1 Overview
The Redfish standard comprises a set of specifications maintained by the Redfish Forum, a working group within DMTF. The standard defines a protocol that uses RESTful interfaces to provide access to data and operations associated with the management of systems and networks. One of the strengths of the Redfish protocol is that it works with a wide range of servers: from stand-alone servers to rack-mount and bladed environments to large-scale data centers and cloud environments.
The Redfish standard addresses several key issues for infrastructures that require scalability. Large infrastructures often consist of many simple servers of different makes and types. This hyper-scale usage model requires a new approach to systems management. The Redfish protocol addresses these needs by providing a standard protocol based on out-of-band systems management.
With these goals in mind, the Redfish protocol was designed as an open-industry standard to meet scalability requirements in multi-vendor deployments. It easily integrates with commonly used tools, using RESTful interfaces to perform operations and using JSON for data payloads.
1.1 Who should read this document?
This document is intended primarily as a reference for schema authors to locate existing property definitions within the Redfish schema. End users and other consumers of Redfish data may also use this guide to look up property definitions without regard to their location in the schema.
1.2 How can I provide feedback?
Feedback on all Redfish specifications and documents is encouraged. Feedback can be directed to DMTF and the Redfish Forum by the following means:
- Redfish User Forum: https://redfishforum.com - User forum monitored by DMTF Redfish Forum personnel to answer questions about any Redfish-related topics.
- DMTF Feedback Portal: https://www.dmtf.org/standards/feedback - Formal submission portal for enhancements or proposals to DMTF and the Redfish Forum.
1.3 Where can I find more information?
The following web sites provide more information about the Redfish standard:
Resources for developers who use Redfish to build applications. Contains an interactive schema explorer, hosted schema, and other links.
DMTF Redfish-monitored user forum. Answers questions about Redfish-related topics.
Open source tools and libraries for working with Redfish.
Schemas, specifications, mockups, white papers, FAQ, educational material, and more.
Working group that maintains the Redfish standard. Site lists member companies, future work and schedules, charter, and information about joining.
1.4 Related documents
The following documents are part of the Redfish development effort. They can be accessed or downloaded from DMTF's Redfish Standards web site: https://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish
- DSP0218 - Platform Level Data Model (PLDM) for Redfish Device Enablement Specification - Binary-encoded JSON (BEJ) and dictionary-based mapping of Redfish schemas and properties into PLDM messages.
- DSP0266 - Redfish Specification - Main Redfish Specification.
- DSP0268 - Redfish Data Model Specification - Normative descriptions and additional text for every schema defined in DSP8010 and example payloads for every resource.
- DSP0270 - Redfish Host Interface Specification - "In-band" or "OS-based" Redfish host interface.
- DSP0272 - Redfish Interoperability Profiles Specification - Structure and JSON document that is used to define and publish an interoperability profile that checks an implementation's conformance to a defined minimum set of functionality.
- DSP2043 - Redfish Mockups Bundle - Set of mockups that can be used as sample output from
responses from a Redfish service. Informative in nature, it was used to develop the schema. A person can set up an NGINX or similar server and configure it to output JSON format and then use this directory for demonstration purposes. - DSP2044 - Redfish White Paper - Non-normative document helping those new to Redfish understand how to interact with the Redfish service and understand common functions and tasks.
- DSP2046 - Redfish Resource and Schema Guide - Informative documentation regarding common Redfish resource properties and a listing of properties that can be found in each of the Redfish resources.
- DSP2053 - Redfish Property Guide - Informative documentation providing an index to individual property definitions across all Redfish schema.
- DSP2065 - Redfish Message Registry Guide - Informative documentation providing details regarding the messages defined in Redfish standard message registries.
- DSP8010 - Redfish Schema - Redfish schema definitions. These files are normative in nature and are normatively referenced by the Redfish Specification. The three schema formats are CSDL (OData Common Schema Definition Language format, which is in XML), JSON Schema, and OpenAPI schema. These schema definitions should be functionally equivalent, thus specifying the schema in three different languages.
- DSP8011 - Redfish Standard Registries - Redfish registry definitions. This bundle of Redfish registries includes message registries used for Redfish-defined messages including events and privilege maps.
- DSP8013 - Redfish Interoperability Profiles Bundle - Bundle of published Redfish interoperability profile documents and supporting schema and sample documents used for creating profiles.
2 Using this guide
Every Redfish response consists of a JSON payload containing properties that are strictly defined by a schema for that resource. The schema that defines a resource can be determined from the value of the @odata.type
property returned in every Redfish response. This guide details the definitions for every Redfish standard property defined in DMTF-published Redfish schemas.
The property-level details include:
Column | Purpose |
Property Name | The name of the JSON property as it appears, case sensitive, in the JSON payload. |
Defined in Schemas | The names of the Redfish schemas where this property is defined, and therefore in which resources it may appear. For properties that appear within embedded JSON objects, the object name appears in parentheses. |
Type | The JSON data types for the property, which can include boolean, number, string, or object. String types that use defined enumerations state (enum) . Number types state units, where used. |
Description | The description of the property, as copied directly from the schema Description definition, or, for properties that appear in multiple schemas, a general description of its usage in any of the listed schemas. |
3 Reference guide
To produce this guide, DMTF's Redfish Documentation Generator merges DMTF's Redfish Schema Bundle (DSP8010) contents with supplemental text.
Property Name | Defined In Schema(s) | Type | Description |
AbsoluteHumidity | EnvironmentMetrics, PowerDistributionMetrics | object | Absolute humidity (g/m^3). |
AccelerationFunction | Processor (FPGA > ReconfigurationSlots) | object | The link to the acceleration function that the code programmed into a reconfiguration slot provides. |
AccelerationFunctions | Processor | object | The link to the collection of acceleration functions associated with this processor. |
AccelerationFunctionType | AccelerationFunction | string (enum) | The acceleration function type. |
AccessCapabilities | Connection (MemoryChunkInfo), Connection (MemoryRegionInfo), Connection (VolumeInfo) | array | Supported I/O access capabilities. |
Volume | array | Supported IO access capabilities. | |
AccessKey | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > GenZ) | string | The Access Key for the entity. |
Connection (ConnectionKeys > GenZ) | string | The Access Key for this connection. | |
AddressPool (GenZ) | string | The Access Key required for this address pool. | |
AccessKeyViolations | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number of Access Key Violations detected. |
AccessMode | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > CommunityStrings) | string (enum) | The access level of the SNMP community. |
AccessState | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > ANACharacteristics) | string (enum) | Reported ANA access state. |
Connection (MemoryChunkInfo), Connection (MemoryRegionInfo), Connection (VolumeInfo) | string (enum) | The access state for this connection. | |
EndpointGroup | string (enum) | The access state for this group. | |
AccountExpiration | ManagerAccount | string | Indicates the date and time when this account expires. If null , the account never expires. |
AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter | AccountService | integer (seconds) | The period of time, in seconds, between the last failed login attempt and the reset of the lockout threshold counter. This value must be less than or equal to the AccountLockoutDuration value. A reset sets the counter to 0 . |
AccountLockoutCounterResetEnabled | AccountService | boolean | An indication of whether the threshold counter is reset after AccountLockoutCounterResetAfter expires. If true , it is reset. If false , only a successful login resets the threshold counter and if the user reaches the AccountLockoutThreshold limit, the account will be locked out indefinitely and only an administrator-issued reset clears the threshold counter. If this property is absent, the default is true . |
AccountLockoutDuration | AccountService | integer (seconds) | The period of time, in seconds, that an account is locked after the number of failed login attempts reaches the account lockout threshold, within the period between the last failed login attempt and the reset of the lockout threshold counter. If this value is 0 , no lockout will occur. If the AccountLockoutCounterResetEnabled value is false , this property is ignored. |
AccountLockoutThreshold | AccountService | integer | The number of allowed failed login attempts before a user account is locked for a specified duration. If 0 , the account is never locked. |
AccountProviderType | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | string (enum) | The type of external account provider to which this service connects. |
Accounts | AccountService | object | The collection of manager accounts. |
AccountService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the account service. |
AccountTypes | ManagerAccount | array | The list of services in the manager that the account is allowed to access. |
Accuracy | MetricDefinition | number | The estimated percent error of measured versus actual values. |
Control, Sensor | number (%) | The estimated percent error of measured versus actual values. | |
Actions | various (AccelerationFunction, AccountService ... ) | object | The available actions for this resource. |
Activation | various (Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCautionUser) ... ) | string (enum) | The direction of crossing that activates this threshold. |
ActiveCoreCount | OperatingConfig (TurboProfile) | integer | The number of active cores to be configured with the specified maximum clock speed. |
ActiveDirectory | AccountService | object | The first Active Directory external account provider that this account service supports. |
ActiveLinkTechnology | NetworkPort | string (enum) | Network port active link technology. |
ActiveMainsId | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | string | The mains circuit that is switched on and qualified to supply power to the output circuit. |
ActivePool | CompositionService | object | The link to the collection of resource blocks within the active pool. Resource blocks in the active pool are contributing to at least one composed resource as a result of a composition request. |
ActiveSoftwareImage | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > Links) | object | The link to the software inventory resource that represents the active firmware image for this controller. |
Manager (Links) | object | The link to the software inventory resource that represents the active firmware image for this manager. | |
TrustedComponent (Links) | object | The link to the software inventory resource that represents the active firmware image for this trusted component. | |
Bios (Links) | object | The link to the software inventory that represents the active BIOS firmware image. | |
Drive (Links) | object | The link to the software inventory that represents the active drive firmware image. | |
ActiveWidth | Port | integer | The number of active lanes for this interface. |
Add | Manager (Actions > ModifyRedundancySet (Action)) | array | An array of managers to add to the redundancy set. |
AddCapacityPoliciesSupported | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity) | array | The set of selection policies supported by the CXL device when dynamic capacity is added. |
AddElements (Action) | Aggregate (Actions) | object | This action is used to add one or more resources to the aggregate. |
AddEndpoint (Action) | Zone (Actions) | object | This action adds an endpoint to a zone. |
AdditionalCommonNames | Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | array | Additional common names of the entity. |
AdditionalDataSizeBytes | Event (Events) | integer (bytes) | The size of the additional data for this event. |
LogEntry | integer (bytes) | The size of the additional data for this log entry. | |
AdditionalDataURI | Event (Events) | string | The URI at which to access the additional data for the event, such as diagnostic data, image captures, or other files. |
LogEntry | string | The URI at which to access the additional data for this log entry, such as diagnostic data, image captures, or other files. | |
LogService (Actions > PushDiagnosticData (Action)) | string | The URI of the diagnostic data to transfer to the URI specified by the TargetURI parameter. |
AdditionalExternalAccountProviders | AccountService | object | The additional external account providers that this account service uses. |
AdditionalFirmwareVersions | Manager | object | The additional firmware versions of the manager. |
Processor | object | The additional firmware versions of the processor. | |
AdditionalOrganizationalUnits | Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | array | Additional organizational units of the entity. |
AdditionalVersions | SoftwareInventory | object | The additional versions of this software. |
AdditiveName | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | string | The name of the additive. |
AdditivePercent | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | number (%) | The percent additives contained in the coolant. |
AddResourceBlock (Action) | ComputerSystem (Actions) | object | This action adds a resource block to a system. |
Address | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | string | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor address. |
ComputerSystem (KeyManagement > KMIPServers) | string | The KMIP server address. | |
AddressParityError | MemoryMetrics (HealthData > AlarmTrips) | boolean | An indication of whether an address parity error was detected that a retry could not correct. |
AddressPools | Endpoint (Links) | array | An array of links to the address pools associated with this endpoint. |
Zone (Links) | array | An array of links to the address pools associated with this zone. | |
Fabric | object | The collection of links to the address pools that this fabric contains. | |
AddressRangeOffsetMiB | MemoryChunks | integer (mebibytes) | Offset of the memory chunk in the address range in MiB. |
AddressRangeType | MemoryChunks | string (enum) | Memory type of this memory chunk. |
AdjustedMaxAllowableOperatingValue | Thermal (Temperatures) | integer (Celsius) | Adjusted maximum allowable operating temperature for this equipment based on the current environmental conditions present. |
Sensor | number | The adjusted maximum allowable operating value for this equipment based on the environmental conditions. | |
AdjustedMinAllowableOperatingValue | Thermal (Temperatures) | integer (Celsius) | Adjusted minimum allowable operating temperature for this equipment based on the current environmental conditions present. |
Sensor | number | The adjusted minimum allowable operating value for this equipment based on the environmental conditions. | |
AdvertiseInactiveRoutesEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | boolean | Advertise inactive route status. |
AEAD | SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Denied > Algorithms) | array | The AEAD algorithms. |
AffiliatedInterfaces | EthernetInterface (Links) | array | The links to the Ethernet interfaces that are affiliated with this interface, such as a VLAN or a team that uses this interface. |
Aggregates | AggregationService | object | The link to the collection of aggregates associated with this service. |
AggregationService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the aggregation service. |
AggregationSources | ConnectionMethod (Links) | array | An array of links to the access points using this connection method. |
AggregationService | object | The link to the collection of aggregation sources associated with this service. | |
AggregationType | AggregationSource | string (enum) | The type of aggregation used towards the aggregation source. |
AirFlowCubicMetersPerMinute | ThermalMetrics | object | The air flow through the chassis (m^3/min). |
AlarmTrips | MemoryMetrics (HealthData) | object | Alarm trip information about the memory. |
AlertCapabilities | MemoryMetrics (CXL) | object | The conditions that would generate an alert to the CXL Fabric Manager or host. |
Algorithms | SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Allowed), SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Denied) | object | The SPDM algorithms. |
SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client > Allowed), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client > Denied), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server > Allowed), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server > Denied) | object | The TLS algorithms. | |
Alias | BootOption | string (enum) | The alias of this boot source. |
AliasBootOrder | ComputerSystem (Boot) | array | Ordered array of boot source aliases representing the persistent boot order associated with this computer system. |
AllocatedBandwidth | CXLLogicalDevice (QoS) | integer (%) | The bandwidth allocated to this CXL logical device as a percentage. |
AllocatedCompletionQueues | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | integer | The number of I/O completion queues allocated to this NVMe I/O controller. |
AllocatedPools | Volume | object | An array of references to StoragePools allocated from this Volume. |
AllocatedSubmissionQueues | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | integer | The number of I/O submission queues allocated to this NVMe I/O controller. |
AllocatedWatts | PowerSubsystem (Allocation) | number (watts) | The total amount of power that has been allocated or budgeted to this subsystem. |
Allocation | PowerSubsystem | object | Power allocation for this subsystem. |
AllocationAlignmentMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | The boundary that memory regions are allocated on, measured in mebibytes (MiB). |
AllocationIncrementMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | The size of the smallest unit of allocation for a memory region in mebibytes (MiB). |
AllocationLength | StorageController (Actions > SecurityReceive (Action)) | integer | Allocated size for received data. |
AllocationPercent | Port (FunctionMaxBandwidth) | integer (%) | The maximum bandwidth allocation percentage allocated to the corresponding network device function instance. |
Port (FunctionMinBandwidth) | integer (%) | The minimum bandwidth allocation percentage allocated to the corresponding network device function instance. | |
AllowableMax | Control, EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | number | The maximum possible setting for this control. |
AllowableMin | Control, EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | number | The minimum possible setting for this control. |
AllowableNumbers | ActionInfo (Parameters) | array | The allowable numeric values or duration values, inclusive ranges of values, and incremental step values for this parameter as applied to this action target. |
AllowableNumericValues | Control, Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz) | array | The supported values for the set point. |
AllowablePattern | ActionInfo (Parameters) | string | The allowable pattern for this parameter as applied to this action target. |
AllowableValueDescriptions | ActionInfo (Parameters) | array | Descriptions of allowable values for this parameter. |
AllowableValues | ActionInfo (Parameters) | array | The allowable values for this parameter as applied to this action target. |
AllowDeny | NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The link to the collection of allow and deny permissions for packets leaving and arriving to this network device function. |
AllowDuplicateASEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | boolean | Allow duplicate Autonomous System (AS) path. |
Allowed | SecurityPolicy (SPDM) | object | The SPDM policy settings that are allowed, such as the allowable SPDM versions and algorithms. |
SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server) | object | The TLS policy settings that are allowed, such as the allowable TLS versions and algorithms. | |
AllowedSpeedsMHz | Memory | array (MHz) | Speeds supported by this memory device. |
AllowExtendedAlgorithms | SecurityPolicy (SPDM) | boolean | An indication of whether SPDM extended algorithms are allowed. |
AllowFIPVLANDiscovery | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | boolean | An indication of whether the FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) populates the FCoE VLAN ID. |
AllowOverprovisioning | CompositionService | boolean | An indication of whether this service is allowed to overprovision a composition relative to the composition request. |
AllowOverrideASEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | boolean | Option to override an Autonomous System (AS) number with the AS number of the sending peer. |
AllowOwnASEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | boolean | Allow own Autonomous System (AS) status. |
AllowsBlockProvisioning | MemoryDomain | boolean | An indication of whether this memory domain supports the provisioning of blocks of memory. |
AllowsMemoryChunkCreation | MemoryDomain | boolean | An indication of whether this memory domain supports the creation of memory chunks. |
AllowsMirroring | MemoryDomain | boolean | An indication of whether this memory domain supports the creation of memory chunks with mirroring enabled. |
AllowsSparing | MemoryDomain | boolean | An indication of whether this memory domain supports the creation of memory chunks with sparing enabled. |
AllowType | AllowDeny | string (enum) | Indicates the type of permission. |
AllowZoneAffinity | CompositionService | boolean | An indication of whether a client can request that a specific resource zone fulfill a composition request. |
AlternateRoleId | Role | string | An equivalent role to use when this role is restricted. |
AlternativeNames | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | array | The additional host names of the component to secure. |
Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | array | The additional host names of the entity. | |
ALUA | Volume | object | ALUA properties for this volume. |
AlwaysCompareMEDEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | boolean | Compare Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) status. |
Ambient | ThermalMetrics (TemperatureSummaryCelsius) | object | The ambient temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem. |
AmbientMetrics | Facility | object | The link to the ambient environment metrics for this facility. |
ANACharacteristics | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | array | The ANA characteristics and volume information. |
ANAGroupId | Volume (ALUA) | number | The ANA group id for this volume. |
AnycastGatewayIPAddress | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | string | The anycast gateway IPv4 address. |
AnycastGatewayMACAddress | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | string | The anycast gateway MAC address. |
ApparentkVAh | various (Circuit (EnergykWh), Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh > Line1ToLine2) ... ) | number (kV.A.h) | Apparent energy (kVAh). |
ApparentVA | various (Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToLine2), Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToNeutral) ... ) | number (V.A) | The product of voltage and current for an AC circuit, in volt-ampere units. |
AppendLimit | MetricReportDefinition | integer | The maximum number of entries that can be appended to a metric report. When the metric report reaches its limit, its behavior is dictated by the ReportUpdates property. |
Applications | OperatingSystem | object | The link to the collection of applications running under this operating system. |
AppliedOperatingConfig | Processor | object | The link to the operating configuration that is applied to this processor. |
ApplyTime | UpdateService (HttpPushUriOptions > HttpPushUriApplyTime) | string (enum) | The time when to apply the HttpPushUri -provided software update. |
ArchitectureId | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > EngineId) | string | The architecture identifier. |
ArchiveFile | MessageRegistryFile (Location) | string | If the service hosts the registry in an archive file, the name of the file within the archive. |
JsonSchemaFile (Location) | string | The name of the file in the archive, if the schema is hosted on the service in an archive file. | |
ArchiveUri | MessageRegistryFile (Location) | string | If the registry is hosted on the service in an archive file, the link to the archive file. |
JsonSchemaFile (Location) | string | The link to an archive file, if the schema is hosted on the service in an archive file. | |
ARPProxyEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | boolean | Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) proxy status. |
ARPSuppressionEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | boolean | Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) suppression status. |
ARPSupressionEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | boolean | Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) suppression status. |
ArraySizeMaximum | ActionInfo (Parameters) | integer | The maximum number of array elements allowed for this parameter. |
ArraySizeMinimum | ActionInfo (Parameters) | integer | The minimum number of array elements required for this parameter. |
ASICManufacturer | FabricAdapter | string | The manufacturer name for the ASIC of this fabric adapter. |
ASICPartNumber | FabricAdapter | string | The part number for the ASIC on this fabric adapter. |
ASICRevisionIdentifier | FabricAdapter | string | The revision identifier for the ASIC on this fabric adapter. |
ASNumberRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP) | object | Autonomous System (AS) number range. |
Assemblies | Assembly | array | The assembly records. |
Assembly | Processor | object | The link to an assembly associated with this processor. |
Battery | object | The link to the assembly associated with this battery. | |
Cable | object | The link to the assembly associated with this cable. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the assembly associated with this chassis. | |
CoolingUnit | object | The link to the assembly associated with this cooling unit. | |
Drive | object | The link to the assembly associated with this drive. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | object | The link to the assembly associated with this fan. | |
Filter | object | The link to the assembly associated with this filter. | |
Heater | object | The link to the assembly associated with this heater. | |
PCIeDevice | object | The link to the assembly associated with this PCIe device. | |
PowerSupply | object | The link to the assembly associated with this power supply. | |
Pump | object | The link to the assembly associated with this pump. | |
Reservoir | object | The link to the assembly associated with this reservoir. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | object | The link to the assembly associated with this storage controller. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the assembly resource associated with this adapter. | |
Memory | object | The link to the assembly resource associated with this memory device. | |
Power (PowerSupplies) | object | The link to the assembly resource associated with this power supply. | |
AssetTag | Cable | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this cable. |
Drive | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this drive. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution, Pump | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this equipment. | |
GraphicsController | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this graphics controller. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this PCIe device. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this storage controller. | |
Switch | string | The user-assigned asset tag for this switch. | |
Chassis | string | The user-assigned asset tag of this chassis. | |
ComputerSystem | string | The user-definable tag that can track this computer system for inventory or other client purposes. | |
AssignablePhysicalNetworkPorts | NetworkDeviceFunction | array | An array of physical ports to which this network device function can be assigned. |
AssignablePhysicalPorts | NetworkDeviceFunction | array | An array of physical ports to which this network device function can be assigned. |
AssignedPrivileges | Role | array | The Redfish privileges for this role. |
AssignReplicaTarget (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to establish a replication relationship by assigning an existing volume to serve as a target replica for an existing source volume. |
AssociatedControls | Sensor (Links) | array | An array of links to the controls that can affect this sensor. |
AssociatedEndpoints | Port (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints at the other end of the link. |
AssociatedFeaturesRegistry | Volume (Operations) | object | A reference to the task associated with the operation if any. |
AssociatedMACAddresses | Port (Ethernet) | array | An array of configured MAC addresses that are associated with this network port, including the programmed address of the lowest-numbered network device function, the configured but not active address, if applicable, the address for hardware port teaming, or other network addresses. |
AssociatedNetworkAddresses | NetworkPort | array | An array of configured MAC or WWN network addresses that are associated with this network port, including the programmed address of the lowest-numbered network device function, the configured but not active address, if applicable, the address for hardware port teaming, or other network addresses. |
AssociatedNodeGUIDs | Port (InfiniBand) | array | An array of configured node GUIDs that are associated with this network port, including the programmed address of the lowest-numbered network device function, the configured but not active address, if applicable, the address for hardware port teaming, or other network addresses. |
AssociatedPhysicalContext | SoftwareInventory | string (enum) | The area or device to which the software applies. Used to distinguish when different parts of a device have different software components. |
AssociatedPortGUIDs | Port (InfiniBand) | array | An array of configured port GUIDs that are associated with this network port, including the programmed address of the lowest-numbered network device function, the configured but not active address, if applicable, the address for hardware port teaming, or other network addresses. |
AssociatedSensors | Control | array | An array of links to the sensors associated with this control. |
AssociatedSystemGUIDs | Port (InfiniBand) | array | An array of configured system GUIDs that are associated with this network port, including the programmed address of the lowest-numbered network device function, the configured but not active address, if applicable, the address for hardware port teaming, or other network addresses. |
AssociatedTask | Drive (Operations) | object | The link to the task associated with the operation, if any. |
AssociatedWorldWideNames | Port (FibreChannel) | array | An array of configured World Wide Names (WWN) that are associated with this network port, including the programmed address of the lowest-numbered network device function, the configured but not active address, if applicable, the address for hardware port teaming, or other network addresses. |
AttachedVolumes | StorageController (Links) | array | An array of links to volumes that are attached to this controller instance. |
AttachNamespaces (Action) | StorageController (Actions) | object | This action attaches referenced namespaces to the storage controller. Attached namespaces are added to the AttachedVolumes property in Links . |
AttributeName | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | string | The unique name for the attribute. |
AttributeRegistry | Bios | string | The resource ID of the attribute registry that has the system-specific information about a BIOS resource. |
Attributes | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries) | array | An array of attributes and their possible values in the attribute registry. |
Bios | object | The list of BIOS attributes specific to the manufacturer or provider. | |
Audience | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > OAuth2Service), AccountService (LDAP > OAuth2Service), AccountService (OAuth2 > OAuth2Service), AccountService (TACACSplus > OAuth2Service), ExternalAccountProvider (OAuth2Service) | array | The allowable audience strings of the Redfish service. |
Authentication | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | object | The authentication information for the external account provider. |
OutboundConnection | string (enum) | The authentication mechanism for the WebSocket connection. | |
EventService (SMTP) | string (enum) | The authentication method for the SMTP server. | |
AuthenticationKey | AggregationSource (SNMP), EventDestination (SNMP), ManagerAccount (SNMP) | string | The secret authentication key for SNMPv3. |
AuthenticationKeySet | AggregationSource (SNMP), EventDestination (SNMP), ManagerAccount (SNMP) | boolean | Indicates if the AuthenticationKey property is set. |
AuthenticationMethod | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string (enum) | The iSCSI boot authentication method for this network device function. |
AuthenticationModes | HostInterface | array | The authentication modes available on this interface. |
