents Available for DMTF Members

five new published documents were approved during the recent DMTF board meeting. Click here for a complete list of DMTF published documents.

16 Nov 10

DMTF Recognizes its Star Members

DMTF is proud to acknowledge those members who have gone above and beyond their usual call of duty to contribute to the organization’s success through our annual Star Awards.

15 Nov 10

Take the 2010 DMTF Membership Survey

The 2010 DMTF Membership Survey is now available.

4 Nov 10

Join DMTF at the Management Developers Conference (MDC)

Don’t forget to join DMTF at the sixth annual Management Developers Conference (MDC) in Santa Clara, CA at the Santa Clara Marriott on November 15 – 18, 2010. MDC is the industry’s only developer conference dedicated to Standards Based Systems and Network Management Technologies.

28 Oct 10

New Documents Available for DMTF Members

Seven new DMTF published documents were approved during the October 2010 DMTF board meeting.

18 Oct 10

Message from the President: DMTF Celebrates 15 Years of Driving Industry Standards

DMTF celebrates its 15th anniversary today. Established in the early 90’s and incorporated in 1995, DMTF has established itself as the industry organization leading the development, validation and promotion of systems management standards.  The organization, which started with a small group of companies, is now comprised of more than 150 member companies, and more than 4,000 active participants spanning 43 countries.

1 Oct 10

Special CDM Forum Dues Promotion

DMTF’s CDM Forum, the DMTF group dedicated to uniting the computer industry on a single interoperable interface for all system diagnostics, has some exciting opportunities for companies interested in joining the forum. The CDM Forum is offering a limited-time, special dues promotion that expires December 31, 2010. There are also several activities and promotions that CDM Forum members can take advantage of at the upcoming Management Development Conference on November 15-19, 2010 in Santa Clara, Calif.

29 Sep 10

New Documents Available for DMTF Members

Seven new DMTF published documents were approved during the September 2010 DMTF board meeting.
