DMTF Releases Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) Use Case Whitepaper as Work-In-Progress

Posted on Wed, 07/11/2012 - 14:07

DMTF’s Cloud Auditing Data Federation Working Group (CADF) recently released its whitepaper, Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) Use Case Whitepaper as a Work-In-Progress. This whitepaper outlines real-world use cases around cloud auditing and data federation, to be used as input for development of data formats and interface specifications. These use cases represent auditing considerations of cloud-based resources, including:

  • Compute, storage and network
  • Applications and services
  • Data objects managed and tracked in cloud deployments
  • Resources and interactions expected by entities responsible for auditing the compliance of systems

These use cases will guide the development of CADF specifications and will help ensure the specifications meet real-world cloud auditing needs. The audience that will benefit from reading this whitepaper is for those developing standards for cloud auditing.

To read the full whitepaper, click here.