AuthenticationProtocol | AggregationSource (SNMP), EventDestination (SNMP), ManagerAccount (SNMP) | string (enum) | The authentication protocol for SNMPv3. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | string (enum) | The authentication protocol used for SNMP access to this manager. | |
AuthenticationType | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > Authentication), AccountService (LDAP > Authentication), AccountService (OAuth2 > Authentication), AccountService (TACACSplus > Authentication), ExternalAccountProvider (Authentication) | string (enum) | The type of authentication used to connect to the external account provider. |
AuthFailureLoggingThreshold | AccountService | integer | The number of authorization failures per account that are allowed before the failed attempt is logged to the manager log. |
AuthNoneRole | HostInterface (Links) | object | The link to the Redfish role that contains the privileges on this host interface when no authentication is performed. |
AuthNoneRoleId | HostInterface | string | The role when no authentication on this interface is used. |
AuthorizationScope | License | string (enum) | The authorization scope of the license. |
AuthorizationService | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > TACACSplusService), AccountService (LDAP > TACACSplusService), AccountService (OAuth2 > TACACSplusService), AccountService (TACACSplus > TACACSplusService), ExternalAccountProvider (TACACSplusService) | string | The TACACS+ service authorization argument. |
AuthorizedDevices | License (Links) | array | An array of links to the devices authorized by the license. |
LicenseService (Actions > Install (Action)) | array | An array of links to the devices to be authorized by the license. | |
AutoClearResolvedEntries | LogService | string (enum) | Indicates if this log service automatically clears the resolved log entries. |
AutoDSTEnabled | LogService | boolean | An indication of whether the log service is configured for automatic Daylight Saving Time (DST) adjustment. |
Manager | boolean | An indication of whether the manager is configured for automatic Daylight Saving Time (DST) adjustment. | |
AutomaticRetryAttempts | ComputerSystem (Boot) | integer | The number of attempts the system will automatically retry booting. |
AutomaticRetryConfig | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string (enum) | The configuration of how the system retries booting automatically. |
AutoNeg | EthernetInterface | boolean | An indication of whether the speed and duplex are automatically negotiated and configured on this interface. |
AutoSpeedNegotiation | NetworkPort (SupportedLinkCapabilities) | boolean | An indication of whether the port is capable of autonegotiating speed. |
AutoSpeedNegotiationCapable | Port (LinkConfiguration) | boolean | An indication of whether the port is capable of autonegotiating speed. |
AutoSpeedNegotiationEnabled | Port (LinkConfiguration) | boolean | Controls whether this port is configured to enable autonegotiating speed. |
AutoTransferEnabled | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | boolean | Indicates if the qualified alternate mains circuit is automatically switched on when the preferred mains circuit becomes unqualified and is automatically switched off. |
AutoVolumeCreate | Storage | string (enum) | Indicates if this storage subsystem automatically creates new volumes for unassigned drives. |
AvailableBytes | ManagerDiagnosticData (MemoryStatistics) | integer (bytes) | The amount of memory available in bytes for starting new processes without swapping. |
AvailableSparePercent | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | number (%) | The normalized percentage of the remaining spare capacity available. |
AvailableSpareThresholdPercent | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | number (%) | The available spare threshold as a normalized percentage. |
AverageConsumedWatts | Power (PowerControl > PowerMetrics) | number (watts) | The average power level over the measurement window over the last IntervalInMin minutes. |
AverageFrequencyMHz | ProcessorMetrics | number (MHz) | The average frequency of the processor. |
AveragePowerBudgetMilliWatts | Memory (PowerManagementPolicy) | integer (milliwatts) | Average power budget, in milliwatt units. |
AverageReading | Sensor | number | The average sensor value. |
AveragingInterval | Sensor | string | The interval over which the average sensor value is calculated. |
AveragingIntervalAchieved | Sensor | boolean | Indicates that enough readings were collected to calculate the average sensor reading over the averaging interval time. |
BackpressureAveragePercentage | PortMetrics (CXL) | integer (%) | The average congestion of the port as a percentage. |
BackpressureSampleInterval | Port (CXL > Congestion) | integer | The interval for the CXL Specification-defined 'Egress Port Congestion' mechanism to take samples in nanoseconds. |
BadBlockCount | DriveMetrics | integer | The total number of bad blocks reported by the drive. |
BandwidthPercent | ProcessorMetrics | number (%) | The bandwidth usage of this processor as a percentage. |
MemoryMetrics | number (%) | The memory bandwidth utilization as a percentage. | |
BaseAsym | SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Denied > Algorithms) | array | The asymmetric signature algorithms. |
BaseDistinguishedNames | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (LDAP > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (OAuth2 > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (TACACSplus > LDAPService > SearchSettings), ExternalAccountProvider (LDAPService > SearchSettings) | array | The base distinguished names to use to search an external LDAP service. |
BaseHash | SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (SPDM > Denied > Algorithms) | array | The hash algorithms. |
BaseModuleType | Memory | string (enum) | The base module type of the memory device. |
BaseSpeedMHz | OperatingConfig, Processor | integer (MHz) | The base (nominal) clock speed of the processor in MHz. |
OperatingConfig (BaseSpeedPrioritySettings) | integer (MHz) | The clock speed to configure the set of cores in MHz. | |
BaseSpeedPrioritySettings | OperatingConfig | array | The clock speed for sets of cores when the configuration is operational. |
BaseSpeedPriorityState | Processor | string (enum) | The state of the base frequency settings of the operation configuration applied to this processor. |
BatchSize | Aggregate (Actions > Reset (Action)), AggregationService (Actions > Reset (Action)) | integer | The number of elements in each batch being reset. |
Batteries | Memory (Links) | array | The batteries that provide power to this memory device during a power-loss event. |
StorageController (Links) | array | The batteries that provide power to this storage controller during a power-loss event. | |
PowerSubsystem | object | The link to the collection of batteries within this subsystem. | |
BFDSingleHopOnly | AddressPool (Ethernet) | object | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) related properties for this Ethernet fabric. |
BGPEvpn | AddressPool (Ethernet) | object | BGP Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) related properties for this Ethernet fabric. |
BGPLocalPreference | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | integer | Local preference value. |
BGPNeighbor | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP) | object | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor related properties. |
BGPRoute | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP) | object | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route-related properties. |
BGPWeight | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | integer | BGP weight attribute. |
BinaryDataURI | Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The URI at which to access an image of the assembly information. |
Bios | ComputerSystem | object | The link to the BIOS settings associated with this system. |
BiosVersion | GraphicsController | string | The version of the graphics controller BIOS or primary graphics controller firmware. |
ComputerSystem | string | The version of the system BIOS or primary system firmware. | |
BitRate | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The receive and transmit rate of data flow, typically in bits per second (bit/s), over the serial connection. |
BlockSecurityIDEnabled | Drive | boolean | Indicates if establishment of a TCG-defined security ID (SID) on the drive is blocked. |
BlockSizeBytes | MemoryMetrics | integer (bytes) | The block size, in bytes. |
Volume | integer (bytes) | The size of the smallest addressable unit (Block) of this volume in bytes. | |
Drive | integer (bytes) | The size, in bytes, of the smallest addressable unit, or block. | |
BlockSizeMiB | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity > MemoryBlockSizesSupported) | array (mebibytes) | Set of memory block sizes supported by this memory region defined in mebibytes (MiB). |
MemoryRegion | integer (mebibytes) | The memory region block size in mebibytes (MiB). | |
BlocksRead | MemoryMetrics (LifeTime) | integer | The number of blocks read for the lifetime of the memory. |
MemoryMetrics (CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of blocks read since reset. | |
BlocksWritten | MemoryMetrics (LifeTime) | integer | The number of blocks written for the lifetime of the memory. |
MemoryMetrics (CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of blocks written since reset. | |
Boot | ComputerSystem | object | The boot settings for this system. |
Bootloader | SoftwareInventory (AdditionalVersions) | string | The bootloader version contained in this software, such as U-Boot or UEFI. |
BootMediaURI | NetworkDeviceFunction (HTTPBoot) | string | The URI of the boot media loaded with this network device function. |
BootMode | NetworkDeviceFunction | string (enum) | The boot mode configured for this network device function. |
BootNext | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string | The BootOptionReference of the Boot Option to perform a one-time boot from when BootSourceOverrideTarget is UefiBootNext . |
BootOptionEnabled | BootOption | boolean | An indication of whether the boot option is enabled. If true , it is enabled. If false , the boot option that the boot order array on the computer system contains is skipped. In the UEFI context, this property influences the load option active flag for the boot option. |
BootOptionReference | BootOption | string | The unique boot option. |
BootOptions | ComputerSystem (Boot) | object | The link to the collection of the UEFI boot options associated with this computer system. |
BootOrder | ComputerSystem (Boot) | array | An array of BootOptionReference strings that represent the persistent boot order for with this computer system. Changes to the boot order typically require a system reset before they take effect. It is likely that a client finds the @Redfish.Settings term in this resource, and if it is found, the client makes requests to change boot order settings by modifying the resource identified by the @Redfish.Settings term. |
BootOrderPropertySelection | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string (enum) | The name of the boot order property that the system uses for the persistent boot order. |
BootPriority | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel > BootTargets) | integer | The relative priority for this entry in the boot targets array. |
BootProgress | ComputerSystem | object | This object describes the last boot progress state. |
BootSourceOverrideEnabled | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string (enum) | The state of the boot source override feature. |
BootSourceOverrideMode | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string (enum) | The BIOS boot mode to use when the system boots from the BootSourceOverrideTarget boot source. |
BootSourceOverrideTarget | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string (enum) | The current boot source to use at the next boot instead of the normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled does not contain Disabled . |
BootTargets | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | array | An array of Fibre Channel boot targets configured for this network device function. |
BootTimeStatistics | ManagerDiagnosticData | object | The boot-time statistics of the manager. |
BranchCircuit | Circuit (Links) | object | A reference to the branch circuit related to this circuit. |
Outlet (Links) | object | A reference to the branch circuit related to this outlet. | |
Branches | PowerDistribution | object | A link to the branch circuits for this equipment. |
BreakerControl (Action) | Circuit (Actions) | object | This action attempts to reset the circuit breaker. |
BreakerState | Circuit | string (enum) | The state of the overcurrent protection device. |
BuffersAndCacheBytes | ManagerDiagnosticData (MemoryStatistics) | integer (bytes) | The amount of memory used in bytes by kernel buffers, page caches, and slabs. |
BurstBytesPerSecond | NetworkDeviceFunction (Limits) | integer | The maximum number of bytes per second in a burst for this network device function. |
BurstPacketsPerSecond | NetworkDeviceFunction (Limits) | integer | The maximum number of packets per second in a burst for this network device function. |
BusErrorCount | ManagerDiagnosticData (I2CBuses) | integer | The number of bus errors on this I2C bus. |
BusNumber | PCIeFunction | string | The bus number of this PCIe function. |
BusWidthBits | Memory | integer | The bus width, in bits. |
BypassTypes | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > RemoteRoleMapping > MFABypass), AccountService (LDAP > RemoteRoleMapping > MFABypass), AccountService (OAuth2 > RemoteRoleMapping > MFABypass), AccountService (TACACSplus > RemoteRoleMapping > MFABypass) | array | The types of multi-factor authentication this account or role mapping is allowed to bypass. |
CableClass | Cable | string (enum) | The identifier for the downstream resource. |
Cables | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the cables connected to this chassis. |
Port (Links) | array | An array of links to the cables connected to this port. | |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of cables. | |
CableStatus | Cable | string (enum) | The user-reported status of this resource. |
CableType | Cable | string | The type of this cable. |
Cache | ProcessorMetrics | array | The processor cache metrics. |
CacheDataVolumes | Volume (Links) | array | A pointer to the data volumes this volume serves as a cache volume. |
CacheDuration | ComputerSystem (KeyManagement > KMIPServers) | string | The duration the system caches KMIP data. |
CacheLevel | Memory | integer | The level of the cache memory. |
CacheMemory | Processor | object | The link to the collection of cache memory associated with this processor. |
CacheMetricsTotal | ProcessorMetrics | object | The total cache metrics for this processor. |
CacheMiss | ProcessorMetrics (Cache), ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CoreCache) | number | The number of cache line misses in millions. |
CacheMissesPerInstruction | ProcessorMetrics (Cache), ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CoreCache) | number | The number of cache misses per instruction. |
CachePolicy | ComputerSystem (KeyManagement > KMIPServers) | string (enum) | The cache policy to control how KMIP data is cached. |
CacheSizeMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | Total size of the cache portion memory in MiB. |
CacheSummary | Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | object | The cache memory of the storage controller in general detail. |
CacheVolumeSource | Volume (Links) | object | A pointer to the cache volume source for this volume. |
Calculable | MetricDefinition | string (enum) | An indication of whether the metric can be used in a calculation. |
CalculationAlgorithm | MetricDefinition | string (enum) | The calculation that is performed on a source metric to obtain the metric being defined. |
CalculationParameters | MetricDefinition | array | The metric properties that are part of a calculation that this metric definition defines. |
CalculationTimeInterval | MetricDefinition | string | The time interval over which the metric calculation is performed. |
Calibrate (Action) | Battery (Actions) | object | This action performs a self-calibration, or learn cycle, of the battery. |
Calibration | MetricDefinition | number | The calibration offset added to the metric reading. |
Sensor | number | The calibration offset applied to the Reading. | |
CalibrationTime | Sensor | string | The date and time that the sensor was last calibrated. |
CapabilitiesVendorID | TrustedComponent (TPM) | string | The capabilities vendor ID for this trusted component. |
Capable | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > DataCenterBridging) | boolean | An indication of whether this controller is capable of data center bridging (DCB). |
CapableLinkSpeedGbps | Port (LinkConfiguration) | array (Gbit/s) | The set of link speed capabilities of this port. |
CapableLinkSpeedMbps | NetworkPort (SupportedLinkCapabilities) | array | The set of link speed capabilities of this port. |
CapableProtocolVersions | Port | array | The protocol versions capable of being sent over this port. |
CapableSpeedGbs | Drive | number (Gbit/s) | The speed, in gigabits per second (Gbit/s) units, at which this drive can communicate to a storage controller in ideal conditions. |
Capacity | Volume | object | Capacity utilization. |
CapacityActualAmpHours | Battery | number (A.h) | The actual maximum capacity of this battery in amp-hour units. |
CapacityActualWattHours | Battery | number (W.h) | The actual maximum capacity of this battery in watt-hour units. |
CapacityBytes | Volume | integer (bytes) | The size in bytes of this Volume. |
SimpleStorage (Devices) | integer (bytes) | The size, in bytes, of the storage device. | |
Drive | integer (bytes) | The size, in bytes, of this drive. | |
CapacityLiters | Reservoir | number | The capacity of the reservoir (L). |
CapacityMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | Memory capacity in mebibytes (MiB). |
Processor (ProcessorMemory) | integer (mebibytes) | The memory capacity in MiB. | |
CapacityRatedAmpHours | Battery | number (A.h) | The rated maximum capacity of this battery in amp-hour units. |
CapacityRatedWattHours | Battery | number (W.h) | The rated maximum capacity of this battery in watt-hour units. |
CapacitySources | Volume | array | An array of space allocations to this volume. |
CapacityUtilizationPercent | MemoryMetrics | number (%) | The memory capacity utilization as a percentage. |
CapacityWatts | PowerSupply (InputRanges) | number (watts) | The maximum capacity of this power supply when operating in this input range. |
PowerSubsystem | number (watts) | The total amount of power that can be allocated to this subsystem. This value can be either the power supply capacity or the power budget that an upstream chassis assigns to this subsystem. | |
CDUs | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the coolant distribution units in this facility. |
ThermalEquipment | object | A link to a collection of coolant distribution units. | |
CellVoltages | BatteryMetrics | array | The cell voltages (V) for this battery. |
Certificate | ComponentIntegrity (Actions > TPMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | object | The URI for the certificate that represents the TPM attestation key. |
CertificateCollection | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | object | The link to the certificate collection where the certificate is installed after the certificate authority (CA) signs the certificate. |
CertificateLocations | CertificateService | object | The information about the location of certificates. |
CertificateMappingAttribute | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > ClientCertificate) | string (enum) | The client certificate attribute to map to a user. |
Certificates | CertificateLocations (Links) | array | An array of links to the certificates installed on this service. |
SecureBootDatabase | object | A link to the collection of certificates contained in this UEFI Secure Boot database. | |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > ClientCertificate) | object | The link to a collection of CA certificates used to validate client certificates. | |
various (Chassis, ComputerSystem ... ) | object | The link to a collection of certificates for device identity and attestation. | |
AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | object | The link to a collection of certificates that the external account provider uses. | |
ComputerSystem (Boot) | object | The link to a collection of certificates used for booting through HTTPS by this computer system. | |
ManagerNetworkProtocol (HTTPS) | object | The link to a collection of certificates used for HTTPS by this manager. | |
TrustedComponent | object | The link to a collection of device identity certificates of the trusted component. | |
OutboundConnection | object | The link to a collection of server certificates for the remote client referenced by the EndpointURI property. |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > SecurID) | object | The link to a collection of server certificates for the RSA SecurID server referenced by the ServerURI property. |
EventDestination | object | The link to a collection of server certificates for the server referenced by the Destination property. |
VirtualMedia | object | The link to a collection of server certificates for the server referenced by the Image property. |
ManagerAccount | object | The link to a collection of user identity certificates for this account. | |
CertificateService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the certificate service. |
CertificateString | Certificate, CertificateService (Actions > ReplaceCertificate (Action)) | string | The string for the certificate. |
CertificateType | Certificate, CertificateService (Actions > ReplaceCertificate (Action)) | string (enum) | The format of the certificate. |
CertificateUri | CertificateService (Actions > ReplaceCertificate (Action)) | object | The link to the certificate that is being replaced. |
CertificateUsageTypes | Certificate | array | The types or purposes for this certificate. |
ChallengePassword | Certificate (Actions > Rekey (Action)), Certificate (Actions > Renew (Action)), CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The challenge password to apply to the certificate for revocation requests. |
ChangePassword (Action) | Bios (Actions) | object | This action changes a BIOS password. |
ManagerAccount (Actions) | object | This action changes the account password. | |
ChangeRAIDLayout (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | Request system change the RAID layout of the volume. |
Channel | Memory (MemoryLocation) | integer | The channel number to which the memory device is connected. |
CHAP | Connection (ConnectionKeys) | object | The CHAP-specific permission key information for this connection. |
CHAPPassword | Connection (ConnectionKeys > CHAP) | string | The password for CHAP authentication. The value is null in responses. |
CHAPSecret | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The shared secret for CHAP authentication. |
CHAPUsername | Connection (ConnectionKeys > CHAP), NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The username for CHAP authentication. |
ChargePercent | BatteryMetrics | object | The amount of charge available (percent) in this battery. |
ChargeState | Battery | string (enum) | The charge state of this battery. |
Chassis | PCIeDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis in which the PCIe device is contained. |
ResourceBlock (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis in which this resource block is contained. | |
CoolingUnit (Links), PowerDistribution (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis that contain this equipment. | |
ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis that contains this system. | |
Outlet (Links) | array | Any array of links to chassis connected to this outlet. | |
CoolingLoop (Links) | object | A link to the chassis that contains this equipment. | |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of chassis. | |
Drive (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this drive. | |
EthernetInterface (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this Ethernet interface. | |
Memory (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this memory device. | |
Processor (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this processor. | |
SimpleStorage (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this simple storage. | |
Switch (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this switch. | |
ChassisId | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | Link Layer Data Protocol (LLDP) chassis ID received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | Link Layer Data Protocol (LLDP) chassis ID. | |
ChassisIdSubtype | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string (enum) | The type of identifier used for the chassis ID received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string (enum) | The type of identifier used for the chassis ID. | |
ChassisType | Chassis | string (enum) | The type of physical form factor of the chassis. |
CheckConsistency (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to force a check of the Volume's parity or redundant data to ensure it matches calculated values. |
ChunkLink | MemoryRegion (MemoryChunks) | object | The link to the memory chunk providing capacity to the memory region. |
ChunkOffsetMiB | MemoryRegion (MemoryChunks) | integer (mebibytes) | Offset of the memory chunk within the memory region in mebibytes (MiB). |
CID | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > GenZ > GCID) | string | The component identifier portion of the GCID for the entity. |
CIDR | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | The Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) value used for neighbor communication. This is the number of ones before the first zero in the subnet mask. |
CipherSuiteAllowList | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF) | array | The cipher suites that this key policy allows. |
CipherSuites | SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client > Denied > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server > Denied > Algorithms) | array | The TLS cipher suites. |
CircuitType | Circuit | string (enum) | The type of circuit. |
City | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The city or locality of the organization making the request. |
Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The city or locality of the organization of the entity. | |
ClassCode | PCIeFunction | string | The Class Code of this PCIe function. |
Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > EntityPciId), Endpoint (PciId) | string | The Class Code, Subclass, and Programming Interface code of this PCIe function. | |
ClassOfService | Volume (Links) | object | The ClassOfService that this storage volume conforms to. |
ClearCurrentPeriod (Action) | MemoryMetrics (Actions), ProcessorMetrics (Actions), SwitchMetrics (Actions) | object | This action sets the CurrentPeriod property's values to 0. |
ClearLog (Action) | LogService (Actions) | object | The action to clear the log for this log service. |
ClearMetricReports (Action) | TelemetryService (Actions) | object | The action to clear the metric reports for this telemetry service. |
Client | SecurityPolicy (TLS) | object | The TLS policy. |
CompositionReservation | string | The client that owns the reservation. | |
ResourceBlock | string | The client to which this resource block is assigned. | |
ClientCertificate | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth) | object | The settings related to client certificate authentication schemes such as mTLS or CAC/PIV. |
ClientCertificates | OutboundConnection | object | The link to a collection of client identity certificates provided to the remote client referenced by the EndpointURI property. |
EventDestination | object | The link to a collection of client identity certificates provided to the server referenced by the Destination property. |
VirtualMedia | object | The link to a collection of client identity certificates provided to the server referenced by the Image property. |
UpdateService | object | The link to a collection of client identity certificates provided to the server referenced by the ImageURI parameter in SimpleUpdate . |
ClientEndpoints | Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to the client Endpoints associated with this volume. |
ClientId | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > SecurID) | string | The client ID to use when communicating with the RSA SecurID server. |
ClientOriginIPAddress | Session | string | The IP address of the client that created the session. |
ClientSecret | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > SecurID) | string | The client secret to use when communicating with the RSA SecurID server. This property is null in responses. |
ClientSecretSet | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > SecurID) | boolean | Indicates if the ClientSecret property is set. |
ClientType | RegisteredClient | string (enum) | The type of registered client. |
ClientURI | RegisteredClient | string | The URI of the registered client. |
ClosedTransitionAllowed | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | boolean | Indicates if a make-before-break switching sequence of the mains circuits is permitted when they are both qualified and in synchronization. |
ClosedTransitionTimeoutSeconds | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | integer | The time in seconds to wait for a closed transition to occur. |
CoefficientUpdateTime | Control (ControlLoop), Pump (SpeedControlPercent > ControlLoop) | string | The date and time that the control loop coefficients were changed. |
CollectDiagnosticData (Action) | LogService (Actions) | object | The action to collect the diagnostic data for the given type. When the diagnostic data is collected, a new log entry will be created and the additional data referenced by the new log entry will contain the diagnostic data. |
CollectionDuration | MetricReportDefinition (Metrics) | string | The duration over which the function is computed. |
CollectionFunction | TelemetryService (SupportedCollectionFunctions) | string (enum) | An operation to perform over the sample. |
MetricReportDefinition (Metrics) | string (enum) | Specifies the function to perform on each of the metric properties listed in the MetricProperties property or the metric properties specified in the MetricDefinition referenced by the MetricId property. If not specified, calculations are not performed on the metric properties. |
CollectionTimeScope | MetricReportDefinition (Metrics) | string (enum) | The scope of time over which the function is applied. |
CommandLine | ManagerDiagnosticData (TopProcesses) | string | The command line of this process. |
CommandShell | Manager | object | The command shell service that this manager provides. |
Comment | Key (SSH) | string | The user-specified comment associated with this key, which typically contains the client's username and host name. |
CommonName | Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The common name of the entity. |
CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The fully qualified domain name of the component to secure. | |
CommunityAccessMode | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | string (enum) | The access level of the SNMP community. |
CommunityString | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > CommunityStrings) | string | The SNMP community string. |
CommunityStrings | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | array | The SNMP community strings. |
CompletedTaskOverWritePolicy | TaskService | string (enum) | The overwrite policy for completed tasks. This property indicates if the task service overwrites completed task information. |
CompletionCollectionInterval | Port (CXL > Congestion) | integer | The interval for the CXL Specification-defined 'Completion Counting' mechanism to collect the number of transmitted responses in a single counter in nanoseconds. |
ComponentCertificate | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > IdentityAuthentication > ResponderAuthentication), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > IdentityAuthentication) | object | A link to the certificate that represents the identity of the component. |
ComponentCommunication | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM) | object | Information about communication between the SPDM Requester and SPDM Responder. |
ComponentIntegrity (TPM) | object | Information about communication with the TPM. | |
ComponentIntegrity | TrustedComponent (Links) | array | An array of links to ComponentIntegrity resources for which the trusted component is responsible. |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of component integrity information. | |
ComponentIntegrityEnabled | ComponentIntegrity | boolean | An indication of whether security protocols are enabled for the component. |
ComponentIntegrityType | ComponentIntegrity | string (enum) | The type of security technology for the component. |
ComponentIntegrityTypeVersion | ComponentIntegrity | string | The version of the security technology. |
ComponentsProtected | ComponentIntegrity (Links), TrustedComponent (Links) | array | An array of links to resources that the target component protects. |
Compose (Action) | CompositionService (Actions) | object | This action performs a set of operations specified by a manifest. |
CompositeTemperatureCelsius | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | number (Celsius) | The composite temperature (C). |
Composition | ComputerSystem | object | Information about the composition capabilities and state of the computer system. |
CompositionReservations | CompositionService | object | The link to the collection of reservations with the composition reservation collection. |
CompositionService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the composition service. |
CompositionState | ResourceBlock (CompositionStatus) | string (enum) | The current state of the resource block from a composition perspective. |
CompositionStatus | ResourceBlock | object | The composition status details for this resource block. |
Compressed | Volume | boolean | Indicator of whether or not the Volume has compression enabled. |
ComputerSystemETag | ComputerSystem (Actions > AddResourceBlock (Action)), ComputerSystem (Actions > Decommission (Action)), ComputerSystem (Actions > RemoveResourceBlock (Action)) | string | The current ETag of the system. |
ComputerSystems | ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the computer systems available in this resource block. |
HostInterface (Links) | array | An array of links to the computer systems connected to this host interface. | |
ResourceBlock (Links) | array | An array of links to the computer systems that are composed from this resource block. | |
Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the computer systems that this chassis directly and wholly contains. | |
Condition | ServiceConditions (Conditions) | object | A condition that requires attention. |
Conditions | ServiceConditions | array | Conditions reported by this service that require attention. |
ConfigurationLock | Drive | string (enum) | Indicates whether in-band configuration requests to the drive are locked. Other properties, such as ConfigurationLockState , contain additional information regarding the status of the configuration lock. |
Storage | string (enum) | Indicates whether in-band configuration requests to the storage subsystem are locked. Other properties, such as ConfigurationLockState , contain additional information regarding the status of the configuration lock. |
ConfigurationLockCapable | Memory (SecurityCapabilities) | boolean | An indication of whether this memory device supports the locking, or freezing, of the configuration. |
ConfigurationLocked | Memory | boolean | An indication of whether the configuration of this memory device is locked and cannot be altered. |
Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | boolean | Indicates whether the configuration is locked. | |
ConfigurationLockState | Drive (NVMe), Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties) | object | The configurable features that are able to be locked from in-band usage on an NVMe subsystem and their current lock state. |
ConfiguredLinkSpeedGbps | Port (LinkConfiguration > ConfiguredNetworkLinks) | number (Gbit/s) | The link speed per lane this port is configured to use for autonegotiation. |
ConfiguredNetworkLinks | Port (LinkConfiguration) | array | The set of link speed and width pairs this port is configured to use for autonegotiation. |
ConfiguredWidth | Port (LinkConfiguration > ConfiguredNetworkLinks) | integer | The link width this port is configured to use for autonegotiation in conjunction with the link speed. |
Congestion | Port (CXL) | object | The congestion properties for this CXL port. |
CongestionTelemetryEnabled | Port (CXL > Congestion) | boolean | Indicates whether congestion telemetry collection is enabled for this port. |
ConnectedChassis | CoolantConnector (Links) | array | Any array of links to chassis at the other end of the connection. |
ConnectedCoolingLoop | CoolantConnector (Links) | object | A link to the cooling loop at the other end of the connection. |
ConnectedCoolingLoops | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to cooling loops connected to this chassis. |
ConnectedCoolingUnit | CoolantConnector (Links) | object | A link to the cooling unit at the other end of the connection. |
ConnectedDeviceMode | Port (CXL) | string (enum) | The connected device mode. |
ConnectedDeviceType | Port (CXL) | string (enum) | The connected device type. |
ConnectedEntities | Endpoint | array | All the entities connected to this endpoint. |
ConnectedPorts | Port (Links) | array | An array of links to the remote device ports at the other end of the link. |
Endpoint (Links) | array | An array of links to the switch ports or remote device ports at the other end of the link. | |
ConnectedProcessors | Processor (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors directly connected to this processor. |
ConnectedSwitches | Port (Links) | array | An array of links to the switches at the other end of the link. |
ConnectedSwitchPorts | Port (Links) | array | An array of links to the switch ports at the other end of the link. |
ConnectedVia | VirtualMedia | string (enum) | The current virtual media connection method. |
ConnectionEnabled | OutboundConnection | boolean | Indicates if the outbound connection is enabled. |
ConnectionKeys | Connection | object | The permission keys required to access the specified resources for this connection. |
ConnectionMethod | AggregationSource (Links) | object | A link to the connection method used to contact this aggregation source. |
ConnectionMethods | AggregationService | object | The link to the collection of connection methods associated with this service. |
ConnectionMethodType | ConnectionMethod | string (enum) | The type of connection method. |
ConnectionMethodVariant | ConnectionMethod | string | The variant of connection method. |
ConnectionProtocol | EventService (SMTP) | string (enum) | The connection type to the outgoing SMTP server. |
ConnectionRetryPolicy | OutboundConnection (RetryPolicy) | string (enum) | The type of retry policy for this outbound connection. |
Connections | Volume | array | An array of references to Connections that includes this volume. |
Endpoint (Links) | array | The connections to which this endpoint belongs. | |
EndpointGroup (Links) | array | The connections to which this endpoint group belongs. | |
Fabric | object | The collection of links to the connections that this fabric contains. | |
Storage | object | The collection of links to the connections that this storage subsystem contains. | |
ConnectionType | Connection | string (enum) | The type of resources this connection specifies. |
ConnectorType | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The type of connector used for this interface. |
ConnectRetrySeconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) retry timer in seconds. |
ConnectTypesSupported | Manager (CommandShell) | array | This property enumerates the command shell connection types that the implementation allows. |
ComputerSystem (GraphicalConsole), Manager (GraphicalConsole) | array | This property enumerates the graphical console connection types that the implementation allows. | |
Manager (SerialConsole) | array | This property enumerates the serial console connection types that the implementation allows. | |
ConsistencyCheckRatePercent | Storage (StorageControllers > ControllerRates) | integer | The percentage of controller resources used for performing a data consistency check on volumes. |
StorageController (ControllerRates) | integer (%) | The percentage of controller resources used for performing a data consistency check on volumes. | |
ConsistencyGroups | Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to the ConsistencyGroups associated with this volume. |
Storage | object | The consistency groups, each of which contains a set of volumes that are treated by an application or set of applications as a single resource, that are managed by this storage subsystem. | |
ConsoleEntryCommand | ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > IPMI), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > SSH), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > Telnet) | string | The command string passed to the service to select or enter the system's serial console. |
ConsumedPowerWatt | ProcessorMetrics | number (watts) | The power, in watt units, that the processor has consumed. |
ConsumingComputerSystems | ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to computer systems that are realized, in whole or in part, from this computer system. |
ConsumingEquipmentNames | CoolingLoop | array | An array of names of downstream devices that receive coolant from this cooling loop. |
ConsumingResourceBlocks | ResourceBlock (Links) | array | An array of links to resource blocks that depend on this resource block. |
Contact | License | object | The contact of the license. |
ContactName | License (Contact) | string | Name of this contact. |
ContactPerson | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The name of the user making the request. |
ContainedBy | Chassis (Links) | object | The link to the chassis that contains this chassis. |
ContainedByFacility | Facility (Links) | object | The link to the facility that contains this facility. |
ContainedByZones | Zone (Links) | array | An array of links to the zone that contain this zone. |
ContainerEngines | OperatingSystem | array | The container engines running in this operating system. |
ContainerImage | Container (Links) | object | The link to the container image for this container. |
ContainerImages | OperatingSystem | object | The link to the collection of container images available to container engines on this operating system. |
Containers | ContainerImage (Links) | array | The array of links to the containers running from this container image. |
OperatingSystem | object | The link to the collection of containers running under this operating system. | |
Contains | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to any other chassis that this chassis has in it. |
ContainsChassis | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the outermost chassis contained within this facility. |
ContainsFacilities | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to other facilities contained within this facility. |
ContainsZones | Zone (Links) | array | An array of links to the zones that are contained by this zone. |
Context | RegisteredClient | string | A client-supplied data for providing context for its own use. |
EventDestination | string | A client-supplied string that is stored with the event destination subscription. | |
Session | string | A client-supplied string that is stored with the session. | |
Event, Event (Events), MetricReport | string | A context can be supplied at subscription time. This property is the context value supplied by the subscriber. | |
ControlDelaySeconds | Control | number | The time delay in seconds before the control will activate once the value has deviated from the set point. |
ControllerBusyTimeMinutes | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The total time the controller is busy with I/O commands in minutes. |
ControllerCapabilities | NetworkAdapter (Controllers) | object | The capabilities of this controller. |
ControllerRates | Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | object | This property describes the various controller rates used for processes such as volume rebuild or consistency checks. |
Controllers | Volume (Links) | array | An array of the Controllers associated with this volume. |
NetworkAdapter | array | The set of network controllers ASICs that make up this NetworkAdapter. | |
Storage | object | The set of controllers instantiated by this storage subsystem. | |
ControllerType | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | string (enum) | The type of NVMe controller. |
ControlLoop | Control, Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | object | The control loop details. |
ControlMode | Control, EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | string (enum) | The current operating mode of the control. |
Controls | Chassis | object | The link to the collection of controls located in this chassis. |
ControlType | Control | string (enum) | The type of control. |
Coolant | CoolantConnector, CoolingUnit, Reservoir | object | Details about the coolant used in this unit. |
CoolingLoop | object | The coolant details for this cooling loop. | |
CoolantConnectorRedundancy | CoolingUnit | array | The redundancy information for the coolant connectors in this cooling unit. |
ThermalSubsystem | array | The redundancy information for the coolant connectors in this subsystem. | |
CoolantConnectors | ThermalSubsystem | object | A link to the coolant connectors for this equipment. |
CoolantConnectorType | CoolantConnector | string (enum) | The type of coolant connector. |
CoolantLevelPercent | CoolingLoop | object | The coolant capacity filled (percent). |
CoolantLevelStatus | CoolingLoop | string (enum) | The status of the coolant level in this cooling loop. |
CoolantQuality | CoolingLoop | string (enum) | The quality of the coolant. |
CoolantType | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | string (enum) | The type of coolant. |
CooledBy | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to resources or objects that cool this chassis. Normally, the link is for either a chassis or a specific set of fans. |
ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to resources or objects that cool this computer system. Normally, the link is for either a chassis or a specific set of fans. | |
CoolingCapacityWatts | CoolingUnit | integer | The cooling capacity (W) of this equipment. |
CoolingChassis | Fan (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis that are directly cooled by this fan. |
CoolingLoopName | CoolantConnector | string | The name of the cooling loop attached to this interface. |
CoolingLoopRedundancy | ThermalEquipment | array | The redundancy information for cooling loops attached to this equipment. |
CoolingLoops | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the cooling loops in this facility. |
ThermalEquipment | object | A link to a collection of cooling loops. | |
CoolingManagerURI | CoolantConnector, CoolingLoop | string | The link to the application that manages the cooling loop. |
CoolingUnits | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to cooling unit functionality contained in this chassis. |
CoreCache | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics) | array | The cache metrics of this core in the processor. |
CoreCount | OperatingConfig (BaseSpeedPrioritySettings) | integer | The number of cores to configure with a specified speed. |
ComputerSystem (ProcessorSummary) | integer | The number of processor cores in the system. | |
CoreId | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics) | string | The processor core identifier. |
CoreIDs | OperatingConfig (BaseSpeedPrioritySettings) | array | The identifier of the cores to configure with the specified speed. |
CoreMetrics | ProcessorMetrics | array | The processor core metrics. |
CoreVoltage | ProcessorMetrics | object | The core voltage (V) of this processor. |
CorrectableCoreErrorCount | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics), ProcessorMetrics | integer | The number of correctable core errors. |
CorrectableECCError | MemoryMetrics (HealthData > AlarmTrips) | boolean | An indication of whether the correctable error threshold crossing alarm trip was detected. |
MemoryMetrics (CXL > AlertCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether correctable ECC errors generate an alert to the CXL Fabric Manager or host. | |
CorrectableECCErrorCount | ProcessorMetrics (CacheMetricsTotal > LifeTime) | integer | The number of correctable errors for the lifetime of the cache memory. |
StorageControllerMetrics | integer | The number of correctable errors for the lifetime of the memory of the storage controller. | |
MemoryMetrics (LifeTime), SwitchMetrics (InternalMemoryMetrics > LifeTime) | integer | The number of correctable errors for the lifetime of the memory. | |
ProcessorMetrics (CacheMetricsTotal > CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of correctable errors of cache memory since reset or ClearCurrentPeriod action for this processor. |
SwitchMetrics (InternalMemoryMetrics > CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of correctable errors of memory since reset. | |
ManagerDiagnosticData (MemoryECCStatistics), MemoryMetrics (CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of correctable errors since reset. | |
CorrectableFECErrors | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of correctable forward error correction (FEC) errors. |
CorrectableIOReadErrorCount | DriveMetrics | integer | The number of correctable read errors for the lifetime of the drive. |
CorrectableIOWriteErrorCount | DriveMetrics | integer | The number of correctable write errors for the lifetime of the drive. |
CorrectableOtherErrorCount | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics), ProcessorMetrics | integer | The number of correctable errors of all other components. |
CorrectableParityErrorCount | StorageControllerMetrics | integer | The number of correctable parity errors for the lifetime of the memory of the storage controller. |
CorrectedPersistentErrorCount | MemoryMetrics | integer | The number of corrected errors in persistent memory. |
CorrectedVolatileErrorCount | MemoryMetrics | integer | The number of corrected errors in volatile memory. |
CorrectionInMs | Power (PowerControl > PowerLimit) | integer (ms) | The time required for the limiting process to reduce power consumption to below the limit. |
Count | ComputerSystem (ProcessorSummary) | integer | The number of physical processors in the system. |
Country | Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The country of the organization of the entity. |
CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The two-letter country code of the organization making the request. | |
CPER | Event (Events) | object | Details for a CPER section or record associated with this event. |
LogEntry | object | Details for a CPER section or record associated with this log entry. | |
CPUCorePercent | NetworkAdapterMetrics | number (%) | The device CPU core utilization as a percentage. |
CPUCount | Container (Limits) | number | The number of processors available to this container. |
Created | LogEntry | string | The date and time when the log entry was created. |
CreatedBy | OutletGroup | string | The creator of this outlet group. |
Job | string | The person or program that created this job entry. | |
CreatedDate | RegisteredClient | string | The date and time when the client entry was created. |
CreatedResources | Task (Links) | array | An array of URIs referencing the resources created as the result of the operation that produced this task. |
Job (Links) | array | An array of URIs referencing the resources created as the result of this job. | |
CreatedTime | Session | string | The date and time when the session was created. |
CreateReplicaTarget (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to create a new volume resource to provide expanded data protection through a replica relationship with the specified source volume. |
CreateTime | ContainerImage | string | The date and time when the container image was created. |
CredentialBootstrapping | HostInterface | object | The credential bootstrapping settings for this interface. |
CredentialBootstrappingRole | HostInterface (Links) | object | The link to the role that contains the privileges for the bootstrap account created for this interface. |
CrestFactor | various (BatteryMetrics (CellVoltages), BatteryMetrics (InputCurrentAmps) ... ) | number | The crest factor for this sensor. |
CriticalCircuit | Circuit | boolean | Designates if this is a critical circuit. |
CriticalCompositeTempTimeMinutes | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The amount of time in minutes that the controller has been operational and that the composite temperature has been greater than or equal to the critical composite temperature threshold. |
CriticalWarnings | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | object | The NVMe SMART critical warnings. |
CStateResidency | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics) | array | The C-state residency of this core in the processor. |
CurrentAmps | Circuit | object | The current (A) for this circuit. |
Outlet | object | The current (A) for this outlet. | |
CurrentBandwidthGbps | Switch | number (Gbit/s) | The current internal bandwidth of this switch. |
CurrentEncryptionKey | Storage (Actions > SetEncryptionKey (Action)) | string | The current local encryption key on the storage subsystem. This parameter is not needed if the controller does not currently have an encryption key. |
CurrentLinkSpeedMbps | NetworkPort | integer (Mbit/s) | Network port current link speed. |
CurrentPassword | Storage (Actions > SetControllerPassword (Action)) | string | The current controller password. This parameter is not needed if the controller does not currently have a password. |
CurrentPeriod | ProcessorMetrics (CacheMetricsTotal) | object | The cache metrics since the last reset or ClearCurrentPeriod action for this processor. |
SwitchMetrics (InternalMemoryMetrics) | object | The memory metrics since the last reset for this switch. | |
MemoryMetrics | object | The memory metrics since the last reset or ClearCurrentPeriod action. |
CurrentPortConfigurationState | Port (CXL) | string (enum) | The current port configuration state. |
CurrentProtocolVersion | Port | string | The protocol version being sent over this port. |
CurrentSpeedGbps | Port | number (Gbit/s) | The current speed of this port. |
CurrentValue | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean, number, string | The placeholder of the current value for the attribute. |
Curve | UpdateService (Actions > GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action)) | string (enum) | The curve to use with the SSH key if the KeyType parameter contains ECDSA . |
AggregationSource (Actions > GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action)) | string (enum) | The curve to use with the SSH key if the KeyType parameter contains ECDSA . |
CXL | Memory | object | CXL properties for this memory device. |
Port | object | CXL properties for this port. | |
Switch | object | CXL properties for this switch. | |
MemoryMetrics | object | The memory metrics specific to CXL devices. | |
PortMetrics | object | The port metrics specific to CXL ports. | |
CXLDevice | PCIeDevice | object | The CXL-specific properties of this PCIe device. |
CXLEntryType | LogEntry | string (enum) | The specific CXL entry type. |
CXLLogicalDevice | PCIeFunction (Links) | object | The link to the CXL logical device to which this function is assigned. |
CXLLogicalDevices | MemoryChunks (Links) | array | An array of links to the CXL logical devices associated with this memory chunk. |
MemoryDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the CXL logical devices associated with this memory domain. | |
PCIeDevice | object | The link to the collection of CXL logical devices within this PCIe device. | |
Data | StorageController (Actions > SecuritySend (Action)) | string | The data to transfer. |
DatabaseId | SecureBootDatabase | string | This property contains the name of the UEFI Secure Boot database. |
DataBits | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The number of data bits that follow the start bit over the serial connection. |
DataCenterBridging | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities) | object | Data center bridging (DCB) for this controller. |
DataLockCapable | Memory (SecurityCapabilities) | boolean | An indication of whether this memory device supports data locking. |
DataLossDetected | MemoryMetrics (HealthData) | boolean | An indication of whether data loss was detected. |
DataSourceUri | EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | string | The link to the resource that provides the data for this control. |
LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups > Detectors) | string | The link to the resource that provides the data for this leak detector. | |
various (Battery (StateOfHealthPercent), BatteryMetrics (CellVoltages) ... ) | string | The link to the resource that provides the data for this sensor. | |
DataType | ActionInfo (Parameters) | string (enum) | The JSON property type for this parameter. |
DataUnitsRead | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of 512 byte data units the host has read from the controller as part of processing a SMART Data Units Read Command in units of one thousand. |
DataUnitsWritten | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of 512 byte data units the host has written to the controller as part of processing a User Data Out Command in units of one thousand. |
DataWidthBits | Memory | integer | Data width in bits. |
DateTime | JobService | string | The current date and time setting for the job service. |
LogService | string | The current date and time with UTC offset of the log service. | |
Manager | string | The current date and time with UTC offset of the manager. | |
TaskService | string | The current date and time, with UTC offset, setting that the task service uses. | |
DateTimeLocalOffset | LogService, Manager | string | The time offset from UTC that the DateTime property is in +HH:MM format. |
DaylightSavingTime | Manager | object | The daylight saving time settings for this manager. |
DeadBand | Control | number | The maximum deviation from the set point allowed before the control will activate. |
Decommission (Action) | ComputerSystem (Actions) | object | This action decommissions a system. |
DecommissionTypes | ComputerSystem (Actions > Decommission (Action)) | array | The types of data to remove from the system. |
DedicatedNetworkPorts | Manager | object | The dedicated network ports of the manager. |
DedicatedSpareDrives | Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to the drives which are dedicated spares for this volume. |
Deduplicated | Volume | boolean | Indicator of whether or not the Volume has deduplication enabled. |
DeepOperations | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | object | The information about deep operations that the service supports. |
DeepPATCH | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > DeepOperations) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the deep PATCH operation. |
DeepPOST | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > DeepOperations) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the deep POST operation. |
DefaultRoutingEnabled | Zone | boolean | This property indicates whether routing within this zone is enabled. |
DefaultSetPoint | Control, EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts) | number | The default set point of the control. |
DefaultValue | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean, number, string | The default value for the attribute. |
DelayBetweenBatchesInSeconds | Aggregate (Actions > Reset (Action)), AggregationService (Actions > Reset (Action)) | integer (seconds) | The delay of the batches of elements being reset in seconds. |
DELETE | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides > OperationMap) | array | The privilege required to complete an HTTP DELETE operation. |
DeleteTargetVolume | Volume (Actions > RemoveReplicaRelationship (Action)) | boolean | Indicate whether or not to delete the target volume as part of the operation. |
DeliverBufferedEventDuration | EventDestination (Actions > ResumeSubscription (Action)) | string | The maximum age of buffered events that should be delivered when resuming the subscription. |
DeliveryRetryAttempts | EventService | integer | The number of times that the POST of an event is retried before the subscription terminates. This retry occurs at the service level, which means that the HTTP POST to the event destination fails with an HTTP 4XX or 5XX status code or an HTTP timeout occurs this many times before the event destination subscription terminates. |
DeliveryRetryIntervalSeconds | EventService | integer (seconds) | The interval, in seconds, between retry attempts for sending any event. |
DeliveryRetryPolicy | EventDestination | string (enum) | The subscription delivery retry policy for events, where the subscription type is RedfishEvent . |
DeltaPhysicalContext | Thermal (Temperatures) | string (enum) | The area or device to which the DeltaReadingCelsius temperature measurement applies, relative to PhysicalContext . |
DeltaPressurekPa | CoolantConnector, ThermalMetrics | object | The differential pressure (kPa). |
DeltaReadingCelsius | Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | The delta temperature reading. |
DeltaTemperatureCelsius | CoolantConnector | object | The differential temperature (C). |
DemandModeEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | boolean | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Demand Mode status. |
Denied | SecurityPolicy (SPDM) | object | The SPDM policy settings that are prohibited, such as the prohibited SPDM versions and algorithms. |
SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server) | object | The TLS policy settings that are prohibited, such as the prohibited TLS versions and algorithms. | |
DensityKgPerCubicMeter | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | number (kg/m3) | The density (kg/m^3) of the coolant. |
Dependencies | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries) | array | An array of dependencies of attributes on this component. |
Dependency | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies) | object | The dependency expression for one or more attributes in this attribute registry. |
DependencyFor | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies) | string | The AttributeName of the attribute whose change triggers the evaluation of this dependency expression. |
DepthMm | Chassis | number (mm) | The depth of the chassis. |
DesiredMinTxIntervalMilliseconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | integer | Desired Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) minimal transmit interval. |
Destination | Container (MountPoints) | string | The file system path in the container that is provided as the mount point to access the files and folders contained in the source path. |
EventDestination | string | The URI of the destination event receiver. | |
DestinationPortLower | AllowDeny | integer | The TCP, UDP, or other destination port to which this rule begins application, inclusive. |
DestinationPortUpper | AllowDeny | integer | The TCP, UDP, or other destination port to which this rule ends application, inclusive. |
DestinationURIs | Application | array | The URIs to which this application pushes data. |
DetachNamespaces (Action) | StorageController (Actions) | object | This action detaches referenced namespaces from the storage controller. Detached namespaces are removed from the AttachedVolumes property in Links . |
Detectors | LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups) | array | The leak detection states from all related leak detection devices in this group. |
DetectorState | LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups > Detectors), LeakDetector | string (enum) | The state of the leak detector. |
DeviceClass | PCIeFunction | string (enum) | The class for this PCIe function. |
DeviceEnabled | NetworkDeviceFunction | boolean | An indication of whether the network device function is enabled. |
DeviceId | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > EntityPciId), Endpoint (PciId), PCIeFunction | string | The Device ID of this PCIe function. |
DeviceID | Memory | string | Device ID. |
DeviceLocator | Memory | string | Location of the memory device in the platform. |
DeviceMaxCount | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > VirtualizationOffload > VirtualFunction) | integer | The maximum number of virtual functions supported by this controller. |
DeviceName | EnvironmentMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), HeaterMetrics (TemperatureReadingsCelsius), PowerSupplyMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), ThermalMetrics (TemperatureReadingsCelsius) | string | The name of the device. |
DeviceNumber | PCIeFunction | string | The device number of this PCIe function. |
Devices | SimpleStorage | array | The storage devices. |
DeviceType | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice) | string (enum) | The CXL device type. |
PCIeDevice | string (enum) | The device type for this PCIe device. | |
DewPointCelsius | EnvironmentMetrics | object | The dew point temperature (C). |
DHCHAP | Connection (ConnectionKeys) | object | The DHCHAP-specific permission key information for this connection. |
DHCP | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) related addressing for this Ethernet fabric. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's DHCPv4 protocol support. | |
DHCPEnabled | EthernetInterface (DHCPv4) | boolean | An indication of whether DHCP v4 is enabled on this Ethernet interface. |
DHCPInterfaceMTUBytes | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > DHCP) | integer | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). |
DHCPRelayEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > DHCP) | boolean | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay status. |
DHCPServer | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > DHCP) | array | The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) IPv4 addresses for this Ethernet fabric. |
DHCPv4 | EthernetInterface | object | DHCPv4 configuration for this interface. |
DHCPv6 | EthernetInterface | object | DHCPv6 configuration for this interface. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's DHCPv6 protocol support. | |
DHGroupAllowList | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF) | array | The Diffie-Hellman (DH) groups that this key policy allows. |
DiagnosticData | Event (Events) | string | A Base64-encoded set of diagnostic data associated with this event. |
LogEntry | string | A Base64-encoded set of diagnostic data associated with this log entry. | |
DiagnosticDataDetails | LogService | array | The detailed information for the data collected with the CollectDiagnosticData action. |
DiagnosticDataType | Event (Events), LogEntry | string (enum) | The type of data available in the DiagnosticData property or retrieved from the URI specified by the AdditionalDataURI property. |
LogService (DiagnosticDataDetails) | string (enum) | The type of diagnostic data to collect with the CollectDiagnosticData action. |
LogService (Actions > CollectDiagnosticData (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of diagnostic data to collect. | |
Differential | Control (ControlLoop), Pump (SpeedControlPercent > ControlLoop) | number | The differential coefficient. |
Direction | NetworkDeviceFunction (Limits) | string (enum) | Indicates the direction of the data to which this limit applies. |
AllowDeny | string (enum) | Indicates the direction of the data to which this permission applies. | |
DirtyShutdownCount | MemoryMetrics | integer | The number of shutdowns while outstanding writes have not completed to persistent memory. |
DisableMasterPassphrase (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Disables the master passphrase for the given region. |
DisablePassphrase (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Disable passphrase for the given region. |
DischargeCycles | BatteryMetrics | number | The number of discharges this battery has sustained. |
DiscreteTriggerCondition | Triggers | string (enum) | The conditions for a discrete metric trigger. |
DiscreteTriggers | Triggers | array | The list of discrete triggers. |
DiscreteValues | MetricDefinition | array | This array property specifies possible values of a discrete metric. |
DisplayName | MemoryChunks | string | A user-configurable string to name the memory chunk. |
Volume | string | A user-configurable string to name the volume. | |
BootOption | string | The user-readable display name of the boot option that appears in the boot order list in the user interface. | |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | string | The user-readable display string for the attribute in the defined language. | |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | string | The user-readable display string of this menu in the defined language. | |
DisplayOrder | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | integer | The ascending order, as a number, in which this attribute appears relative to other attributes. |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | integer | The ascending order, as a number, in which this menu appears relative to other menus. | |
DisplayString | Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | A human-readable string for this identifier. |
DistanceExternal | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | integer | Route distance for external routes. |
DistanceInternal | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | integer | Route distance for internal routes. |
DistanceLocal | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | integer | Route distance for local routes. |
DistributeIntoUnderlayEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | boolean | Indicates if host subnets should be distributed into the fabric underlay. |
DistributionCircuits | Outlet (Links) | array | An array of links to mains or input circuits powered by this outlet. |
Circuit (Links) | array | An array of links to the circuits powered by this circuit. | |
DNSDomainName | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | string | The Domain Name Service (DNS) domain name for this Ethernet fabric. |
DNSServer | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | array | The Domain Name Service (DNS) servers for this Ethernet fabric. |
DomainComponents | Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | array | The domain components of the entity. |
DomainID | Switch | integer | The domain ID for this switch. |
Doors | Chassis | object | The doors or access panels of the chassis. |
DoorState | Chassis (Doors > Front), Chassis (Doors > Rear) | string (enum) | The state of the door. |
DownloadURI | License | string | The URI from which to download the license file. |
DownstreamChassis | Cable (Links) | array | An array of links to the downstream chassis connected to this cable. |
DownstreamConnectorTypes | Cable | array | The connector types this cable supports. |
DownstreamName | Cable | string | The identifier for the downstream resource. |
DownstreamPorts | Cable (Links) | array | An array of links to the downstream ports connected to this cable. |
DownstreamResources | Cable (Links) | array | An array of links to the downstream resources connected to this cable. |
DriveFormFactor | Drive | string (enum) | The form factor of the drive inserted in this slot. |
DriverVersion | GraphicsController | string | The version of the graphics controller driver loaded in the operating system. |
Drives | ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the drives available in this resource block. |
Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the drives located in this chassis. | |
PCIeFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the drives that this PCIe function produces. | |
Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to the drives which contain this volume. This will reference Drives that either wholly or only partly contain this volume. | |
Volume (Actions > ChangeRAIDLayout (Action)) | array | An array of the drives to be used by the volume. | |
Storage | array | The set of drives attached to the storage controllers that this resource represents. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of drives within this chassis. | |
DwellTime | Triggers (DiscreteTriggers) | string | The amount of time that a trigger event persists before the metric action is performed. |
Triggers (NumericThresholds > LowerCritical), Triggers (NumericThresholds > LowerWarning), Triggers (NumericThresholds > UpperCritical), Triggers (NumericThresholds > UpperWarning) | string | The duration the metric value must violate the threshold before the threshold is activated. | |
Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCautionUser), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCritical), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCriticalUser), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerFatal), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCautionUser), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCritical), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCriticalUser), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperFatal) | string | The duration the sensor value must violate the threshold before the threshold is activated. | |
DynamicCapacity | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice) | object | The CXL dynamic capacity device (DCD) information for this CXL device. |
EBGP | AddressPool (Ethernet) | object | External BGP (eBGP) related properties for this Ethernet fabric. |
EBGPAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | External BGP (eBGP) related addressing for this Ethernet fabric. |
ECCModeEnabled | Processor (MemorySummary) | boolean | An indication of whether memory ECC mode is enabled for this processor. |
EEEEnabled | NetworkPort | boolean | An indication of whether IEEE 802.3az Energy-Efficient Ethernet (EEE) is enabled for this network port. |
Port (Ethernet) | boolean | Indicates whether IEEE 802.3az Energy-Efficient Ethernet (EEE) is enabled on this port. | |
EffectiveFamily | Processor (ProcessorId) | string | The effective family for this processor. |
EffectiveModel | Processor (ProcessorId) | string | The effective model for this processor. |
EfficiencyPercent | Power (PowerSupplies) | number (%) | The measured efficiency of this power supply as a percentage. |
PowerSupply (EfficiencyRatings) | number (%) | The rated efficiency of this power supply at the specified load. | |
EfficiencyRatings | PowerSupply | array | The efficiency ratings of this power supply. |
EGCriticalWarningSummary | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | object | The Endurance Group critical warnings summary. |
EgressIdentifier | RouteSetEntry | integer | The egress interface identifier. |
EgressModeratePercentage | Port (CXL > Congestion) | integer (%) | The threshold for moderate egress port congestion as a percentage. |
EgressPortBackpressureSupported | CXLLogicalDevice (QoSTelemetryCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether the device supports the CXL Specification-defined 'Egress Port Backpressure' mechanism. |
Port (CXL > QoSTelemetryCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether the port supports the CXL Specification-defined 'Egress Port Backpressure' mechanism. | |
EgressPortCongestionSupport | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice) | boolean | Indicates whether the CXL device supports egress port congestion management. |
EgressSeverePercentage | Port (CXL > Congestion) | integer (%) | The threshold for severe egress port congestion as a percentage. |
EjectMedia (Action) | VirtualMedia (Actions) | object | This action detaches remote media from virtual media. |
EjectPolicy | VirtualMedia | string (enum) | The ejection policy for the virtual media. |
EjectTimeout | VirtualMedia | string | Timeout value before the virtual media is automatically ejected. |
ElectricalBuses | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the electrical buses in this facility. |
PowerDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the electrical buses in this power domain. | |
PowerEquipment | object | The link to a collection of electrical buses. | |
ElectricalConsumerNames | Circuit | array | An array of names of downstream devices that are powered by this circuit. |
Outlet | array | An array of names of downstream devices that are powered by this outlet. | |
ElectricalContext | Circuit, Outlet, Sensor | string (enum) | The combination of current-carrying conductors. |
ElectricalSourceManagerURI | Circuit | string | The URI of the management interface for the upstream electrical source connection for this circuit. |
ElectricalSourceManagerURIs | Chassis | array | The URIs of the management interfaces for the external electrical source connections for this chassis. |
PowerSupply | array | The URIs of the management interfaces for the upstream electrical source connections for this power supply. | |
ElectricalSourceName | Circuit | string | The name of the upstream electrical source, such as a circuit or outlet, connected to this circuit. |
ElectricalSourceNames | Chassis | array | The names of the external electrical sources, such as circuits or outlets, connected to this chassis. |
PowerSupply | array | The names of the upstream electrical sources, such as circuits or outlets, connected to this power supply. | |
Elements | Aggregate (Actions > AddElements (Action)) | array | An array of resource links to add to the Elements array. |
Aggregate (Actions > RemoveElements (Action)) | array | An array of resource links to remove from the Elements array. |
Aggregate | array | The elements of this aggregate. | |
ElementsCount | Aggregate | integer | The number of entries in the Elements array. |
CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The email address of the contact within the organization making the request. | |
Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The email address of the contact within the organization of the entity. | |
EmailAddress | License (Contact) | string | Email address for this contact. |
ManagerAccount | string | The email address associated with this account. | |
EmailAttribute | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (LDAP > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (OAuth2 > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (TACACSplus > LDAPService > SearchSettings), ExternalAccountProvider (LDAPService > SearchSettings) | string | The attribute name that contains the LDAP user's email address. |
EnableAfterReset | HostInterface (CredentialBootstrapping) | boolean | An indication of whether credential bootstrapping is enabled after a reset for this interface. |
Enabled | ManagerAccount | boolean | An indication of whether an account is enabled. An administrator can disable it without deleting the user information. If true , the account is enabled and the user can log in. If false , the account is disabled and, in the future, the user cannot log in. |
AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | boolean | An indication of whether BGP neighbor communication is enabled. | |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > ClientCertificate) | boolean | An indication of whether client certificate authentication is enabled. | |
HostInterface (CredentialBootstrapping) | boolean | An indication of whether credential bootstrapping is enabled for this interface. | |
ComputerSystem (IdlePowerSaver) | boolean | An indication of whether idle power saver is enabled. | |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > OneTimePasscode) | boolean | An indication of whether multi-factor authentication using a one-time passcode is enabled. | |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > GoogleAuthenticator) | boolean | An indication of whether multi-factor authentication with Google Authenticator is enabled. | |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > MicrosoftAuthenticator) | boolean | An indication of whether multi-factor authentication with Microsoft Authenticator is enabled. | |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > SecurID) | boolean | An indication of whether multi-factor authentication with RSA SecurID is enabled. | |
SecurityPolicy (SPDM) | boolean | An indication of whether SPDM communication with devices is enabled. | |
Memory | boolean | An indication of whether this memory is enabled. | |
PCIeFunction | boolean | An indication of whether this PCIe device function is enabled. | |
Port | boolean | An indication of whether this port is enabled. | |
Processor | boolean | An indication of whether this processor is enabled. | |
Switch | boolean | An indication of whether this switch is enabled. | |
ManagerNetworkProtocol (Proxy) | boolean | Indicates if the manager uses the proxy server. | |
Sensor | boolean | Indicates whether the sensor is enabled and provides a reading. | |
EnableSNMPv1 | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | boolean | Indicates if access via SNMPv1 is enabled. |
EnableSNMPv2c | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | boolean | Indicates if access via SNMPv2c is enabled. |
EnableSNMPv3 | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | boolean | Indicates if access via SNMPv3 is enabled. |
Enclosures | Storage (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis to which this storage subsystem is attached. |
Encrypted | Volume | boolean | Is this Volume encrypted. |
EncryptionAbility | Drive | string (enum) | The encryption ability of this drive. |
EncryptionKey | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > Authentication), AccountService (LDAP > Authentication), AccountService (OAuth2 > Authentication), AccountService (TACACSplus > Authentication), ExternalAccountProvider (Authentication) | string | Specifies the encryption key. |
Storage (Actions > SetEncryptionKey (Action)) | string | The local encryption key to set on the storage subsystem. | |
AggregationSource (SNMP), EventDestination (SNMP) | string | The secret authentication key for SNMPv3. | |
ManagerAccount (SNMP) | string | The secret encryption key used in SNMPv3. | |
EncryptionKeyIdentifier | Storage (Actions > SetEncryptionKey (Action)) | string | The local encryption key identifier used by the storage subsystem. |
EncryptionKeySet | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > Authentication), AccountService (LDAP > Authentication), AccountService (OAuth2 > Authentication), AccountService (TACACSplus > Authentication), AggregationSource (SNMP), EventDestination (SNMP), ExternalAccountProvider (Authentication), ManagerAccount (SNMP) | boolean | Indicates if the EncryptionKey property is set. |
EncryptionMode | Storage | string (enum) | The encryption mode of this storage subsystem. |
EncryptionProtocol | AggregationSource (SNMP), EventDestination (SNMP), ManagerAccount (SNMP) | string (enum) | The encryption protocol for SNMPv3. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | string (enum) | The encryption protocol used for SNMPv3 access to this manager. | |
EncryptionStatus | Drive | string (enum) | The status of the encryption of this drive. |
EncryptionTypes | Volume | array | The types of encryption used by this Volume. |
EndDateTime | Manager (DaylightSavingTime) | string | The end date and time with UTC offset of daylight saving time. |
Endpoint | Zone (Actions > AddEndpoint (Action)) | object | The endpoint to add to the zone. |
Zone (Actions > RemoveEndpoint (Action)) | object | The endpoint to remove from the zone. | |
EndpointETag | Zone (Actions > AddEndpoint (Action)) | string | The current ETag of the endpoint to add to the zone. |
Zone (Actions > RemoveEndpoint (Action)) | string | The current ETag of the endpoint to remove from the system. | |
EndpointGroups | Storage | object | All of the endpoint groups, each of which contains a set of endpoints that are used for a common purpose such as an ACL or logical identification, that belong to this storage subsystem. |
Fabric | object | The collection of links to the endpoint groups that this fabric contains. | |
EndpointProtocol | Endpoint | string (enum) | The protocol supported by this endpoint. |
Endpoints | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to endpoints associated with this network device function. |
CXLLogicalDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints associated with this CXL logical device. | |
Memory (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints associated with this memory. | |
AccelerationFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this acceleration function. | |
Storage (StorageControllers > Links), StorageController (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this controller. | |
Drive (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this drive. | |
EthernetInterface (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this Ethernet interface. | |
MediaController (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this media controller. | |
MemoryChunks (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this memory chunk. | |
Processor (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this processor. | |
Switch (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this switch. | |
ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that connect to this system. | |
FabricAdapter (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that represent the logical fabric connection to this fabric adapter. | |
AddressPool (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that this address pool contains. | |
EndpointGroup, EndpointGroup (Links) | array | The endpoints in this endpoint group. | |
Zone (Links) | array | The links to the endpoints that this zone contains. | |
Fabric | object | The collection of links to the endpoints that this fabric contains. | |
EndpointURI | OutboundConnection | string | The URI of the WebSocket connection to the remote client. |
EndTime | Job | string | The date and time when the job was completed. |
Task | string | The date and time when the task was completed. This property will only appear when the task is complete. | |
EndToEndCRCErrors | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number of ECRC transient errors detected. |
EnergyJoules | EnvironmentMetrics | object | Energy consumption (J). |
EnergykWh | ThermalMetrics | object | Energy consumption (kWh) of the thermal management subsystem. |
EnvironmentMetrics, PowerDistributionMetrics | object | Energy consumption (kWh). | |
Circuit | object | The energy (kWh) for this circuit. | |
OutletGroup | object | The energy (kWh) for this outlet group. | |
Outlet | object | The energy (kWh) for this outlet. | |
PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The energy consumption (kWh) of this unit. | |
EngineeringChangeLevel | Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The engineering change level of the assembly. |
EngineId | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | object | The engine ID. |
EnterDwellTimeSeconds | ComputerSystem (IdlePowerSaver) | integer (seconds) | The duration in seconds the computer system is below the EnterUtilizationPercent value before the idle power save is activated. |
EnterpriseSpecificMethod | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > EngineId) | string | The enterprise-specific method. |
EnterUtilizationPercent | ComputerSystem (IdlePowerSaver) | number (%) | The percentage of utilization when the computer system enters idle power save. If the computer system's utilization goes below this value, it enters idle power save. |
EntitlementId | License | string | The entitlement identifier for this license. |
Entity | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings) | string | The resource name, such as Manager . |
EntityLink | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | object | The link to the associated entity. |
EntityPciId | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | object | The PCI ID of the connected entity. |
EntityRole | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | string (enum) | The role of the connected entity. |
EntityType | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | string (enum) | The type of the connected entity. |
Entries | LogService | object | The link to the log entry collection. |
EntryCode | LogEntry | string (enum) | The entry code for the log entry if the entry type is SEL . |
EntryType | LogEntry | string (enum) | The type of log entry. |
EnvironmentalClass | Chassis | string (enum) | The ASHRAE Environmental Class for this chassis. |
EnvironmentMetrics | Chassis | object | The link to the environment metrics for this chassis. |
Drive | object | The link to the environment metrics for this drive. | |
CoolingUnit | object | The link to the environment metrics for this equipment. | |
Facility | object | The link to the environment metrics for this facility. | |
MediaController | object | The link to the environment metrics for this media controller. | |
Memory | object | The link to the environment metrics for this memory. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the environment metrics for this network adapter. | |
PCIeDevice | object | The link to the environment metrics for this PCIe device. | |
Port | object | The link to the environment metrics for this port or any attached small form-factor pluggable (SFP) device. | |
Processor | object | The link to the environment metrics for this processor. | |
StorageController | object | The link to the environment metrics for this storage controller. | |
Switch | object | The link to the environment metrics for this switch. | |
EquipmentType | CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution | string (enum) | The type of equipment this resource represents. |
ErrorCorrection | Memory | string (enum) | Error correction scheme supported for this memory device. |
ESINumberRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | object | The Ethernet Segment Identifier (ESI) number range for the fabric. |
EstimatedDuration | Job | string | The estimated total time required to complete the job. |
Task | string | The estimated total time required to complete the task. | |
LogService (DiagnosticDataDetails) | string | The estimated total time required to generate the data with the CollectDiagnosticData action. |
EstimatedSizeBytes | LogService (DiagnosticDataDetails) | integer | The estimated size of the data collected by CollectDiagnosticData action. |
Ethernet | Port | object | Ethernet properties for this port. |
NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The Ethernet capabilities, status, and configuration values for this network device function. | |
Processor (FPGA > ExternalInterfaces), Processor (FPGA > HostInterface), Processor (SystemInterface) | object | The Ethernet-related information for this interface. | |
AddressPool | object | The Ethernet-related properties for this address pool. | |
NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | object | The network function metrics specific to Ethernet adapters. | |
EthernetInterface | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links) | object | The link to a virtual Ethernet interface that was created when one of the network device function VLANs is represented as a virtual NIC for the purpose of showing the IP address associated with that VLAN. |
EthernetInterfaces | ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the Ethernet interfaces available in this resource block. |
PCIeFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the Ethernet interfaces that this PCIe function produces. | |
NetworkDeviceFunction (Links) | array | The links to Ethernet interfaces that were created when one of the network device function VLANs is represented as a virtual NIC for the purpose of showing the IP address associated with that VLAN. | |
Port (Links) | array | The links to the Ethernet interfaces this port provides. | |
NetworkDeviceFunction (Ethernet) | object | The Ethernet interface collection that contains the interfaces on this network device function. | |
Manager | object | The link to a collection of NICs that this manager uses for network communication. | |
Container | object | The link to the collection of Ethernet interfaces associated with this container. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of Ethernet interfaces associated with this system. | |
EthernetInterfaceType | EthernetInterface | string (enum) | The type of interface. |
EventFormatType | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the EventFormatType property. |
EventDestination | string (enum) | The content types of the message that are sent to the EventDestination . |
EventFormatTypes | EventService | array | The content types of the message that this service can send to the event destination. |
EventGroupId | LogEntry | integer | An identifier that correlates events with the same cause. |
EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | integer | The group identifier for the event. | |
Event (Events) | integer | The identifier that correlates events with the same root cause. If 0 , no other event is related to this event. |
EventId | EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string | The ID for the event to add. |
LogEntry | string | The unique instance identifier for an event. | |
Event (Events) | string | The unique instance identifier of an event. | |
Events | Event | array | Each event in this array has a set of properties that describe the event. Because this is an array, more than one event can be sent simultaneously. |
EventService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the event service. |
EventTimestamp | EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string | The date and time for the event to add. |
LogEntry | string | The date and time when the event occurred. | |
Event (Events) | string | The time the event occurred. | |
EventTriggers | Triggers | array | The array of MessageId values that specify when a trigger condition is met based on an event. |
EventType | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the EventTypes property. |
EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string (enum) | The type for the event to add. | |
LogEntry | string (enum) | The type of event recorded in this log. | |
Event (Events) | string (enum) | The type of event. | |
EventTypes | EventDestination | array | The types of events that are sent to the destination. |
EventTypesForSubscription | EventService | array | The types of events to which a client can subscribe. |
EVINumberRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | object | The Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) Instance number (EVI) number range for the fabric. |
ExcerptQuery | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the excerpt query parameter. |
ExcludeAddresses | ManagerNetworkProtocol (Proxy) | array | Addresses that do not require the proxy server to access. |
ExcludeMessageId | EventService | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the ExcludeMessageIds property. |
ExcludeMessageIds | EventDestination | array | The list of MessageId values that are not sent to this event destination. |
ExcludeRegistryPrefix | EventService | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the ExcludeRegistryPrefixes property. |
ExcludeRegistryPrefixes | EventDestination | array | The list of prefixes for the message registries that contain the MessageId values that are not sent to this event destination. |
Exhaust | ThermalMetrics (TemperatureSummaryCelsius) | object | The exhaust temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem. |
ExitDwellTimeSeconds | ComputerSystem (IdlePowerSaver) | integer (seconds) | The duration in seconds the computer system is above the ExitUtilizationPercent value before the idle power save is stopped. |
ExitUtilizationPercent | ComputerSystem (IdlePowerSaver) | number (%) | The percentage of utilization when the computer system exits idle power save. If the computer system's utilization goes above this value, it exits idle power save. |
ExpandAll | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > ExpandQuery) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the asterisk (* ) option of the $expand query parameter. |
ExpandQuery | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | object | The information about the use of $expand in the service. |
ExpirationDate | RegisteredClient | string | The date and time when the client entry will expire. |
License | string | The date and time when the license expires. | |
ExtentOffsetMiB | MemoryRegion (MemoryExtents) | integer (mebibytes) | Offset of the memory extent within the memory region in mebibytes (MiB). |
ExtentsCount | MemoryRegion | integer | The number of extents defined for this memory region. |
ExtentSizeMiB | MemoryRegion (MemoryExtents) | integer (mebibytes) | Size of the memory extent in mebibytes (MiB). |
ExternalAccessibility | Zone | string (enum) | Indicates accessibility of endpoints in this zone to endpoints outside of this zone. |
ExternalCompareRouterIdEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | boolean | Compare router identifier status. |
ExternalInterfaces | Processor (FPGA) | array | An array of the FPGA external interfaces. |
ExternallyAccessible | HostInterface | boolean | An indication of whether external entities can access this interface. External entities are non-host entities. For example, if the host and manager are connected through a switch and the switch also exposes an external port on the system, external clients can also use the interface, and this property value is true . |
FabricAdapters | MemoryDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the fabric adapters that present this memory domain to a fabric. |
Processor (Links) | array | An array of links to the fabric adapters that present this processor to a fabric. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of fabric adapters associated with this system. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of fabric adapters located in this chassis that provide access to fabric-related resource pools. | |
FabricLinkAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | Link-related IPv4 addressing for this Ethernet fabric typically applied to connections between spine and leaf Ethernet switches. |
FabricName | Port (FibreChannel) | string | The Fibre Channel Fabric Name provided by the switch. |
Fabrics | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of fabrics. |
FabricType | FabricAdapter | string (enum) | The configured fabric type of this fabric adapter. |
Fabric | string (enum) | The protocol being sent over this fabric. | |
FabricTypeCapabilities | FabricAdapter | array | An array of fabric types supported by this fabric adapter. |
Facilities | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of facilities. |
Facility | CoolingLoop (Links), CoolingUnit (Links), PowerDistribution (Links) | object | A link to the facility that contains this equipment. |
Chassis (Links) | object | The link to the facility that contains this chassis. | |
FacilityType | Facility | string (enum) | The type of location this resource represents. |
FailurePredicted | Drive | boolean | An indication of whether this drive currently predicts a failure in the near future. |
FallbackAddress | EthernetInterface (DHCPv4) | string (enum) | DHCPv4 fallback address method for this interface. |
Family | Processor | string | The processor family. |
FanDiameterMm | Fan | integer (mm) | The diameter of the fan assembly in millimeter units. |
FanName | Thermal (Fans) | string | The name of the fan. |
FanRedundancy | ThermalSubsystem | array | The redundancy information for the groups of fans in this subsystem. |
Fans | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the fans that cool this chassis. |
Thermal | array | The set of fans for this chassis. | |
ThermalSubsystem | object | The link to the collection of fans within this subsystem. | |
FanSpeedPercent | PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The fan speed (percent) for this power supply. |
FanSpeedsPercent | EnvironmentMetrics, PowerSupplyMetrics | array | Fan speeds (percent). |
FCFabricName | NetworkPort | string | The FC Fabric Name provided by the switch. |
FCoEActiveVLANId | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | integer | The active FCoE VLAN ID. |
FCoELocalVLANId | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | integer | The locally configured FCoE VLAN ID. |
FCPortConnectionType | NetworkPort | string (enum) | The connection type of this port. |
Feeders | PowerDistribution | object | A link to the feeder circuits for this equipment. |
FiberConnectionType | Port (SFP) | string (enum) | The type of fiber connection currently used by this SFP. |
FibreChannel | Port | object | Fibre Channel properties for this port. |
NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The Fibre Channel capabilities, status, and configuration values for this network device function. | |
PortMetrics | object | The Fibre Channel-specific port metrics for network ports. | |
NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | object | The network function metrics specific to Fibre Channel adapters. | |
FibreChannelId | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | string | The Fibre Channel ID that the switch assigns for this interface. |
FileSystems | Storage | object | All file systems that are allocated by this storage subsystem. |
FilterQuery | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the $filter query parameter. |
FilterQueryComparisonOperations | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the eq , ge , gt , le , lt , and ne options for the $filter query parameter. |
FilterQueryCompoundOperations | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the () , and , not , and or options for the $filter query parameter. |
FilterRedundancy | CoolingUnit | array | The redundancy information for the groups of filters in this unit. |
Filters | Pump, Reservoir | object | A link to a collection of filters. |
CoolingUnit | object | A link to the filters for this equipment. | |
Fingerprint | Key (SSH) | string | A fingerprint of the key. |
Certificate | string | The fingerprint of the certificate. | |
FingerprintHashAlgorithm | Certificate | string | The hash algorithm for the fingerprint of the certificate. |
FirmwareApiVersion | Memory | string | Version of API supported by the firmware. |
FirmwareAuthEnabled | HostInterface | boolean | An indication of whether this firmware authentication is enabled for this interface. |
FirmwareAuthRole | HostInterface (Links) | object | The link to the Redfish role that has firmware authentication privileges on this host interface. |
FirmwareAuthRoleId | HostInterface | string | The Redfish role used for firmware authentication on this interface. |
FirmwareCommit | Drive (NVMe > ConfigurationLockState), Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties > ConfigurationLockState) | string (enum) | The lock state of the NVMe-defined Firmware Commit command. |
FirmwareId | Processor (FPGA) | string | The FPGA firmware identifier. |
FirmwareImageDownload | Drive (NVMe > ConfigurationLockState), Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties > ConfigurationLockState) | string (enum) | The lock state of the NVMe-defined Firmware Image Download command. |
FirmwareInventory | UpdateService | object | An inventory of firmware. |
FirmwareManufacturer | Processor (FPGA) | string | The FPGA firmware manufacturer. |
FirmwarePackageVersion | NetworkAdapter (Controllers) | string | The version of the user-facing firmware package. |
FirmwareRevision | Memory | string | Revision of firmware on the memory controller. |
FirmwareTimeSeconds | ManagerDiagnosticData (BootTimeStatistics) | number | The number of seconds the manager spent in the firmware stage. |
FirmwareVersion | AttributeRegistry (SupportedSystems) | string | Firmware version. |
Battery | string | The firmware version for this battery. | |
Drive | string | The firmware version for this drive. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string | The firmware version for this power supply. | |
Processor | string | The firmware version of the processor. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution, Pump | string | The firmware version of this equipment. | |
FabricAdapter | string | The firmware version of this fabric adapter. | |
Manager | string | The firmware version of this manager. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The firmware version of this storage controller. | |
Switch | string | The firmware version of this switch. | |
ComputerSystem (TrustedModules) | string | The firmware version of this Trusted Module. | |
Processor (FPGA) | string | The FPGA firmware version. | |
TrustedComponent | string | The software version of the active software image on the trusted component. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The version of firmware for this PCIe device. | |
FirmwareVersion2 | ComputerSystem (TrustedModules) | string | The second firmware version of this Trusted Module, if applicable. |
FirstOverflowTimestamp | LogEntry | string | The timestamp of the first overflow captured after this log entry. |
FlapDampingEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | boolean | Route flap dampening status. |
FloorPDUs | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the floor power distribution units in this facility. |
PowerDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the floor power distribution units in this power domain. | |
PowerEquipment | object | A link to a collection of floor power distribution units. | |
FlowControl | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The type of flow control, if any, that is imposed on the serial connection. |
FlowControlConfiguration | NetworkPort | string (enum) | The locally configured 802.3x flow control setting for this network port. |
Port (Ethernet) | string (enum) | The locally configured 802.3x flow control setting for this port. | |
FlowControlStatus | NetworkPort | string (enum) | The 802.3x flow control behavior negotiated with the link partner for this network port (Ethernet-only). |
Port (Ethernet) | string (enum) | The 802.3x flow control behavior negotiated with the link partner for this port. | |
FlowLitersPerMinute | CoolantConnector | object | The liquid flow (L/min). |
FluidLevelPercent | Reservoir | object | The fluid capacity filled (percent). |
FluidLevelStatus | Reservoir | string (enum) | The status of the fluid level in this reservoir. |
ForceEnable (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | Request system force the volume to an enabled state regardless of data loss. |
ForceFailover (Action) | Manager (Actions) | object | The ForceFailover action forces a failover of this manager to the manager used in the parameter. |
ForceUpdate | UpdateService (HttpPushUriOptions) | boolean | An indication of whether the service should bypass update policies when applying the HttpPushUri -provided image. |
UpdateService (Actions > SimpleUpdate (Action)) | boolean | An indication of whether the service should bypass update policies when applying the provided image. The default is false . |
FormattedLBASize | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | string | The LBA data size and metadata size combination that the namespace has been formatted with. |
FPGA | Processor | object | The properties for processors of the FPGA type. |
FpgaReconfigurationSlots | AccelerationFunction | array | An array of the reconfiguration slot identifiers of the FPGA that this acceleration function occupies. |
FpgaType | Processor (FPGA) | string (enum) | The FPGA type. |
FQDN | EthernetInterface | string | The complete, fully qualified domain name that DNS obtains for this interface. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | string | The fully qualified domain name for the manager obtained by DNS including the host name and top-level domain name. | |
FreeBytes | ManagerDiagnosticData (MemoryStatistics) | integer (bytes) | The amount of free memory in bytes. |
FreePool | CompositionService | object | The link to the collection of resource blocks within the free pool. Resource blocks in the free pool are not contributing to any composed resources. |
FreeStorageSpaceKiB | ManagerDiagnosticData | integer (KiBy) | The available storage space on this manager in kibibytes (KiB). |
FreezeSecurityState (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Freezes the security state of the memory device. |
FrequencyHz | Circuit | object | The frequency (Hz) for this circuit. |
Outlet | object | The frequency (Hz) for this outlet. | |
PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The frequency (Hz) for this power supply. | |
FrequencyRatio | ProcessorMetrics | number | The frequency relative to the nominal processor frequency ratio. |
FromAddress | EventService (SMTP) | string | The 'from' email address of the outgoing email. |
Front | Chassis (Doors) | object | The front door of the chassis. |
FTP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's FTP protocol support. |
FTPS | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's FTP over SSL (FTPS) protocol support that apply to all system instances controlled by this manager. |
FullDuplex | EthernetInterface | boolean | An indication of whether full-duplex mode is enabled on the Ethernet connection for this interface. |
FunctionClasses | Memory | array | Function classes by the memory device. |
FunctionEnabled | ComputerSystem (HostWatchdogTimer) | boolean | An indication of whether a user has enabled the host watchdog timer functionality. This property indicates only that a user has enabled the timer. To activate the timer, installation of additional host-based software is necessary; an update to this property does not initiate the timer. |
FunctionId | PCIeFunction | integer | The PCIe function number. |
FunctionMaxBandwidth | Port | array | An array of maximum bandwidth allocation percentages for the functions associated with this port. |
FunctionMinBandwidth | Port | array | An array of minimum bandwidth allocation percentages for the functions associated with this port. |
FunctionNumber | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > EntityPciId), Endpoint (PciId) | integer | The PCI ID of the connected entity. |
PCIeFunction | string | The function number of this PCIe function. | |
FunctionProtocol | PCIeFunction | string (enum) | The PCIe function protocol. |
FunctionType | PCIeFunction | string (enum) | The type of the PCIe function. |
GatewayIPAddress | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | string | The gateway IPv4 address. |
GatewayIPAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | object | The IPv4 address range for gateways. |
GCID | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > GenZ) | object | The Global Component ID (GCID) for the entity. |
GenerateCSR (Action) | CertificateService (Actions) | object | This action makes a certificate signing request. |
GeneratedMetricReportValues | TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action)) | array | The contents of the MetricReportValues in the generated metric report. |
GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action) | UpdateService (Actions) | object | This action generates a new SSH identity key-pair to be used with the UpdateService resource. The generated public key is stored in the Key resource referenced by the PublicIdentitySSHKey property. Any existing key-pair is deleted and replaced by the new key-pair. |
AggregationSource (Actions) | object | This action generates a new SSH identity key-pair to be used with this aggregation source. The generated public key is stored in the Key resource referenced by the PublicIdentityKey property in SSHSettings . Any existing key-pair is deleted and replaced by the new key-pair. |
GeneratorId | LogEntry | string | An identifier of the device that has generated the IPMI SEL Event Record. |
GenZ | Port | object | Gen-Z specific properties. |
Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | object | The Gen-Z related properties for the entity. | |
AddressPool | object | The Gen-Z related properties for this address pool. | |
FabricAdapter | object | The Gen-Z specific properties for this fabric adapter. | |
Connection (ConnectionKeys) | object | The Gen-Z-specific permission key information for this connection. | |
PortMetrics | object | The port metrics specific to Gen-Z ports. | |
GET | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides > OperationMap) | array | The privilege required to complete an HTTP GET operation. |
GivenName | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The given name of the user making the request. |
GoogleAuthenticator | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth) | object | The settings related to Google Authenticator multi-factor authentication. |
GracefulRestart | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP) | object | Graceful restart related properties. |
GracefulRestartEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > GracefulRestart), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > GracefulRestart), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > GracefulRestart) | boolean | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) graceful restart status. |
GracePeriodDays | License | integer | The grace days of this license. |
GraphicalConsole | ComputerSystem | object | The information about the graphical console (KVM-IP) service of this system. |
Manager | object | The information about the graphical console service of this manager. | |
GraphicsController | Processor (Links) | object | A link to the graphics controller associated with this processor. |
GraphicsControllers | ComputerSystem | object | The link to a collection of graphics controllers that can output video for this system. |
GrayOut | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean | An indication of whether this attribute is grayed out. A grayed-out attribute is not active and is grayed out in user interfaces but the attribute value can be modified. |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | boolean | An indication of whether this menu is grayed out. A grayed-only menu is not accessible in user interfaces. | |
GroupName | LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups) | string | The name of this leak detector group. |
GroupNameAttribute | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (LDAP > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (OAuth2 > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (TACACSplus > LDAPService > SearchSettings), ExternalAccountProvider (LDAPService > SearchSettings) | string | The attribute name that contains the LDAP group name entry. |
GroupsAttribute | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (LDAP > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (OAuth2 > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (TACACSplus > LDAPService > SearchSettings), ExternalAccountProvider (LDAPService > SearchSettings) | string | The attribute name that contains the groups for a user on the LDAP user entry. |
GroupType | EndpointGroup | string (enum) | The endpoint group type. |
HardwareInterfaceVendorID | TrustedComponent (TPM) | string | The hardware interface vendor ID for this trusted component. |
HardwareManagedCoherencyRegion | MemoryRegion | boolean | An indication of whether the device manages the cache coherency across hosts for this memory region. |
HDMDecoders | Switch (CXL > VCS) | integer | The number of Host Device Memory (HDM) Decoders supported by this switch. |
HEAD | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides > OperationMap) | array | The privilege required to complete an HTTP HEAD operation. |
HealthData | Memory | object | The health data of this memory device. |
MemoryMetrics | object | The health information of the memory. | |
HealthRollup | ServiceConditions | string (enum) | The health roll-up for all resources. |
HeartbeatIntervalMinutes | EventDestination | integer | Interval for sending heartbeat events to the destination in minutes. |
Heaters | ThermalSubsystem | object | The link to the collection of heaters within this subsystem. |
HeaterSummary | ThermalMetrics | object | The summary of heater metrics for this chassis. |
HeatExchangers | ThermalEquipment | object | A link to a collection of heat exchanger units. |
HeatingCoolingEquipmentNames | Chassis | array | The names of the external heating or cooling equipment, such as coolant distribution units, connected to this chassis. |
HeatingCoolingManagerURIs | Chassis | array | The URIs of the management interfaces for the external heating or cooling equipment for this chassis. |
HeatRemovedkW | CoolantConnector | object | The heat removed (kW) through this connector. |
HeightMm | Chassis | number (mm) | The height of the chassis. |
HelperModeEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > GracefulRestart), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > GracefulRestart), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > GracefulRestart) | boolean | Graceful restart helper mode status. |
HelpText | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | string | The help text for the attribute. |
Hidden | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean | An indication of whether this attribute is hidden in user interfaces. |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | boolean | An indication of whether this menu is hidden in user interfaces. | |
HideCommunityStrings | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP) | boolean | Indicates if the community strings should be hidden. |
HidePayload | Task | boolean | An indication of whether the contents of the payload are hidden from view after the task has been created. If true , responses do not return the payload. If false , responses return the payload. If this property is not present when the task is created, the default is false . |
Job | boolean | An indication of whether the contents of the payload should be hidden from view after the job has been created. If true , responses do not return the payload. If false , responses return the payload. If this property is not present when the job is created, the default is false . |
HighSpeedCoreIDs | Processor | array | The list of core identifiers corresponding to the cores that have been configured with the higher clock speed from the operating configuration applied to this processor. |
HitRatio | ProcessorMetrics (Cache), ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CoreCache) | number | The cache line hit ratio. |
HoldTimeSeconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) hold timer in seconds. |
HopCount | RouteSetEntry | integer | The number of hops. |
HostAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | IPv4-related host subnet addressing for physical device endpoints that connect to this Ethernet fabric. |
HostBootstrapAccount | ManagerAccount | boolean | An indication of whether this account is a bootstrap account for the host interface. |
HostBusRXPercent | NetworkAdapterMetrics | number (%) | The host bus, such as PCIe, RX utilization as a percentage. |
HostBusTXPercent | NetworkAdapterMetrics | number (%) | The host bus, such as PCIe, TX utilization as a percentage. |
HostedServices | ComputerSystem | object | The services that this computer system supports. |
HostEthernetInterfaces | HostInterface | object | A link to the collection of network interface controllers or cards (NICs) that a computer system uses to communicate with this host interface. |
HostingComputerSystem | ComputerSystem (Links) | object | The link to the system that is hosting this virtual machine. |
HostingRole | ComputerSystem (HostingRoles) | string (enum) | The enumerations of HostingRole specify different features that the hosting computer system supports. |
HostingRoles | ComputerSystem | array | The hosting roles that this computer system supports. |
HostingStorageSystems | Storage (Links) | array | The storage systems that host this storage subsystem. |
HostInterface | Processor (FPGA) | object | The FPGA interface to the host. |
EthernetInterface (Links) | object | The link to a Host Interface that is associated with this Ethernet interface. | |
HostInterfaces | Manager | object | The link to a collection of host interfaces that this manager uses for local host communication. Clients can find host interface configuration options and settings in this navigation property. |
HostInterfaceType | HostInterface | string (enum) | The host interface type for this interface. |
HostKeyId | Key (NVMeoF) | string | The identifier of the host key paired with this target key. |
HostName | ManagerNetworkProtocol | string | The DNS host name of this manager, without any domain information. |
ComputerSystem, EthernetInterface | string | The DNS host name, without any domain information. | |
AggregationSource | string | The URI of the system to be accessed. | |
HostReadCommands | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of SMART Host Read Commands completed by the controller. |
HostReservationMemoryBytes | Endpoint | integer (bytes) | The amount of memory in bytes that the host should allocate to connect to this endpoint. |
HostWatchdogTimer | ComputerSystem | object | The host watchdog timer functionality for this system. |
HostWriteCommands | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of User Data Out Commands completed by the controller. |
HotKeySequenceDisplay | ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > IPMI), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > SSH), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > Telnet) | string | The hotkey sequence available for the user to exit the serial console session. |
HotPluggable | Chassis | boolean | An indication of whether this component can be inserted or removed while the equipment is in operation. |
Battery, Fan, Filter, Heater, Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply, Thermal (Fans) | boolean | An indication of whether this device can be inserted or removed while the equipment is in operation. | |
PCIeDevice (Slot), PCIeSlots (Slots) | boolean | An indication of whether this PCIe slot supports hotplug. | |
HotspareActivationPolicy | Storage | string (enum) | The policy under which hot spare drives in this storage domain will activate. |
HotspareReplacementMode | Drive | string (enum) | The replacement mode for the hot spare drive. |
HotspareType | Drive | string (enum) | The type of hot spare that this drive serves as. |
HTTP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's HTTP protocol support. |
HTTPBasicAuth | AccountService | string (enum) | Indicates if HTTP Basic authentication is enabled for this service. |
HTTPBoot | NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The HTTP and HTTPS boot capabilities, status, and configuration values for this network device function. |
HttpBootUri | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string | The URI to boot from when BootSourceOverrideTarget is set to UefiHttp . |
HttpHeaders | Job (Payload) | array | An array of HTTP headers in this job. |
Task (Payload) | array | An array of HTTP headers that this task includes. | |
EventDestination | array | An array of settings for HTTP headers, such as authorization information. This array is null or an empty array in responses. An empty array is the preferred return value on read operations. |
HttpOperation | Job (Payload) | string | The HTTP operation that executes this job. |
Task (Payload) | string | The HTTP operation to perform to execute this task. | |
HttpPushUri | UpdateService | string | The URI used to perform an HTTP or HTTPS push update to the update service. The format of the message is vendor-specific. |
HttpPushUriApplyTime | UpdateService (HttpPushUriOptions) | object | The settings for when to apply HttpPushUri -provided firmware. |
HttpPushUriOptions | UpdateService | object | The options for HttpPushUri -provided software updates. |
HttpPushUriOptionsBusy | UpdateService | boolean | An indication of whether a client has reserved the HttpPushUriOptions properties for software updates. |
HttpPushUriTargets | UpdateService | array | An array of URIs that indicate where to apply the update image. |
HttpPushUriTargetsBusy | UpdateService | boolean | An indication of whether any client has reserved the HttpPushUriTargets property. |
HTTPS | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's HTTPS protocol support. |
HumidityPercent | EnvironmentMetrics, LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups), PowerDistributionMetrics | object | Humidity (percent). |
HysteresisDuration | Triggers | string | The duration the metric value must not violate the threshold before the threshold is deactivated. |
Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCautionUser), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCritical), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCriticalUser), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerFatal), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCautionUser), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCritical), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperCriticalUser), Sensor (Thresholds > UpperFatal) | string | The duration the sensor value must not violate the threshold before the threshold is deactivated. | |
HysteresisReading | various (Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCautionUser) ... ) | number | The reading offset from the threshold value required to clear the threshold. |
I2CBuses | ManagerDiagnosticData | array | The statistics of the I2C buses. |
I2CBusName | ManagerDiagnosticData (I2CBuses) | string | The name of the I2C bus. |
IANAProtocolNumber | AllowDeny | integer | The IANA protocol number to which this permission applies. For TCP, this is 6 . For UDP, this is 17 . |
IBGPAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | Internal BGP (iBGP) related addressing for this Ethernet fabric. |
IdentificationRegisters | Processor (ProcessorId) | string | The raw manufacturer-provided processor identification registers for this processor. |
Identifier | various (CXLLogicalDevice (Identifiers), Drive (Identifiers) ... ) | object | Any additional identifiers for a resource. |
EndpointGroup | object | The durable name for the endpoint group. | |
Identifiers | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | array | Identifiers for the remote entity. |
Endpoint | array | Identifiers for this endpoint. | |
CXLLogicalDevice | array | The durable names for the CXL logical device. | |
Drive | array | The durable names for the drive. | |
NetworkAdapter (Controllers) | array | The durable names for the network adapter controller. | |
NetworkAdapter | array | The durable names for the network adapter. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | array | The durable names for the storage controller. | |
Storage | array | The durable names for the storage subsystem. | |
Volume | array | The Durable names for the volume. | |
Zone | array | The durable names for the zone. | |
IdentityAuthentication | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM) | object | Identity authentication information about the SPDM Requester and SPDM Responder. |
ComponentIntegrity (TPM) | object | Identity authentication information about the TPM. | |
IdlePowerSaver | ComputerSystem | object | The idle power saver settings of the computer system. |
Image | VirtualMedia | string | The URI of the location of the selected image. |
VirtualMedia (Actions > InsertMedia (Action)) | string | The URI of the media to attach to the virtual media. | |
ImageName | VirtualMedia | string | The current image name. |
ImageURI | UpdateService (Actions > SimpleUpdate (Action)) | string | The URI of the software image to install. |
ImmersionUnits | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the immersion cooling units in this facility. |
ThermalEquipment | object | A link to a collection of immersion cooling units. | |
Immutable | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean | An indication of whether this attribute is immutable. Immutable attributes cannot be modified and typically reflect a hardware state. |
Implementation | Control | string (enum) | The implementation of the control. |
MetricDefinition | string (enum) | The implementation of the metric. | |
Sensor | string (enum) | The implementation of the sensor. | |
IncludeOriginOfCondition | EventDestination | boolean | An indication of whether the events subscribed to will also include the entire resource or object referenced by the OriginOfCondition property in the event payload. |
IncludeOriginOfConditionSupported | EventService | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports including the resource payload of the origin of condition in the event payload. |
IncludesSubordinates | RegisteredClient (ManagedResources) | boolean | Indicates whether the subordinate resources of the managed resource are also managed by the registered client. |
Increment | Control | number | The smallest increment supported for the set point. |
IndeterminateCorrectableErrorCount | MemoryMetrics (LifeTime) | integer | The number of indeterminate correctable errors for the lifetime of the memory. |
MemoryMetrics (CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of indeterminate correctable errors since reset. | |
IndeterminateUncorrectableErrorCount | MemoryMetrics (LifeTime) | integer | The number of indeterminate uncorrectable errors for the lifetime of the memory. |
MemoryMetrics (CurrentPeriod) | integer | The number of indeterminate uncorrectable errors since reset. | |
IndicatorLED | Drive | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, that identifies the drive. |
Chassis | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the chassis. | |
Circuit | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the circuit. | |
Outlet | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the outlet. | |
Power (PowerSupplies) | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the power supply. | |
Switch | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the switch. | |
ComputerSystem | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies the system. | |
Thermal (Fans) | string (enum) | The state of the indicator LED, which identifies this fan. | |
InfiniBand | Port | object | InfiniBand properties for this port. |
NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The InfiniBand capabilities, status, and configuration values for this network device function. | |
Initialize (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to prepare the contents of the volume for use by the system. If InitializeMethod is not specified in the request body, but the property InitializeMethod is specified, the property InitializeMethod value should be used. If neither is specified, the InitializeMethod should be Foreground. |
InitializeMethod | Volume | string (enum) | Indicates the Initialization Method used for this volume. If InitializeMethod is not specified, the InitializeMethod should be Foreground. |
Volume (Actions > Initialize (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of initialization to be performed. | |
InitializeType | Volume (Actions > Initialize (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of initialization to be performed. |
Initials | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The initials of the user making the request. |
InitiatorCHAPPassword | Connection (ConnectionKeys > CHAP) | string | The initiator shared secret for mutual (2-way) CHAP authentication. The value is null in responses. |
InitiatorCHAPUsername | Connection (ConnectionKeys > CHAP) | string | The initiator username for mutual (2-way) CHAP authentication. |
InitiatorDefaultGateway | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv6 or IPv4 iSCSI boot default gateway. |
InitiatorEndpointGroups | Connection (Links) | array | An array of links to the initiator endpoint groups that are associated with this connection. |
InitiatorEndpoints | Connection (Links) | array | An array of links to the initiator endpoints that are associated with this connection. |
InitiatorIPAddress | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv6 or IPv4 address of the iSCSI initiator. |
InitiatorName | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The iSCSI initiator name. |
InitiatorNetmask | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv6 or IPv4 netmask of the iSCSI boot initiator. |
InitrdTimeSeconds | ManagerDiagnosticData (BootTimeStatistics) | number | The number of seconds the manager spent in the initrd boot stage. |
InjectPersistentPoison (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Injects poison to a specific persistent memory address in the memory device. |
InputCurrentAmps | BatteryMetrics | object | The input current (A) for this battery. |
PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The input current (A) for this power supply. | |
InputNominalVoltageType | PowerSupply | string (enum) | The nominal voltage type that is detected on the line input to this power supply. |
InputPowerWatts | PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The input power (W) for this power supply. |
InputRanges | Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | array | The input ranges that the power supply can use. |
InputType | Power (PowerSupplies > InputRanges) | string (enum) | The Input type (AC or DC). |
InputVoltage | BatteryMetrics | object | The input voltage (V) for this battery. |
PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The input voltage (V) for this power supply. | |
Inserted | VirtualMedia (Actions > InsertMedia (Action)) | boolean | An indication of whether the image is treated as inserted upon completion of the action. The default is true . |
VirtualMedia | boolean | An indication of whether virtual media is inserted into the virtual device. | |
InsertMedia (Action) | VirtualMedia (Actions) | object | This action attaches remote media to virtual media. |
Install (Action) | LicenseService (Actions) | object | This action installs one or more licenses from a remote file. |
InstallDate | License | string | The date and time when the license was installed. |
InstructionSet | Processor | string (enum) | The instruction set of the processor. |
InstructionsPerCycle | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics) | number | The number of instructions per clock cycle of this core. |
Intake | ThermalMetrics (TemperatureSummaryCelsius) | object | The intake temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem. |
Integral | Control (ControlLoop), Pump (SpeedControlPercent > ControlLoop) | number | The integral coefficient. |
IntegratedInto | TrustedComponent (Links) | object | A link to a resource to which this trusted component is integrated. |
IntegratedMemory | Processor (ProcessorMemory) | boolean | An indication of whether this memory is integrated within the processor. |
InterfaceEnabled | Port | boolean | An indication of whether the port is enabled. |
EthernetInterface, HostInterface, SerialInterface | boolean | An indication of whether this interface is enabled. | |
InterfaceType | ComputerSystem (TrustedModules) | string (enum) | The interface type of the Trusted Module. |
Processor (FPGA > ExternalInterfaces), Processor (FPGA > HostInterface), Processor (SystemInterface) | string (enum) | The interface type. | |
InterfaceTypeSelection | ComputerSystem (TrustedModules) | string (enum) | The interface type selection supported by this Trusted Module. |
InterleavableMemorySets | MemoryDomain | array | The interleave sets for the memory chunk. |
InterleaveSets | MemoryChunks | array | The interleave sets for the memory chunk. |
Internal | ThermalMetrics (TemperatureSummaryCelsius) | object | The internal temperature (in degree Celsius units) of this subsystem. |
InternalMemoryMetrics | SwitchMetrics | object | The memory metrics for a switch. |
InternalPressurekPa | Reservoir | object | The internal pressure (kPa) reading. |
IntervalInMin | Power (PowerControl > PowerMetrics) | integer (min) | The time interval, or window, over which the power metrics are measured. |
IntrusionSensor | Chassis (PhysicalSecurity) | string (enum) | The physical security state of the chassis, such as if hardware intrusion is detected. |
IntrusionSensorNumber | Chassis (PhysicalSecurity) | integer | A numerical identifier to represent the physical security sensor. |
IntrusionSensorReArm | Chassis (PhysicalSecurity) | string (enum) | The policy that describes how the physical security state of the chassis returns to a normal state. |
InvalidCRCs | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of invalid cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs). |
InvalidDwordCount | PortMetrics (SAS) | integer | The number of invalid dwords that have been received by the phy outside of phy reset sequences. |
InvalidTXWords | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of invalid transmission words. |
InvolvedSwitches | Zone (Links) | array | The links to the collection of switches in this zone. |
IOPerfModeEnabled | Volume | boolean | Indicates the IO performance mode setting for the volume. |
IOStallCount | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics) | number | The number of stalled cycles due to I/O operations. |
IOStatistics | Volume | object | Statistics for this volume. |
IPAddressLower | AllowDeny | string | The lower IP address to which this permission applies. |
IPAddressType | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string (enum) | The type of IP address being populated in the iSCSIBoot IP address fields. |
AllowDeny | string (enum) | The type of IP address populated in the IPAddressLower and IPAddressUpper properties. |
IPAddressUpper | AllowDeny | string | The upper IP address to which this permission applies. |
IPMaskDNSViaDHCP | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | boolean | An indication of whether the iSCSI boot initiator uses DHCP to obtain the initiator name, IP address, and netmask. |
IPMI | ComputerSystem (SerialConsole) | object | The connection details for an IPMI Serial-over-LAN service. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's IPMI-over-LAN protocol support. | |
IPTransportDetails | Endpoint | array | An array of details for each IP transport supported by this endpoint. The array structure can model multiple IP addresses for this endpoint. |
IPv4 | AddressPool (Ethernet) | object | IPv4 and Virtual LAN (VLAN) related addressing for this Ethernet fabric. |
IPv4Address | Endpoint (IPTransportDetails) | object | The IPv4 addresses assigned to the endpoint. |
EthernetInterface (IPv4Addresses), EthernetInterface (IPv4StaticAddresses) | object | This type describes an IPv4 address. | |
IPv4Addresses | EthernetInterface | array | The IPv4 addresses currently in use by this interface. |
IPv4AddressRangeLower | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > CommunityStrings) | string | The lowest IPv4 address in the range allowed to access the service. |
IPv4AddressRangeUpper | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > CommunityStrings) | string | The highest IPv4 address in the range allowed to access the service. |
IPv4AutoConfigEnabled | EthernetInterface (StatelessAddressAutoConfig) | boolean | An indication of whether IPv4 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) is enabled for this interface. |
IPv4StaticAddresses | EthernetInterface | array | The IPv4 static addresses assigned to this interface. See IPv4Addresses for the addresses in use by this interface. |
IPv6Address | Endpoint (IPTransportDetails) | object | The IPv6 addresses assigned to the endpoint. |
EthernetInterface (IPv6Addresses) | object | This type describes an IPv6 address. | |
IPv6Addresses | EthernetInterface | array | The IPv6 addresses currently in use by this interface. |
IPv6AddressPolicyTable | EthernetInterface | array | An array that represents the RFC6724-defined address selection policy table. |
IPv6AutoConfigEnabled | EthernetInterface (StatelessAddressAutoConfig) | boolean | An indication of whether IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) is enabled for this interface. |
IPv6DefaultGateway | EthernetInterface | string | The IPv6 default gateway address in use on this interface. |
IPv6Enabled | EthernetInterface | boolean | An indication of whether IPv6 is enabled on this interface. |
IPv6GatewayStaticAddress | EthernetInterface (IPv6StaticDefaultGateways) | object | This type represents a single IPv6 static address to be assigned on a network interface. |
IPv6StaticAddress | EthernetInterface (IPv6StaticAddresses) | object | This type represents a single IPv6 static address to be assigned on a network interface. |
IPv6StaticAddresses | EthernetInterface | array | The IPv6 static addresses assigned to this interface. See IPv6Addresses for the addresses in use by this interface. |
IPv6StaticDefaultGateways | EthernetInterface | array | The IPv6 static default gateways for this interface. |
IsBootCapable | Volume | boolean | This property indicates whether or not the Volume contains a boot image and is capable of booting. |
iSCSIBoot | NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The iSCSI boot capabilities, status, and configuration values for this network device function. |
IsDefault | KeyPolicy | boolean | Indicates if this is the default key policy. |
IsLinear | MetricDefinition | boolean | An indication of whether the metric values are linear versus non-linear. |
IsManaged | Switch | boolean | An indication of whether the switch is in a managed or unmanaged state. |
IsMirrorEnabled | MemoryChunks | boolean | An indication of whether memory mirroring is enabled for this memory chunk. |
ISOCountryCodeOfOrigin | Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The manufacturing country of origin, using the ISO 3166-1 country code. |
IsPredefined | Role | boolean | An indication of whether the role is predefined by Redfish or an OEM rather than a client-defined role. |
IsRankSpareEnabled | Memory | boolean | An indication of whether rank spare is enabled for this memory device. |
IsShareable | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | boolean | Indicates the namespace is shareable. |
IsSpare | MemoryChunks | boolean | An indication of whether sparing is enabled for this memory chunk. |
IsSpareDeviceEnabled | Memory | boolean | An indication of whether a spare device is enabled for this memory device. |
Issuer | Certificate (Links) | object | A link to the certificate of the CA that issued this certificate. |
Certificate | object | The issuer of the certificate. | |
AccountService (ActiveDirectory > OAuth2Service), AccountService (LDAP > OAuth2Service), AccountService (OAuth2 > OAuth2Service), AccountService (TACACSplus > OAuth2Service), ExternalAccountProvider (OAuth2Service) | string | The issuer string of the OAuth 2.0 service. Clients should configure this property if Mode contains Offline . |
IsSystemUniqueProperty | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean | An indication of whether this attribute is unique for this system and should not be replicated. |
Jobs | JobService | object | The links to the jobs collection. |
JobService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the job service. |
JobState | Job | string (enum) | The state of the job. |
JobStatus | Job | string (enum) | The status of the job. |
JournalingMedia | Volume (Links) | object | A pointer to the Resource that serves as a journaling media for this volume. |
JsonBody | Job (Payload) | string | The JSON payload to use in the execution of this job. |
Task (Payload) | string | The JSON payload to use in the execution of this task. | |
JsonSchemas | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of JSON Schema files. |
KeepaliveIntervalSeconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Keepalive timer in seconds. |
KerberosKeytab | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > Authentication), AccountService (LDAP > Authentication), AccountService (OAuth2 > Authentication), AccountService (TACACSplus > Authentication), ExternalAccountProvider (Authentication) | string | The Base64-encoded version of the Kerberos keytab for this service. A PATCH or PUT operation writes the keytab. This property is null in responses. |
Kernel | OperatingSystem | object | The kernel information for this operating system. |
SoftwareInventory (AdditionalVersions) | string | The kernel version contained in this software. | |
KernelAuthEnabled | HostInterface | boolean | An indication of whether this kernel authentication is enabled for this interface. |
KernelAuthRole | HostInterface (Links) | object | The link to the Redfish role defining privileges for this host interface when using kernel authentication. |
KernelAuthRoleId | HostInterface | string | The Redfish role used for kernel authentication on this interface. |
KernelPercent | ManagerDiagnosticData (ProcessorStatistics) | number (%) | The percentage of CPU time spent in kernel mode. |
ProcessorMetrics | number (%) | The percentage of time spent in kernel mode. | |
KernelTimeSeconds | ManagerDiagnosticData (BootTimeStatistics) | number | The number of seconds the manager spent in the kernel stage. |
ManagerDiagnosticData (TopProcesses) | number | The number of seconds this process executed in kernel space. | |
KeyBitLength | Certificate (Actions > Rekey (Action)), CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | integer | The length of the key, in bits, if needed based on the KeyPairAlgorithm parameter value. |
KeyChain | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | string | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Key Chain name. |
KeyCurveId | Certificate (Actions > Rekey (Action)), CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The curve ID to use with the key, if needed based on the KeyPairAlgorithm parameter value. |
KeyLength | UpdateService (Actions > GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action)) | integer | The length of the SSH key, in bits, if the KeyType parameter contains RSA . |
AggregationSource (Actions > GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action)) | integer | The length of the SSH key, in bits, if the KeyType parameter contains RSA . |
KeyManagement | ComputerSystem | object | The key management settings of the computer system. |
KeyPairAlgorithm | Certificate (Actions > Rekey (Action)), CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The type of key-pair for use with signing algorithms. |
KeyPolicyType | KeyPolicy | string (enum) | The type of key policy. |
Keys | MetricReportDefinition (Wildcards) | array | An array of values to substitute for the wildcard. |
ManagerAccount | object | The link to the collection of keys that can be used to authenticate this account. For example, an SSH public key could be added to this collection to allow for SSH public key authentication. | |
KeyService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the key service. |
KeyString | Key | string | The string for the key. |
KeyType | Key | string (enum) | The format of the key. |
AggregationSource (Actions > GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action)), UpdateService (Actions > GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of SSH key. | |
KeyUsage | Certificate | array | The key usage extension, which defines the purpose of the public keys in this certificate. |
CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | array | The usage of the key contained in the certificate. | |
Certificate (KeyUsage), CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action) > KeyUsage) | string (enum) | The usages of a key contained within a certificate. | |
KMIPCertificates | ComputerSystem (KeyManagement) | object | The link to a collection of server certificates for the servers referenced by the KMIPServers property. |
KMIPServers | ComputerSystem (KeyManagement) | array | The KMIP servers to which this computer system is subscribed. |
KVMIP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's KVM-IP protocol support that apply to all system instances controlled by this manager. |
Label | EthernetInterface (IPv6AddressPolicyTable) | integer | The IPv6 label, as defined in RFC6724, section 2.1. |
LabelStorageSizeBytes | Memory (CXL) | integer (bytes) | The size of the label storage area in bytes of this memory device. |
Lanes | PCIeDevice (Slot), PCIeSlots (Slots) | integer | The number of PCIe lanes supported by this slot. |
LanesInUse | PCIeDevice (PCIeInterface) | integer | The number of PCIe lanes in use by this device. |
LaneSplitting | PCIeDevice (Slot) | string (enum) | The lane splitting strategy used in the PCIe slot. |
Language | MessageRegistryFile (Location) | string | The language code for the registry file. |
JsonSchemaFile (Location) | string | The language code for the schema file. | |
AttributeRegistry | string | The RFC5646-conformant language code for the attribute registry. | |
MessageRegistry | string | The RFC5646-conformant language code for the message registry. | |
Languages | MessageRegistryFile | array | The RFC5646-conformant language codes for the available registries. |
JsonSchemaFile | array | The RFC5646-conformant language codes for the available schemas. | |
LastBootTimeSeconds | ComputerSystem (BootProgress) | number | The number of seconds the system spent booting to the operating system during the last boot. |
LastOverflowTimestamp | LogEntry | string | The timestamp of the last overflow captured after this log entry. |
LastPowerOutputWatts | Power (PowerSupplies) | number (watts) | The average power output of this power supply. |
LastResetTime | Manager | string | The date and time when the manager was last reset or rebooted. |
ComputerSystem | string | The date and time when the system was last reset or rebooted. | |
LastShutdownSuccess | MemoryMetrics (HealthData) | boolean | An indication of whether the last shutdown succeeded. |
LastState | ComputerSystem (BootProgress) | string (enum) | The last boot progress state. |
LastStateTime | ComputerSystem (BootProgress) | string | The date and time when the last boot state was updated. |
LastUpdated | ComponentIntegrity | string | The date and time when information for the component was last updated. |
ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | string | The date and time when information for the measurement was last updated. | |
LBADataSizeBytes | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormat), Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormats) | integer | The LBA data size in bytes. |
LBAFormat | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | object | Describes the current LBA format ID and detailed properties. |
LBAFormats | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | array | Describes the LBA format IDs and detailed properties. |
LBAFormatsSupported | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | array | A list of the LBA format types supported for the namespace, or potential namespaces. |
LBAFormatType | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormatsSupported) | string (enum) | LBAFormatType is defined in the NVMe specification set. This field indicates the LBA data size supported; implementations may report up to 16 values. For more details refer to the appropriate NVMe specification. |
Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormat), Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormats) | string (enum) | The LBA format type. | |
LBAMetadataSizeBytes | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormat), Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormats) | integer | The LBA metadata size in bytes. |
LDAP | AccountService | object | The first LDAP external account provider that this account service supports. |
LDAPService | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | object | The additional mapping information needed to parse a generic LDAP service. |
LeakDetection | CoolingUnit | object | A link to the leak detection components associated with this equipment. |
ThermalSubsystem | object | The link to the leak detection system within this chassis. | |
LeakDetectorGroups | LeakDetection | array | The groups of leak detection equipment. |
LeakDetectors | LeakDetection | object | The link to the collection of leak detectors within this subsystem. |
LeakDetectorType | LeakDetector | string (enum) | The type of leak detection sensor. |
Length | Memory (Actions > ScanMedia (Action)) | integer | The length of the target region to scan in bytes from the physical address. |
LengthMeters | Cable | number | The length of the cable in meters. |
Level | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CStateResidency) | string | The C-state level, such as C0, C1, or C2. |
ProcessorMetrics (Cache), ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CoreCache) | string | The cache level. | |
Levels | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > ExpandQuery) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the $levels option of the $expand query parameter. |
LicenseExpirationWarningDays | LicenseService | integer | The number of days prior to a license expiration that a warning message is sent. A value of zero indicates no warning message is sent. |
LicenseFileURI | LicenseService (Actions > Install (Action)) | string | The URI of the license file to install. |
LicenseInfoURI | License | string | The URI at which more information about this license can be obtained. |
LicenseOrigin | License | string (enum) | This indicates the origin of the license. |
Licenses | LicenseService | object | The link to the collection of licenses. |
LicenseService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the license service. |
LicenseString | License | string | The Base64-encoded string of the license. |
LicenseType | License | string (enum) | The type of the license. |
LifeCycleEventOnTaskStateChange | TaskService | boolean | An indication of whether a task state change sends an event. |
LifeTime | ProcessorMetrics (CacheMetricsTotal) | object | The cache metrics for the lifetime of this processor. |
MemoryMetrics | object | The memory metrics for the lifetime of the memory. | |
SwitchMetrics (InternalMemoryMetrics) | object | The memory metrics for the lifetime of this switch. | |
LifetimeReading | various (Circuit (EnergykWh), Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh > Line1ToLine2) ... ) | number | The total accumulation value for this sensor. |
LifetimeStartDateTime | Sensor | string | The date and time when the sensor started accumulating readings for the LifetimeReading property. |
LimitException | Power (PowerControl > PowerLimit) | string (enum) | The action that is taken if the power cannot be maintained below the LimitInWatts . |
LimitInWatts | Power (PowerControl > PowerLimit) | number (watts) | The power limit, in watt units. If null , power capping is disabled. |
LimitPercent | CXLLogicalDevice (QoS) | integer (%) | The bandwidth limit to this CXL logical device as a percentage. |
Limits | NetworkDeviceFunction | array | The byte and packet limits for this network device function. |
Container | object | The resource limits allocated to this container. | |
Line1 | Circuit (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps), Outlet (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps) | object | Line 1 current (A). |
Line1ToLine2 | Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh) | object | The Line 1 to Line 2 energy (kWh) for this circuit. |
Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts) | object | The Line 1 to Line 2 power (W) for this circuit. | |
Circuit (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 1 to Line 2 voltage (V) for this circuit. | |
Outlet (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 1 to Line 2 voltage (V) for this outlet. | |
Line1ToNeutral | Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh) | object | The Line 1 to Neutral energy (kWh) for this circuit. |
Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts) | object | The Line 1 to Neutral power (W) for this circuit. | |
Circuit (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 1 to Neutral voltage (V) for this circuit. | |
Outlet (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 1 to Neutral voltage (V) for this outlet. | |
Line2 | Circuit (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps), Outlet (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps) | object | Line 2 current (A). |
Line2ToLine3 | Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh) | object | The Line 2 to Line 3 energy (kWh) for this circuit. |
Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts) | object | The Line 2 to Line 3 power (W) for this circuit. | |
Circuit (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 2 to Line 3 voltage (V) for this circuit. | |
Outlet (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 2 to Line 3 voltage (V) for this outlet. | |
Line2ToNeutral | Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh) | object | The Line 2 to Neutral energy (kWh) for this circuit. |
Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts) | object | The Line 2 to Neutral power (W) for this circuit. | |
Circuit (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 2 to Neutral voltage (V) for this circuit. | |
Outlet (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 2 to Neutral voltage (V) for this outlet. | |
Line3 | Circuit (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps), Outlet (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps) | object | Line 3 current (A). |
Line3ToLine1 | Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh) | object | The Line 3 to Line 1 energy (kWh) for this circuit. |
Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts) | object | The Line 3 to Line 1 power (W) for this circuit. | |
Circuit (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 3 to Line 1 voltage (V) for this circuit. | |
Outlet (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 3 to Line 1 voltage (V) for this outlet. | |
Line3ToNeutral | Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh) | object | The Line 3 to Neutral energy (kWh) for this circuit. |
Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts) | object | The Line 3 to Neutral power (W) for this circuit. | |
Circuit (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 3 to Neutral voltage (V) for this circuit. | |
Outlet (PolyPhaseVoltage) | object | The Line 3 to Neutral voltage (V) for this outlet. | |
LineInputStatus | PowerSupply | string (enum) | The status of the line input. |
LineInputVoltage | Power (PowerSupplies) | number (volts) | The line input voltage at which the power supply is operating. |
LineInputVoltageType | Power (PowerSupplies) | string (enum) | The line voltage type supported as an input to this power supply. |
LinkConfiguration | Port | array | The link configuration of this port. |
LinkFailures | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of link failures. |
LinkNetworkTechnology | NetworkPort (SupportedLinkCapabilities), Port | string (enum) | The link network technology capabilities of this port. |
LinkNTE | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number of link-local non-transient errors detected. |
Links | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > ExpandQuery) | boolean | An indication of whether this service supports the tilde (~ ) option of the $expand query parameter. |
Task, Volume | object | Contains references to other resources that are related to this resource. | |
various (AccelerationFunction, AddressPool ... ) | object | The links to other resources that are related to this resource. | |
LinkSpeedMbps | NetworkPort (SupportedLinkCapabilities) | integer (Mbit/s) | The speed of the link in Mbit/s when this link network technology is active. |
LinkState | Port | string (enum) | The desired link state for this interface. |
LinkStatus | Port | string (enum) | The link status for this interface. |
EthernetInterface | string (enum) | The link status of this interface, or port. | |
NetworkPort | string (enum) | The status of the link between this port and its link partner. | |
LinkTransitionIndicator | Port | integer | The number of link state transitions for this interface. |
LLDPEnabled | NetworkAdapter | boolean | Enable or disable LLDP globally for an adapter. |
Port (Ethernet) | boolean | Enable/disable LLDP for this port. | |
LLDPReceive | Port (Ethernet) | object | LLDP data being received on this link. |
LLDPTransmit | Port (Ethernet) | object | LLDP data being transmitted on this link. |
LLRRecovery | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number of times Link-Level Reliability (LLR) recovery has been initiated. |
LoaderTimeSeconds | ManagerDiagnosticData (BootTimeStatistics) | number | The number of seconds the manager spent in the loader stage. |
LoadPercent | PowerSupply (EfficiencyRatings) | number (%) | The electrical load for this rating. |
Sensor | number (%) | The power load utilization for this sensor. | |
LocalAccountAuth | AccountService | string (enum) | An indication of how the service uses the accounts collection within this account service as part of authentication. The enumerated values describe the details for each mode. |
LocalAS | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | Local Autonomous System (AS) number. |
LocalDHCHAPAuthSecret | Connection (ConnectionKeys > DHCHAP) | string | The local DHCHAP authentication secret. The value is null in responses. |
LocalEncryptionKeyIdentifier | Storage | string | The local encryption key identifier used by the storage subsystem. |
LocalMemoryBandwidthBytes | ProcessorMetrics | integer (bytes) | The local memory bandwidth usage in bytes. |
LocalMultiplier | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | integer | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) multiplier value. |
LocalPorts | Endpoint (Links) | array | An array of links to the device ports that this endpoint represents. |
LocalRole | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (LDAP > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (OAuth2 > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (TACACSplus > RemoteRoleMapping), ExternalAccountProvider (RemoteRoleMapping) | string | The name of the local Redfish role to which to map the remote user or group. |
Location | JsonSchemaFile | array | Location information for this schema file. |
MessageRegistryFile | array | The location information for this registry file. | |
Drive | array | The location of the drive. | |
Control | object | The location information for this control. | |
LeakDetector | object | The location information for this leak detector. | |
Sensor | object | The location information for this sensor. | |
Drive (Location) | object | The location of a resource. | |
Assembly (Assemblies), Cable | object | The location of the assembly. | |
Battery | object | The location of the battery. | |
Chassis | object | The location of the chassis. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution | object | The location of the equipment. | |
FabricAdapter | object | The location of the fabric adapter. | |
Facility | object | The location of the facility. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | object | The location of the fan. | |
Filter | object | The location of the filter. | |
GraphicsController | object | The location of the graphics controller. | |
Heater | object | The location of the heater. | |
Manager | object | The location of the manager. | |
Memory | object | The location of the memory device. | |
NetworkAdapter (Controllers) | object | The location of the network adapter controller. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The location of the network adapter. | |
PCIeDevice (Slot), PCIeSlots (Slots) | object | The location of the PCIe slot. | |
Port | object | The location of the port. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | object | The location of the power supply. | |
Processor | object | The location of the processor. | |
Pump | object | The location of the pump. | |
Reservoir | object | The location of the reservoir. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | object | The location of the storage controller. | |
Switch | object | The location of the switch. | |
LocationIndicatorActive | various (Assembly (Assemblies), Battery ... ) | boolean | An indicator allowing an operator to physically locate this resource. |
Lockdown | Drive (NVMe > ConfigurationLockState), Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties > ConfigurationLockState) | string (enum) | The lock state of the NVMe-defined Lockdown command. |
Locked | ManagerAccount | boolean | An indication of whether the account service automatically locked the account because the lockout threshold was exceeded. To manually unlock the account before the lockout duration period, an administrator can change the property to false to clear the lockout condition. |
Chassis (Doors > Front), Chassis (Doors > Rear) | boolean | Indicates if the door is locked. | |
Log | JobService | object | The link to a log service that the job service uses. This service can be a dedicated log service or a pointer to a log service under another resource, such as a manager. |
CXLLogicalDevice | object | The link to the log service associated with this CXL logical device. | |
Memory | object | The link to the log service associated with this memory. | |
LogEntriesETag | LogService (Actions > ClearLog (Action)) | string | The ETag of the log entry collection within this log service. If the provided ETag does not match the current ETag of the log entry collection, the request is rejected. |
LogEntry | Event (Events) | object | The link to a log entry if an entry was created for this event. |
LogEntryType | LogService | string (enum) | The format of the log entries. |
LogFacilities | EventDestination (SyslogFilters), LogService (SyslogFilters) | array | The types of programs that can log messages. |
LogicalContexts | MetricDefinition | array | The logical contexts related to the metric. |
LogicalProcessorCount | ComputerSystem (ProcessorSummary) | integer | The number of logical processors in the system. |
LogicalSizeMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | Total size of the logical memory in MiB. |
LogicalUnitNumber | Volume | integer | Indicates the host-visible LogicalUnitNumber assigned to this Volume. |
LogPurposes | LogService | array | The purposes of the log. |
LogService | TelemetryService | object | The link to a log service that the telemetry service uses. This service can be a dedicated log service or a pointer to a log service under another resource, such as a manager. |
LogServices | Manager | object | The link to a collection of logs that the manager uses. |
Switch | object | The link to the collection of log services associated with this switch. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of log services associated with this system. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the logs for this chassis. | |
LogStateChangesEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | boolean | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbor log state change status. |
LoopbackAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | Loopback-related IPv4 addressing for this Ethernet fabric. |
LossesOfSignal | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of losses of signal. |
LossesOfSync | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of losses of sync. |
LossOfDwordSynchronizationCount | PortMetrics (SAS) | integer | The number of times the phy has restarted the link reset sequence because it lost dword synchronization. |
Lower | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > ASNumberRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > ASNumberRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > ASNumberRange) | integer | Lower Autonomous System (AS) number. |
AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn > ESINumberRange) | integer | Lower Ethernet Segment Identifier (ESI) number. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn > EVINumberRange) | integer | Lower Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) Instance (EVI) number. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn > RouteDistinguisherRange) | integer | Lower Route Distinguisher (RD) number. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn > RouteTargetRange) | integer | Lower Route Target (RT) number. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn > VLANIdentifierAddressRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > VLANIdentifierAddressRange) | integer | Virtual LAN (VLAN) tag lower value. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > EBGPAddressRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > FabricLinkAddressRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > HostAddressRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > IBGPAddressRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > LoopbackAddressRange), AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > ManagementAddressRange) | string | Lower IPv4 network address. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn > GatewayIPAddressRange) | string | The lower IPv4 address. | |
AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4 > SystemMACRange) | string | The lower system MAC address. | |
LowerBound | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | integer | The lower limit for an integer attribute. |
LowerCaution | Sensor (Thresholds) | object | The value at which the reading is below normal range. |
LowerCautionUser | Sensor (Thresholds) | object | A user-defined value at which the reading is considered below normal range. |
LowerCritical | Triggers (NumericThresholds) | object | The value at which the reading is below normal range and requires attention. |
Sensor (Thresholds) | object | The value at which the reading is below normal range but not yet fatal. | |
LowerCriticalUser | Sensor (Thresholds) | object | A user-defined value at which the reading is considered below normal range but not yet fatal. |
LowerFatal | Sensor (Thresholds) | object | The value at which the reading is below normal range and fatal. |
LowerThresholdCritical | Thermal (Fans) | integer | The value at which the reading is below normal range but not yet fatal. |
Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | The value at which the reading is below normal range but not yet fatal. | |
Power (Voltages) | number (volts) | The value at which the reading is below normal range but not yet fatal. | |
LowerThresholdFatal | Thermal (Fans) | integer | The value at which the reading is below normal range and fatal. |
Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | The value at which the reading is below normal range and fatal. | |
Power (Voltages) | number (volts) | The value at which the reading is below normal range and fatal. | |
LowerThresholdNonCritical | Thermal (Fans) | integer | The value at which the reading is below normal range. |
Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | The value at which the reading is below normal range. | |
Power (Voltages) | number (volts) | The value at which the reading is below normal range. | |
LowerThresholdUser | Thermal (Temperatures) | integer (Celsius) | The value at which the reading is below the user-defined range. |
LowerWarning | Triggers (NumericThresholds) | object | The value at which the reading is below normal range. |
LowestReading | Sensor | number | The lowest sensor value. |
LowestReadingTime | Sensor | string | The time when the lowest sensor value occurred. |
LowestSeverity | EventDestination (SyslogFilters) | string (enum) | The lowest severity level message that will be forwarded. |
LogService (SyslogFilters) | string (enum) | The lowest severity level message that will be logged. | |
LowestSupportedVersion | SoftwareInventory | string | The lowest supported version of this software. |
LowSpaceWarningThresholdPercents | Volume | array (%) | Low space warning. |
LPRT | Port (GenZ) | object | The Linear Packet Relay Table for the port. |
LUN | Connection (VolumeInfo) | integer | The initiator-visible logical unit number (LUN) assigned to this volume. |
LUNID | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel > BootTargets) | string | The logical unit number (LUN) ID from which to boot on the device to which the corresponding WWPN refers. |
MACAddress | EthernetInterface | string | The currently configured MAC address of the interface, or logical port. |
NetworkDeviceFunction (Ethernet) | string | The currently configured MAC address. | |
Machine | OperatingSystem (Kernel) | string | The machine hardware name of the kernel. |
Mains | PowerDistribution | object | A link to the power input circuits for this equipment. |
MainsRedundancy | PowerDistribution | object | The redundancy information for the mains (input) circuits for this equipment. |
MaintenanceWindowDurationInSeconds | UpdateService (HttpPushUriOptions > HttpPushUriApplyTime) | integer (seconds) | The expiry time, in seconds, of the maintenance window. |
MaintenanceWindowStartTime | UpdateService (HttpPushUriOptions > HttpPushUriApplyTime) | string | The start time of a maintenance window. |
ManagedBy | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers responsible for managing this chassis. |
CoolingLoop (Links), CoolingUnit (Links), PowerDistribution (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers responsible for managing this equipment. | |
Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers responsible for managing this facility. | |
PowerDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers responsible for managing this power domain. | |
PowerEquipment (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers responsible for managing this power equipment. | |
ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers responsible for this system. | |
Switch (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers that manage this switch. | |
Manager (Links) | array | The array of links to the managers responsible for managing this manager. | |
ManagedResources | RegisteredClient | array | An array of resources that the registered client monitors or configures. |
ManagedResourceURI | RegisteredClient (ManagedResources) | string | The URI of the resource or resource collection managed by the registered client. |
ManagementAddressIPv4 | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | The IPv4 management address received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | The IPv4 management address to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
ManagementAddressIPv6 | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | The IPv6 management address received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | The IPv6 management address to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
ManagementAddressMAC | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | The management MAC address received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | The management MAC address to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
ManagementAddressRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | Management-related addressing for this Ethernet fabric. |
ManagementURIs | OperatingSystem (ContainerEngines) | array | The URIs to manage this container engine. |
OperatingSystem (VirtualMachineEngines) | array | The URIs to manage this virtual machine engine. | |
ManagementVlanId | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | integer | The management VLAN ID received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | integer | The management VLAN ID to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
ManagerDiagnosticData | Manager | object | The diagnostic data for this manager. |
ManagerEthernetInterface | HostInterface | object | A link to a single network interface controllers or cards (NIC) that this manager uses for network communication with this host interface. |
ManagerForChassis | Manager (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis this manager controls. |
ManagerForManagers | Manager (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers that are managed by this manager. |
ManagerForServers | Manager (Links) | array | An array of links to the systems that this manager controls. |
ManagerForSwitches | Manager (Links) | array | An array of links to the switches that this manager controls. |
ManagerInChassis | Manager (Links) | object | The link to the chassis where this manager is located. |
ManagerProvidingService | ServiceRoot (Links) | object | The link to the manager that is providing this Redfish service. |
Managers | Heater (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers heated by this heater. |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of managers. | |
ManagersInChassis | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers located in this chassis. |
ManagerType | Manager | string (enum) | The type of manager that this resource represents. |
Manifest | CompositionService (Actions > Compose (Action)) | object | The manifest containing the compose operation request. |
CompositionReservation | object | The manifest document processed by the service that resulted in this reservation. | |
Manufacturer | AccelerationFunction | string | The acceleration function code manufacturer. |
Battery | string | The manufacturer of this battery. | |
Cable | string | The manufacturer of this cable. | |
Chassis | string | The manufacturer of this chassis. | |
Drive | string | The manufacturer of this drive. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution | string | The manufacturer of this equipment. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | string | The manufacturer of this fan. | |
Filter | string | The manufacturer of this filter. | |
GraphicsController | string | The manufacturer of this graphics controller. | |
Heater | string | The manufacturer of this heater. | |
LeakDetector | string | The manufacturer of this leak detector. | |
Manager | string | The manufacturer of this manager. | |
MediaController | string | The manufacturer of this media controller. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The manufacturer of this PCIe device. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string | The manufacturer of this power supply. | |
Pump | string | The manufacturer of this pump. | |
Reservoir | string | The manufacturer of this reservoir. | |
Sensor | string | The manufacturer of this sensor. | |
Port (SFP) | string | The manufacturer of this SFP. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The manufacturer of this storage controller. | |
Switch | string | The manufacturer of this switch. | |
TrustedComponent | string | The manufacturer of this trusted component. | |
USBController | string | The manufacturer of this USB controller. | |
FabricAdapter | string | The manufacturer or OEM of this fabric adapter. | |
NetworkAdapter | string | The manufacturer or OEM of this network adapter. | |
Volume | string | The manufacturer or OEM of this storage volume. | |
ComputerSystem | string | The manufacturer or OEM of this system. | |
License | string | The manufacturer or producer of this license. | |
SoftwareInventory | string | The manufacturer or producer of this software. | |
Memory | string | The memory device manufacturer. | |
SimpleStorage (Devices) | string | The name of the manufacturer of this device. | |
Processor | string | The processor manufacturer. | |
ManufacturingMode | ComputerSystem | boolean | An indication of whether the system is in manufacturing mode. Manufacturing mode is a special boot mode, not normally available to end users, that modifies features and settings for use while the system is being manufactured and tested. |
MapFrom | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency) | array | An array of the map-from conditions for a mapping dependency. |
MapFromAttribute | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency > MapFrom) | string | The attribute to use to evaluate this dependency expression. |
MapFromCondition | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency > MapFrom) | string (enum) | The condition to use to evaluate this dependency expression. |
MapFromProperty | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency > MapFrom) | string (enum) | The metadata property for the attribute that the MapFromAttribute property specifies to use to evaluate this dependency expression. |
MapFromValue | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency > MapFrom) | boolean, number, string | The value to use to evaluate this dependency expression. |
Mappings | PrivilegeRegistry | array | The mappings between entities and the relevant privileges that access those entities. |
MapTerms | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency > MapFrom) | string (enum) | The logical term that combines two or more map-from conditions in this dependency expression. For example, AND for logical AND, or OR for logical OR. |
MapToAttribute | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency) | string | The AttributeName of the attribute that is affected by this dependency expression. |
MapToProperty | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency) | string (enum) | The metadata property for the attribute that contains the map-from condition that evaluates this dependency expression. |
MapToValue | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Dependencies > Dependency) | boolean, number, string | The value that the map-to property changes to if the dependency expression evaluates to true . |
MarkedECN | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The number of packets with the Congestion ECN bit set. |
MasterPassphraseAttemptCountReached | Memory (SecurityStates) | boolean | An indication of whether an incorrect master passphrase attempt count has been reached. |
MasterPassphraseEnabled | Memory (Regions) | boolean | An indication of whether the master passphrase is enabled for this region. |
MaxAllowableOperatingValue | Thermal (Temperatures) | integer (Celsius) | Maximum allowable operating temperature for this equipment. |
Sensor | number | The maximum allowable operating value for this equipment. | |
MaxAuthorizedDevices | License | integer | The maximum number of devices authorized by the license. |
MaxBandwidthGbps | Switch | number (Gbit/s) | The maximum internal bandwidth of this switch as currently configured. |
MaxBlockSizeBytes | Volume | integer (bytes) | Max Block size in bytes. |
MaxBWAllocPercent | NetworkPort (NetDevFuncMaxBWAlloc) | integer (%) | The maximum bandwidth allocation percentage allocated to the corresponding network device function instance. |
MaxChargeRateAmps | Battery | number (A) | The maximum charge rate at the input of this battery in amp units. |
MaxChargeVoltage | Battery | number (volts) | The maximum charge voltage across the cell pack of this battery when it is fully charged. |
MaxCID | AddressPool (GenZ) | integer | The maximum value for the Component Identifier (CID). |
MaxCompositions | ResourceBlock (CompositionStatus) | integer | The maximum number of compositions in which this resource block can participate simultaneously. |
MaxConcurrentSessions | Manager (CommandShell), Manager (GraphicalConsole), Manager (SerialConsole) | integer | The maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, that this manager can support. |
ComputerSystem (GraphicalConsole), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole) | integer | The maximum number of service sessions, regardless of protocol, that this system can support. | |
MaxConsumedWatts | Power (PowerControl > PowerMetrics) | number (watts) | The highest power consumption level, in watt units, that has occurred over the measurement window within the last IntervalInMin minutes. |
MaxDeviceLogins | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > NPIV) | integer | The maximum number of N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) logins allowed simultaneously from all ports on this controller. |
MaxDischargeRateAmps | Battery | number (A) | The maximum discharge rate at the output of this battery in amp units. |
MaxDynamicCapacityRegions | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity) | integer | The maximum number of dynamic capacity memory regions available per host from this CXL device. |
MaxExecutionTime | Job | string | The maximum amount of time the job is allowed to execute. |
MaxFrameSize | NetworkPort, Port | integer (bytes) | The maximum frame size supported by the port. |
MaxHosts | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity) | integer | The maximum number of hosts supported by this CXL device. |
MaxImageSizeBytes | UpdateService | integer (bytes) | The maximum size in bytes of the software update image that this service supports. |
MaximumFrequencyHz | Power (PowerSupplies > InputRanges) | number (Hz) | The maximum line input frequency at which this power supply input range is effective. |
MaximumPaths | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > MultiplePaths), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > MultiplePaths), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > MultiplePaths) | integer | Maximum paths number. |
MaximumValue | ActionInfo (Parameters) | number | The maximum supported value for this parameter. |
MaximumVoltage | Power (PowerSupplies > InputRanges) | number (volts) | The maximum line input voltage at which this power supply input range is effective. |
MaxIPv6StaticAddresses | EthernetInterface | integer | The maximum number of static IPv6 addresses that can be configured on this interface. |
MaxJobs | JobService (ServiceCapabilities) | integer | The maximum number of jobs supported. |
MaxJunctionTemperatureCelsius | OperatingConfig | integer (Celsius) | The maximum temperature of the junction in degree Celsius units. |
MaxLanes | Processor (FPGA > ExternalInterfaces > Ethernet), Processor (FPGA > HostInterface > Ethernet), Processor (SystemInterface > Ethernet) | integer | The number of lanes supported by this interface. |
PCIeDevice (PCIeInterface) | integer | The number of PCIe lanes supported by this device. | |
MaxLength | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | integer | The maximum character length of a string attribute. |
MaxLevels | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > ExpandQuery) | integer | The maximum $levels option value in the $expand query parameter. |
ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > DeepOperations) | integer | The maximum levels of resources allowed in deep operations. | |
MaxLogicalDeviceCount | Port (CXL) | integer | The maximum number of logical devices supported. |
MaxNamespacesSupported | Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties) | number | The maximum number of namespace attachments supported by this NVMe Subsystem. |
MaxNumberLogicalDevices | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice) | integer | The maximum number of logical devices supported by this CXL device. |
MaxNumberOfRecords | LogService | integer | The maximum number of log entries that this service can have. |
MaxPassphraseCount | Memory (SecurityCapabilities) | integer | Maximum number of passphrases supported for this memory device. |
MaxPasswordLength | AccountService | integer | The maximum password length for this account service. |
MaxPCIeType | PCIeDevice (PCIeInterface) | string (enum) | The highest version of the PCIe specification supported by this device. |
MaxPortLogins | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > NPIV) | integer | The maximum number of N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) logins allowed per physical port on this controller. |
MaxPowerWatts | Chassis | number (watts) | The upper bound of the total power consumed by the chassis. |
MaxPrefix | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | object | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) max prefix properties. |
MaxPrefixNumber | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix) | integer | Maximum prefix number. |
MaxQueueSize | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | integer | The maximum individual queue size that an NVMe I/O controller supports. |
MaxReadingRange | Thermal (Fans) | integer | Maximum value for this sensor. |
MetricDefinition | number | Maximum value for metric reading. | |
Power (Voltages) | number (volts) | Maximum value for this sensor. | |
MaxReadingRangeTemp | Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | Maximum value for this sensor. |
MaxReports | TelemetryService | integer | The maximum number of metric reports that this service supports. |
MaxSID | AddressPool (GenZ) | integer | The maximum value for the Subnet Identifier (SID). |
MaxSpeedGbps | Port | number (Gbit/s) | The maximum speed of this port as currently configured. |
MaxSpeedMbps | Processor (FPGA > ExternalInterfaces > Ethernet), Processor (FPGA > HostInterface > Ethernet), Processor (SystemInterface > Ethernet) | integer (Mbit/s) | The maximum speed supported by this interface. |
MaxSpeedMHz | Processor | integer (MHz) | The maximum clock speed of the processor. |
OperatingConfig | integer (MHz) | The maximum clock speed to which the processor can be configured in MHz. | |
OperatingConfig (TurboProfile) | integer (MHz) | The maximum turbo clock speed that correspond to the number of active cores in MHz. | |
MaxSteps | JobService (ServiceCapabilities) | integer | The maximum number of job steps supported. |
MaxSustainedRequestCmpBias | Port (CXL > Congestion) | integer | The estimated maximum sustained sum of requests and recent responses across the entire device, serving as the basis for the CXL Specification-defined 'QoS Limit Fraction'. |
MaxTDPMilliWatts | Memory | array (milliwatts) | Set of maximum power budgets supported by the memory device in milliwatt units. |
Memory (PowerManagementPolicy) | integer (milliwatts) | Maximum TDP in milliwatt units. | |
MaxTDPWatts | Processor | integer (watts) | The maximum Thermal Design Power (TDP) in watt units. |
MaxVCSsSupported | Switch (CXL) | integer | The maximum number of Virtual CXL Switches (VCSs) supported in this switch. |
MaxVirtualFunctions | NetworkDeviceFunction | integer | The number of virtual functions that are available for this network device function. |
MaxZones | Fabric | integer | The maximum number of zones the switch can currently configure. |
Measurement | SoftwareInventory | object | A DSP0274-defined measurement block. |
SoftwareInventory (Measurement) | string | The hexadecimal string representation of the numeric value of the DSP0274-defined 'Measurement' field of the measurement block. | |
ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | string | The measurement data. | |
MeasurementHashAlgorithm | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | string | The hash algorithm used to compute the measurement. |
MeasurementIndex | SoftwareInventory (Measurement) | integer | The DSP0274-defined 'Index' field of the measurement block. |
ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | integer | The index of the measurement. | |
MeasurementIndices | ComponentIntegrity (Actions > SPDMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | array | An array of indices that identify the measurement blocks to sign. |
Measurements | Chassis, ComputerSystem, Drive, Manager, Memory, NetworkAdapter, Processor, Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController, Switch | array | An array of DSP0274-defined measurement blocks. |
ComponentIntegrity (TPM > MeasurementSet) | array | Measurements from a TPM. | |
ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet) | array | Measurements from an SPDM Responder. | |
MeasurementSet | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM) | object | Measurement information about the SPDM Responder. |
ComponentIntegrity (TPM) | object | Measurement information from the TPM. | |
MeasurementSize | SoftwareInventory (Measurement) | integer | The DSP0274-defined 'MeasurementSize' field of the measurement block. |
MeasurementSpecification | SoftwareInventory (Measurement) | integer | The DSP0274-defined 'MeasurementSpecification' field of the measurement block. |
ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet) | string (enum) | The measurement specification negotiated between the SPDM Requester and SPDM Responder. | |
MeasurementSummary | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet) | string | The measurement summary data. |
MeasurementSummaryHashAlgorithm | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet) | string | The hash algorithm used to compute the measurement summary. |
MeasurementSummaryType | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet) | string (enum) | The type of measurement summary. |
MeasurementType | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | string (enum) | The type or characteristics of the data that this measurement represents. |
MED | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | integer | BGP Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) value. |
MediaAndDataIntegrityErrors | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data integrity error. |
MediaControllers | MemoryDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the media controllers for this memory domain. |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of media controllers located in this chassis. | |
MediaControllerType | MediaController | string (enum) | The type of media controller. |
MediaInReadOnly | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeSMARTCriticalWarnings) | boolean | Indicates the media has been placed in read-only mode. |
MediaLocation | MemoryChunks | string (enum) | The location of the memory media for this memory chunk. |
MediaSpanCount | Volume | integer | Indicates the number of media elements used per span in the secondary RAID for a hierarchical RAID type. |
Volume (Actions > ChangeRAIDLayout (Action)) | integer | The requested number of media elements used per span in the secondary RAID for a hierarchical RAID type. | |
MediaType | Drive | string (enum) | The type of media contained in this drive. |
MediaTypes | VirtualMedia | array | The media types supported as virtual media. |
MediumType | Port (SFP) | string (enum) | The medium type connected to this SFP. |
MemberId | Power (Actions > PowerSupplyReset (Action)) | string | The MemberId of the power supply within the PowerSupplies array on which to perform the reset. |
Assembly (Assemblies), Event (Events), Power (PowerControl), Power (PowerSupplies), Power (Voltages), Storage (StorageControllers), Thermal (Fans), Thermal (Temperatures) | string | The unique identifier for the member within an array. | |
Memory | Processor (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory associated with this processor. |
ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the memory available in this resource block. | |
Heater (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory devices heated by this heater. | |
Battery (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory devices to which this battery provides power during a power-loss event. | |
MemoryChunks (InterleaveSets) | object | Describes a memory device of the interleave set. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of memory associated with this system. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of memory located in this chassis that belong to fabric-related resource pools. | |
MemoryBlockSizesSupported | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity) | array | The set of memory block sizes supported by memory regions in this CXL device. |
MemoryBytes | Container (Limits) | integer (bytes) | The amount of memory available to this container in bytes. |
MemoryChunk | Connection (MemoryChunkInfo) | object | The specified memory chunk. |
MemoryChunkIncrementMiB | MemoryDomain | integer (mebibytes) | The incremental size, from the minimum size, allowed for a memory chunk within this domain in mebibytes (MiB). |
MemoryChunkInfo | Connection | array | The set of memory chunks and access capabilities specified for this connection. |
MemoryChunks | CXLLogicalDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory chunks owned by this CXL logical device. |
MemoryRegion | array | The set of memory chunks providing capacity for this memory region. | |
MemoryDomain | object | The link to the collection of memory chunks associated with this memory domain. | |
MemoryChunkSizeMiB | MemoryChunks | integer (mebibytes) | Size of the memory chunk measured in mebibytes (MiB). |
MemoryClassification | Memory (Regions) | string (enum) | The classification of memory that the memory region occupies. |
MemoryController | Memory (MemoryLocation) | integer | The memory controller number to which the memory device is connected. |
MemoryDeviceType | Memory | string (enum) | Type details of the memory device. |
MemoryDomains | CXLLogicalDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory domains associated with this CXL logical device. |
FabricAdapter (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory domains associated with this fabric adapter. | |
MediaController (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory domains associated with this media controller. | |
PCIeFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory domains that the PCIe function produces. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of memory domains associated with this system. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of memory domains located in this chassis that belong to fabric-related resource pools. | |
MemoryECCStatistics | ManagerDiagnosticData | object | The memory ECC statistics of the manager. |
MemoryExtents | MemoryRegion | array | The set of memory extents defined for this memory region. |
MemoryLevel | MemoryChunks (InterleaveSets) | integer | Level of the interleave set for multi-level tiered memory. |
MemoryLocation | Memory | object | Memory connection information to sockets and memory controllers. |
MemoryMedia | Memory | array | Media of this memory device. |
MemoryMediaSources | Memory (Links) | array | An array of memory chunks providing media for this memory. |
MemoryMirroring | ComputerSystem (MemorySummary) | string (enum) | The ability and type of memory mirroring that this computer system supports. |
MemoryRegion | Connection (MemoryRegionInfo) | object | The specified memory region. |
MemoryRegionInfo | Connection | array | The set of memory regions and access capabilities specified for this connection. |
MemoryRegionMediaSources | Memory (Links) | array | An array of memory regions providing media for this memory. |
MemoryRegions | MemoryChunks (Links) | array | An array of links to the memory regions for which this memory chunk provides capacity. |
CXLLogicalDevice | object | The link to the collection of memory regions associated with this CXL logical device. | |
MemorySet | MemoryDomain (InterleavableMemorySets) | array | The set of memory for a particular interleave set. |
MemorySizeMiB | CXLLogicalDevice | integer (mebibytes) | The memory region size defined in this CXL logical device. |
MemoryDomain | integer (mebibytes) | The total size of the memory domain in mebibytes (MiB). | |
MemoryStallCount | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics) | number | The number of stalled cycles due to memory operations. |
MemoryStatistics | ManagerDiagnosticData | object | The memory statistics of the manager. |
MemorySubsystemControllerManufacturerID | Memory | string | The manufacturer ID of the memory subsystem controller of this memory device. |
MemorySubsystemControllerProductID | Memory | string | The product ID of the memory subsystem controller of this memory device. |
MemorySummary | ComputerSystem | object | The central memory of the system in general detail. |
Processor | object | The summary of all memory associated with this processor. | |
MemoryType | Memory | string (enum) | The type of memory device. |
Processor (ProcessorMemory) | string (enum) | The type of memory used by this processor. | |
MenuName | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | string | The unique name string of this menu. |
MenuPath | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | string | The path that describes the menu hierarchy of this attribute. |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | string | The path to the menu names that describes this menu hierarchy relative to other menus. | |
Menus | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries) | array | An array for the attributes menus and their hierarchy in the attribute registry. |
Message | Job (Messages), Task (Messages) | object | The message that the Redfish service returns. |
Event (Events) | string | The human-readable event message. | |
EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string | The human-readable message for the event to add. | |
LogEntry | string | The message of the log entry. This property decodes from the entry type. If the entry type is Event , this property contains a message. If the entry type is SEL , this property contains an SEL-specific message. If the entry type is CXL , this property contains a CXL event record. Otherwise, this property contains an OEM-specific log entry. In most cases, this property contains the actual log entry. |
MessageArgs | EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | array | An array of message arguments for the event to add. |
Event (Events), LogEntry | array | An array of message arguments that are substituted for the arguments in the message when looked up in the message registry. | |
MessageId | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the MessageIds property. |
EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string | The MessageId for the event to add. |
LogEntry | string | The MessageId , event data, or OEM-specific information. This property decodes from the entry type. If the entry type is Event , this property contains a Redfish Specification-defined MessageId . If the entry type is SEL , this property contains the Event Data. Otherwise, this property contains OEM-specific information. |
Event (Events) | string | The identifier for the message. | |
MessageIds | EventDestination | array | The list of MessageId values that are sent to this event destination. |
Messages | Job | array | An array of messages associated with the job. |
Task | array | An array of messages associated with the task. | |
MessageRegistry | object | The message keys contained in the message registry. | |
MessageSeverity | EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string (enum) | The severity for the event to add. |
Event (Events) | string (enum) | The severity of the message in this event. | |
MetadataTransferredAtEndOfDataLBA | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | boolean | This property indicates whether or not the metadata is transferred at the end of the LBA creating an extended data LBA. |
MeticulousModeEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | boolean | Meticulous MD5 authentication of the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) session. |
MetricDataType | MetricDefinition | string (enum) | The data type of the metric. |
MetricDefinition | MetricReport (MetricValues), TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action) > GeneratedMetricReportValues) | object | The link to the metric definition for this metric. |
MetricDefinitions | TelemetryService | object | The link to the collection of metric definitions. |
MetricId | MetricReportDefinition (Metrics) | string | The metric definition identifier that contains the metric properties to include in the metric report. |
TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action) > GeneratedMetricReportValues) | string | The metric definitions identifier for this metric. | |
MetricReport (MetricValues) | string | The metric definitions identifier that contains additional information for the source metric. | |
MetricIds | Triggers | array | The label for the metric definitions that contain the property identifiers for this trigger. It matches the Id property of the corresponding metric definition. |
MetricProperties | Triggers | array | An array of URIs with wildcards and property identifiers for this trigger. Each wildcard, a name contained by a set of curly braces, is replaced with its corresponding entry in the Wildcard array property. |
MetricDefinition | array | The list of URIs with wildcards and property identifiers that this metric definition defines. If a URI has wildcards, the wildcards are substituted as specified in the Wildcards property. |
MetricReportDefinition, MetricReportDefinition (Metrics) | array | The list of URIs with wildcards and property identifiers to include in the metric report. If a URI has wildcards, the wildcards are substituted as specified in the Wildcards property. |
MetricProperty | MetricReport (MetricValues), TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action) > GeneratedMetricReportValues) | string | The URI for the property from which this metric is derived. |
MetricReport | MetricReportDefinition | object | The most recent metric report produced by this metric report definition. |
MetricReportDefinition | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the MetricReportDefinitions property. |
MetricReport | object | The link to the definition of this metric report. | |
MetricReportDefinitionEnabled | MetricReportDefinition | boolean | An indication of whether the generation of new metric reports is enabled. |
MetricReportDefinitions | EventDestination | array | A list of metric report definitions for which the service only sends related metric reports. If this property is absent or the array is empty, metric reports that originate from any metric report definition are sent to the subscriber. |
Triggers (Links) | array | The metric report definitions that generate new metric reports when a trigger condition is met and when the TriggerActions property contains RedfishMetricReport . |
TelemetryService | object | The link to the collection of metric report definitions. | |
MetricReportDefinitionType | MetricReportDefinition | string (enum) | Specifies when the metric report is generated. |
MetricReportHeartbeatInterval | MetricReportDefinition | string | The interval at which to send the complete metric report because the Redfish client wants refreshed metric data even when the data has not changed. This property value is always greater than the recurrence interval of a metric report, and it only applies when the SuppressRepeatedMetricValue property is true . |
MetricReportName | TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action)) | string | The name of the metric report in generated metric report. |
MetricReports | TelemetryService | object | The link to the collection of metric reports. |
MetricReportValues | TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action)) | string | The contents of the MetricReportValues array in the generated metric report. |
Metrics | MetricReportDefinition | array | The list of metrics to include in the metric report. The metrics might include calculations to apply to metric properties. |
PowerDistribution | object | A link to the summary metrics for this equipment. | |
Battery | object | The link to the battery metrics resource associated with this battery. | |
Heater | object | The link to the heater metrics resource associated with this heater. | |
Processor (MemorySummary) | object | The link to the memory metrics associated with all memory of this processor. | |
ComputerSystem (MemorySummary) | object | The link to the metrics associated with all memory in this system. | |
ComputerSystem (ProcessorSummary) | object | The link to the metrics associated with all processors in this system. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the metrics associated with this adapter. | |
Drive | object | The link to the metrics associated with this drive. | |
Memory | object | The link to the metrics associated with this memory device. | |
NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The link to the metrics associated with this network function. | |
Port | object | The link to the metrics associated with this port. | |
Processor | object | The link to the metrics associated with this processor. | |
StorageController | object | The link to the metrics associated with this storage controller. | |
Switch | object | The link to the metrics associated with this switch. | |
Volume | object | The link to the metrics for this volume. | |
PowerSupply | object | The link to the power supply metrics resource associated with this power supply. | |
MetricsURIs | Application | array | The URIs that provide access to data or other information in this application. |
MetricType | Triggers | string (enum) | The metric type of the trigger. |
MetricDefinition | string (enum) | The type of metric. | |
MetricValue | MetricReport (MetricValues), TelemetryService (Actions > SubmitTestMetricReport (Action) > GeneratedMetricReportValues) | string | The metric value, as a string. |
MetricValues | MetricReport | array | An array of metric values for the metered items of this metric report. |
MFABypass | ManagerAccount | object | The multi-factor authentication bypass settings for this account. |
AccountService (ActiveDirectory > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (LDAP > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (OAuth2 > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (TACACSplus > RemoteRoleMapping), ExternalAccountProvider (RemoteRoleMapping) | object | The multi-factor authentication bypass settings. | |
Microcode | SoftwareInventory (AdditionalVersions) | string | The microcode version contained in this software, such as processor microcode. |
MicrocodeInfo | Processor (ProcessorId) | string | The microcode information for this processor. |
MicrosoftAuthenticator | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth) | object | The settings related to Microsoft Authenticator multi-factor authentication. |
MinAllowableOperatingValue | Thermal (Temperatures) | integer (Celsius) | Minimum allowable operating temperature for this equipment. |
Sensor | number | The minimum allowable operating value for this equipment. | |
MinAssignmentGroupSize | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > VirtualizationOffload > VirtualFunction) | integer | The minimum number of virtual functions that can be allocated or moved between physical functions for this controller. |
MinBWAllocPercent | NetworkPort (NetDevFuncMinBWAlloc) | integer (%) | The minimum bandwidth allocation percentage allocated to the corresponding network device function instance. |
MinCID | AddressPool (GenZ) | integer | The minimum value for the Component Identifier (CID). |
MinCollectionInterval | TelemetryService | string | The minimum time interval between gathering metric data that this service allows. |
MinConsumedWatts | Power (PowerControl > PowerMetrics) | number (watts) | The lowest power consumption level, in watt units, over the measurement window that occurred within the last IntervalInMin minutes. |
MinimumAdvertisementIntervalSeconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | Minimum Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) advertisement interval in seconds. |
MinimumFrequencyHz | Power (PowerSupplies > InputRanges) | number (Hz) | The minimum line input frequency at which this power supply input range is effective. |
MinimumHopCount | RouteEntry | integer | The minimum number of hops. |
MinimumValue | ActionInfo (Parameters) | number | The minimum supported value for this parameter. |
MinimumVoltage | Power (PowerSupplies > InputRanges) | number (volts) | The minimum line input voltage at which this power supply input range is effective. |
MinLength | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | integer | The minimum character length of the string attribute. |
MinMemoryChunkSizeMiB | MemoryDomain | integer (mebibytes) | The minimum size allowed for a memory chunk within this domain in mebibytes (MiB). |
MinPasswordLength | AccountService | integer | The minimum password length for this account service. |
MinPowerWatts | Chassis | number (watts) | The lower bound of the total power consumed by the chassis. |
MinReadingRange | Thermal (Fans) | integer | Minimum value for this sensor. |
MetricDefinition | number | Minimum value for metric reading. | |
Power (Voltages) | number (volts) | Minimum value for this sensor. | |
MinReadingRangeTemp | Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | Minimum value for this sensor. |
MinSID | AddressPool (GenZ) | integer | The minimum value for the Subnet Identifier (SID). |
MinSpeedMHz | Processor | integer (MHz) | The minimum clock speed of the processor in MHz. |
Mode | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > OAuth2Service), AccountService (LDAP > OAuth2Service), AccountService (OAuth2 > OAuth2Service), AccountService (TACACSplus > OAuth2Service), ExternalAccountProvider (OAuth2Service) | string (enum) | The mode of operation for token validation. |
Model | Processor (FPGA) | string | The FPGA model. |
Manager | string | The model information of this manager, as defined by the manufacturer. | |
Drive | string | The model number for the drive. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The model number for the PCIe device. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The model number for the storage controller. | |
Battery | string | The model number for this battery. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | string | The model number for this fan. | |
Filter | string | The model number for this filter. | |
Heater | string | The model number for this heater. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string | The model number for this power supply. | |
Pump | string | The model number for this pump. | |
Reservoir | string | The model number for this reservoir. | |
Volume | string | The model number for this storage volume. | |
Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The model number of the assembly. | |
Cable | string | The model number of the cable. | |
Chassis | string | The model number of the chassis. | |
LeakDetector | string | The model number of the leak detector. | |
Sensor | string | The model number of the sensor. | |
TrustedComponent | string | The model number of the trusted component. | |
MediaController | string | The model of this media controller. | |
FabricAdapter | string | The model string for this fabric adapter. | |
NetworkAdapter | string | The model string for this network adapter. | |
ComputerSystem (ProcessorSummary) | string | The processor model for the primary or majority of processors in this system. | |
Memory, Processor, SimpleStorage (Devices) | string | The product model number of this device. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution | string | The product model number of this equipment. | |
GraphicsController | string | The product model number of this graphics controller. | |
Switch | string | The product model number of this switch. | |
USBController | string | The product model number of this USB controller. | |
ComputerSystem | string | The product name for this system, without the manufacturer name. | |
Modified | LogEntry | string | The date and time when the log entry was last modified. |
ModifyRedundancySet (Action) | Manager (Actions) | object | The ModifyRedundancySet operation adds members to or removes members from a redundant group of managers. |
ModuleManufacturerID | Memory | string | The manufacturer ID of this memory device. |
ModuleProductID | Memory | string | The product ID of this memory device. |
MountPoints | Container | array | The file system mount points configured for this container. |
MPRT | Port (GenZ) | object | The Multi-subnet Packet Relay Table for the port. |
MSDT | FabricAdapter (GenZ) | object | The Multi Subnet Destination Table for the component. |
MTUSize | EthernetInterface | integer | The currently configured maximum transmission unit (MTU), in bytes, on this interface. |
NetworkDeviceFunction (Ethernet) | integer | The hardware maximum transmission unit (MTU) configured for this network device function. | |
NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | integer | The maximum transmission unit (MTU) configured for this network device function. | |
MTUSizeMaximum | NetworkDeviceFunction (Ethernet) | integer | The largest maximum transmission unit (MTU) size supported for this network device function. |
MultiFactorAuth | AccountService | object | The multi-factor authentication settings that this account service supports. |
MultihopEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | boolean | External BGP (eBGP) multihop status. |
MultihopTTL | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP) | integer | External BGP (eBGP) multihop Time to Live (TTL) value. |
MultipartHttpPushUri | UpdateService | string | The URI used to perform a Redfish Specification-defined multipart HTTP or HTTPS push update to the update service. |
Multipath | Drive | boolean | An indication of whether the drive is accessible from multiple paths. |
MultipleHTTPRequests | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports multiple outstanding HTTP requests. |
MultiplePaths | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP) | object | Multiple path related properties. |
MultiProtocolEBGP | AddressPool (Ethernet) | object | Multi Protocol eBGP (MP eBGP) related properties for this Ethernet fabric. |
MultiProtocolIBGP | AddressPool (Ethernet) | object | Multi Protocol iBGP (MP iBGP) related properties for this Ethernet fabric. |
MutualCHAPSecret | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The CHAP secret for two-way CHAP authentication. |
MutualCHAPUsername | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The CHAP username for two-way CHAP authentication. |
MutuallyExclusiveEndpoints | Endpoint (Links) | array | An array of links to the endpoints that cannot be used in zones if this endpoint is in a zone. |
NACKCount | ManagerDiagnosticData (I2CBuses) | integer | The number of NACKs on this I2C bus. |
NameServers | EthernetInterface | array | The DNS servers in use on this interface. |
NamespaceFeatures | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | object | This property contains a set of Namespace Features. |
NamespaceId | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | string | The NVMe Namespace Identifier for this namespace. |
Namespaces | StorageController (Actions > AttachNamespaces (Action)) | array | The namespaces to attach to the storage controller. |
StorageController (Actions > DetachNamespaces (Action)) | array | The namespaces to detach from the storage controller. | |
NamespacesInReadOnlyMode | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART > EGCriticalWarningSummary) | boolean | An indication of whether namespaces in one or more Endurance Groups are in read-only mode not as a result of a change in the write protection state of a namespace. |
NamespaceType | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | string (enum) | Identifies the type of namespace. |
NativeCommandQueueDepth | DriveMetrics | integer | The current depth of the Native Command Queue. |
NativeVLAN | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | integer | The untagged Virtual LAN (VLAN) ID value. |
NCSIRXBytes | NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer (bytes) | The total number of NC-SI bytes received since reset. |
NCSIRXFrames | NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer | The total number of NC-SI frames received since reset. |
NCSITXBytes | NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer (bytes) | The total number of NC-SI bytes sent since reset. |
NCSITXFrames | NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer | The total number of NC-SI frames sent since reset. |
NDPProxyEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | boolean | Network Discovery Protocol (NDP) proxy status. |
NDPSuppressionEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | boolean | Network Discovery Protocol (NDP) suppression status. |
NDPSupressionEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | boolean | Network Discovery Protocol (NDP) suppression status. |
NegotiatedSpeedGbs | Drive | number (Gbit/s) | The speed, in gigabits per second (Gbit/s) units, at which this drive currently communicates to the storage controller. |
NetDevFuncCapabilities | NetworkDeviceFunction | array | An array of capabilities for this network device function. |
NetDevFuncMaxBWAlloc | NetworkPort | array | An array of maximum bandwidth allocation percentages for the network device functions associated with this port. |
NetDevFuncMinBWAlloc | NetworkPort | array | An array of minimum bandwidth allocation percentages for the network device functions associated with this port. |
NetDevFuncType | NetworkDeviceFunction | string (enum) | The configured capability of this network device function. |
NetworkAdapter | NetworkInterface (Links) | object | The link to the network adapter that contains this network interface. |
NetworkAdapters | Heater (Links) | array | An array of links to the network adapters heated by this heater. |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of network adapters associated with this chassis. | |
NetworkDeviceFunction | Endpoint (Links) | array | When NetworkDeviceFunction resources are present, this array contains links to the network device functions that connect to this endpoint. |
NetworkPort (NetDevFuncMaxBWAlloc), NetworkPort (NetDevFuncMinBWAlloc), Port (FunctionMaxBandwidth), Port (FunctionMinBandwidth) | object | The link to the network device function associated with this bandwidth setting of this network port. | |
EthernetInterface (Links) | object | The link to the parent network device function and is only used when representing one of the VLANs on that network device function, such as is done in Unix. | |
NetworkDeviceFunctionCount | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities) | integer | The maximum number of physical functions available on this controller. |
NetworkDeviceFunctions | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > Links) | array | An array of links to the network device functions associated with this network controller. |
Drive (Links) | array | An array of links to the network device functions that provide network connectivity for this drive. | |
PCIeFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the network device functions that the PCIe function produces. | |
EthernetInterface (Links) | array | The link to the network device functions that constitute this Ethernet interface. | |
StorageController (Links) | array | The network device functions that provide connectivity to this controller. | |
Processor (Links) | array | The network device functions to which this processor performs offload computation, such as with a SmartNIC. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the collection of network device functions associated with this network adapter. | |
NetworkInterface | object | The link to the network device functions associated with this network interface. | |
Networking | PortMetrics | object | The port metrics for network ports, including Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and InfiniBand, that are not specific to one of these protocols. |
NetworkInterfaces | ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the Network Interfaces available in this resource block. |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of Network Interfaces associated with this system. | |
NetworkPortCount | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities) | integer | The number of physical ports on this controller. |
NetworkPortMaxCount | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > VirtualizationOffload > VirtualFunction) | integer | The maximum number of virtual functions supported per network port for this controller. |
NetworkPorts | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > Links) | array | An array of links to the network ports associated with this network controller. |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the collection of network ports associated with this network adapter. | |
NetworkInterface | object | The link to the network ports associated with this network interface. | |
NetworkProtocol | HostInterface | object | A link to the network services and their settings that the manager controls. In this property, clients find configuration options for the network and network services. |
Manager | object | The link to the network services and their settings that the manager controls. | |
NetworkSuppliedServers | ManagerNetworkProtocol (NTP) | array | The NTP servers supplied by other network protocols to this manager. |
Neutral | Circuit (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps), Outlet (PolyPhaseCurrentAmps) | object | Neutral line current (A). |
NewManager | Manager (Actions > ForceFailover (Action)) | object | The manager to which to fail over. |
NewPassword | ManagerAccount (Actions > ChangePassword (Action)) | string | The new account password. |
Bios (Actions > ChangePassword (Action)) | string | The new BIOS password. | |
Storage (Actions > SetControllerPassword (Action)) | string | The new password to set for the controller. | |
NodeGUID | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | string | This is the currently configured node GUID of the network device function. |
NoEventLog | Memory (Actions > ScanMedia (Action)) | boolean | Indicates whether events related to the media scan are not logged. |
NoLinks | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported > ExpandQuery) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the period (. ) option of the $expand query parameter. |
NominalFrequencyHz | Circuit | number | The nominal frequency (Hz) for this circuit. |
NominalOutputVoltage | Battery | number (volts) | The nominal output voltage of this battery. |
NominalVoltage | PowerSupply (OutputRails) | number | The nominal voltage of this output power rail. |
Circuit | string (enum) | The nominal voltage for this circuit. | |
Outlet | string (enum) | The nominal voltage for this outlet. | |
NominalVoltageType | PowerSupply (InputRanges) | string (enum) | The input voltage range. |
Nonce | ComponentIntegrity (Actions > SPDMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | string | A 32-byte hex-encoded string that is signed with the measurements. The value should be unique. |
ComponentIntegrity (Actions > TPMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | string | A set of bytes as a hex-encoded string that is signed with the measurements. The value should be unique. | |
NonceSizeBytesMaximum | ComponentIntegrity (TPM) | integer | The maximum number of bytes that can be specified in the Nonce parameter of the TPMGetSignedMeasurements action. |
NonCRCTransientErrors | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number transient errors detected that are unrelated to CRC validation. |
NonVolatileRegion | MemoryRegion | boolean | An indication of whether this memory region represents non-volatile memory. |
NonVolatileSizeLimitMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | The total non-volatile memory capacity in mebibytes (MiB). |
NonVolatileSizeMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | Total size of the non-volatile portion memory in MiB. |
NotificationType | Event (Events > CPER), LogEntry (CPER) | string | The CPER Notification Type for a CPER record. |
NotifyIPv6Scope | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SSDP) | string (enum) | The IPv6 scope for multicast NOTIFY messages for SSDP. |
NotifyMulticastIntervalSeconds | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SSDP) | integer (seconds) | The time interval, in seconds, between transmissions of the multicast NOTIFY ALIVE message from this service for SSDP. |
NotifyTTL | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SSDP) | integer | The time-to-live hop count for SSDP multicast NOTIFY messages. |
NPAR | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities) | object | NIC Partitioning (NPAR) capabilities for this controller. |
NparCapable | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > NPAR) | boolean | An indication of whether the controller supports NIC function partitioning. |
NparEnabled | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > NPAR) | boolean | An indication of whether NIC function partitioning is active on this controller. |
NPIV | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities) | object | N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) capabilities for this controller. |
NQN | Key (NVMeoF) | string | The NVMe Qualified Name (NQN) of the host or target subsystem associated with this key. |
NTP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's NTP protocol support. |
NTPOffsetHoursMinutes | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | integer | The Network Time Protocol (NTP) offset configuration. |
NTPServer | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | array | The Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers for this Ethernet fabric. |
NTPServers | ManagerNetworkProtocol (NTP) | array | Indicates to which user-supplied NTP servers this manager is subscribed. |
NTPTimezone | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | string | The Network Time Protocol (NTP) time zone for this Ethernet fabric. |
NumberDiscoveredRemotePorts | Port (FibreChannel) | integer | The number of ports not on the associated device that the associated device has discovered through this port. |
NetworkPort | integer | The number of ports not on this adapter that this port has discovered. | |
NumberLBAFormats | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | integer (bytes) | The number of LBA data size and metadata size combinations supported by this namespace. The value of this property is between 0 and 16. |
NumberOfCompositions | ResourceBlock (CompositionStatus) | integer | The number of compositions in which this resource block is currently participating. |
NumberOfErrorInformationLogEntries | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of error information log entries over the life of the controller. |
NumericThresholds | Triggers | object | The thresholds for a numeric metric trigger. |
NumOffloadedIPv4Conns | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (Ethernet) | integer | The total number of offloaded TCP/IPv4 connections. |
NumOffloadedIPv6Conns | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (Ethernet) | integer | The total number of offloaded TCP/IPv6 connections. |
NVMe | Drive | object | NVMe properties for this drive. |
NVMeControllerAttributes | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | object | The NVMe controller attributes. |
NVMeControllerProperties | StorageController | object | The NVMe-related properties for this storage controller. |
NVMeDiscoveredSubsystems | StorageController (Links) | array | The NVMe subsystems discovered by this discovery controller. |
NVMeDomains | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of NVMe domains. |
NVMeNamespaceProperties | Volume | object | This property contains properties to use when Volume is used to describe an NVMe Namespace. |
NVMeoF | Key, KeyPolicy | object | NVMe-oF specific properties. |
NVMeoFCipherSuiteType | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF > CipherSuiteAllowList) | string (enum) | The NVMe cipher suites that a key is allowed to use. |
NVMeoFDHGroupType | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF > DHGroupAllowList) | string (enum) | The NVMe Diffie-Hellman (DH) groups that a key is allowed to use. |
NVMeoFDiscoverySubsystems | Storage (Links) | array | An array of links to the discovery subsystems that discovered this subsystem in an NVMe-oF environment. |
NVMeoFKeyPolicies | KeyService | object | The NVMe-oF key policies maintained by this service. |
NVMeoFSecrets | KeyService | object | The NVMe-oF keys maintained by this service. |
NVMeoFSecureHashType | Key (NVMeoF > SecureHashAllowList), KeyPolicy (NVMeoF > SecureHashAllowList) | string (enum) | The NVMe secure hash algorithms that a key is allowed to use. |
NVMeoFSecurityProtocolType | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF > SecurityProtocolAllowList) | string (enum) | The NVMe security protocols that a key is allowed to use. |
NVMeoFSecurityTransportType | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF > SecurityTransportAllowList) | string (enum) | The NVMe security transports that a key is allowed to use. |
NVMeSMART | DriveMetrics | object | The NVMe SMART metrics for the drive. |
StorageControllerMetrics | object | The NVMe SMART metrics for this storage controller. | |
NVMeSMARTCriticalWarnings | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties) | object | The NVMe SMART Critical Warnings for this storage controller. This property contains possible triggers for the predictive drive failure warning for the corresponding drive. |
NVMeSubsystemProperties | Storage | object | Information specific to NVMe Subsystems. |
NVMeVersion | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties), Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | string | The version of the NVMe Base Specification supported. |
OAuth2 | AccountService | object | The first OAuth 2.0 external account provider that this account service supports. |
OAuth2Service | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | object | The additional information needed to parse an OAuth 2.0 service. |
OAuthServiceSigningKeys | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > OAuth2Service), AccountService (LDAP > OAuth2Service), AccountService (OAuth2 > OAuth2Service), AccountService (TACACSplus > OAuth2Service), ExternalAccountProvider (OAuth2Service) | string | The Base64-encoded signing keys of the issuer of the OAuth 2.0 service. Clients should configure this property if Mode contains Offline . |
ObjectDataType | ActionInfo (Parameters) | string | The data type of an object-based parameter. |
OccupancyBytes | ProcessorMetrics (Cache), ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CoreCache) | integer (bytes) | The total cache level occupancy in bytes. |
OccupancyPercent | ProcessorMetrics (Cache), ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CoreCache) | number (%) | The total cache occupancy percentage. |
OEMAccountTypes | ManagerAccount | array | The OEM account types. |
OEMCalculationAlgorithm | MetricDefinition | string | The OEM-defined calculation that is performed on a source metric to obtain the metric being defined. |
OEMDecommissionTypes | ComputerSystem (Actions > Decommission (Action)) | array | The OEM-specific types of data to remove from the system. |
OEMDiagnosticDataType | Event (Events), LogEntry | string | The OEM-defined type of data available in the DiagnosticData property or retrieved from the URI specified by the AdditionalDataURI property. |
LogService (DiagnosticDataDetails) | string | The OEM-defined type of diagnostic data to collect with the CollectDiagnosticData action. |
LogService (Actions > CollectDiagnosticData (Action)) | string | The OEM-defined type of diagnostic data to collect. | |
OemLastState | ComputerSystem (BootProgress) | string | The OEM-specific last state, if the LastState type is OEM . |
OemLogEntryCode | LogEntry | string | The OEM-specific entry code, if the LogEntryCode type is OEM . |
OEMLogPurpose | LogService | string | The OEM-specified purpose of the log if LogPurposes contains OEM . |
OemPrivileges | Role | array | The OEM privileges for this role. |
OEMPrivilegesUsed | PrivilegeRegistry | array | The set of OEM privileges used in this mapping. |
OEMProtocol | EventDestination | string | The OEM-defined protocol type of the event connection. |
OemRecordFormat | LogEntry | string | The OEM-specific format of the entry. If the entry type is Oem , this property contains more information about the record format from the OEM. |
OEMSecurityProtocolAllowList | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF) | array | The OEM security protocols that this key policy allows. |
OEMSecurityProtocolType | Key (NVMeoF) | string | The OEM security protocol that this key uses. |
OemSensorType | LogEntry | string | The OEM-specific sensor type if the sensor type is OEM . |
OemSessionType | Session | string | The active OEM-defined session type. |
OEMSubscriptionType | EventDestination | string | The OEM-defined subscription type for events. |
OffloadedNetworkDeviceFunctions | ComputerSystem (Links) | array | The network device functions to which this system performs offload computation, such as with a SmartNIC. |
OffloadProcessors | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links) | array | The processors that perform offload computation for this network function, such as with a SmartNIC. |
OffloadSystem | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links) | object | The system that performs offload computation for this network function, such as with a SmartNIC. |
OffsetMiB | MemoryChunks (InterleaveSets) | integer (mebibytes) | Offset within the DIMM that corresponds to the start of this memory region, measured in mebibytes (MiB). |
Memory (Regions) | integer (mebibytes) | Offset within the memory that corresponds to the start of this memory region in mebibytes (MiB). | |
OffsetMinutes | Manager (DaylightSavingTime) | integer | The daylight saving time offset in minutes. |
OldPassword | Bios (Actions > ChangePassword (Action)) | string | The existing BIOS password. |
OneTimePasscode | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth) | object | The settings related to one-time passcode (OTP) multi-factor authentication. |
OneTimePasscodeDeliveryAddress | ManagerAccount | string | The address used to receive one-time passcode messages for multi-factor authentication. |
OnlyMemberQuery | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the only query parameter. |
OperatingConfigs | Processor | object | The link to the collection of operating configurations that can be applied to this processor. |
OperatingMemoryModes | Memory | array | Memory modes supported by the memory device. |
OperatingMode | EthernetInterface (DHCPv6) | string (enum) | Determines the DHCPv6 operating mode for this interface. |
OperatingSpeedMhz | Memory | integer (MHz) | Operating speed of the memory device in MHz or MT/s as appropriate. |
OperatingSpeedMHz | MemoryMetrics | integer (MHz) | Operating speed of memory in MHz or MT/s as appropriate. |
Processor, ProcessorMetrics | integer (MHz) | Operating speed of the processor in MHz. | |
OperatingSpeedRangeMHz | Memory, Processor | object | Range of allowed operating speeds (MHz). |
OperatingSystem | ComputerSystem | object | The link to the operating system information associated with this system. |
Operation | Drive (Operations), Volume (Operations) | string (enum) | The type of the operation. |
OperationMap | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings) | object | List mapping between HTTP methods and privilege required for the resource. |
PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides) | object | The mapping between the HTTP operation and the privilege required to complete the operation. | |
OperationName | Drive (Operations), Volume (Operations) | string | The name of the operation. |
Operations | Drive | array | The operations currently running on the drive. |
Volume | array | The operations currently running on the Volume. | |
OptimumIOSizeBytes | Volume | integer (bytes) | The size in bytes of this Volume's optimum IO size. |
Organization | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The name of the organization making the request. |
Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The name of the organization of the entity. | |
OrganizationalUnit | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The name of the unit or division of the organization making the request. |
Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The name of the unit or division of the organization of the entity. | |
Originator | LogEntry | string | The source of the log entry. |
OriginatorType | LogEntry | string (enum) | The type of originator data. |
OriginOfCondition | Event (Events) | object | A link to the resource or object that originated the condition that caused the event to be generated. |
LogEntry (Links) | object | The link to the resource that caused the log entry. | |
EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string | The URL in the OriginOfCondition property of the event to add. It is not a reference object. |
OriginResource | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the OriginResources property. |
OriginResources | EventDestination | array | The array of resources for which the service sends only related events. |
OSDistribution | SoftwareInventory (AdditionalVersions) | string | The operating system name of this software. |
OutboundConnection | Session (Links) | object | The outbound connection associated with this session. |
OutboundConnections | AccountService | object | The collection of outbound connection configurations. |
Outlet | PowerSupply (Links) | object | A link to the outlet connected to this power supply. |
OutletGroups | OutletGroup (Links) | array | The set of outlet groups in this outlet group. |
PowerDistribution | object | A link to the outlet groups for this equipment. | |
OutletGroupType | OutletGroup | string (enum) | The type of outlet group that this resource represents. |
Outlets | Circuit (Links) | array | An array of references to the outlets contained by this circuit. |
OutletGroup (Links) | array | The set of outlets in this outlet group. | |
PowerDistribution | object | A link to the outlets for this equipment. | |
OutletType | Outlet | string (enum) | The type of receptacle according to NEMA, IEC, or regional standards. |
OutputCurrentAmps | BatteryMetrics | array | The output currents (A) for this battery. |
OutputNominalVoltageType | PowerSupply | string (enum) | The nominal output voltage type of this power supply. |
OutputPowerWatts | PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The total power output (W) for this power supply. |
OutputRails | PowerSupply | array | The output power rails provided by this power supply. |
OutputVoltages | BatteryMetrics | array | The output voltages (V) for this battery. |
OutputWattage | Power (PowerSupplies > InputRanges) | number (watts) | The maximum capacity of this power supply when operating in this input range. |
OverallSubsystemDegraded | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeSMARTCriticalWarnings) | boolean | Indicates that the NVM subsystem reliability has been compromised. |
Overflow | LogService | boolean | Indicates whether the log service has overflowed. |
OverflowErrorCount | LogEntry | integer | The count of overflow errors that occurred after this log entry. |
OverNominalFrequencyHz | PowerDistribution (TransferCriteria) | number (Hz) | The frequency in hertz units over the nominal value that satisfies a criterion for transfer. |
OverrideParentManager | SecurityPolicy | boolean | Override the security policy of the parent manager. |
OverVoltageRMSPercentage | PowerDistribution (TransferCriteria) | number (%) | The positive percentage of voltage RMS over the nominal value that satisfies a criterion for transfer. |
OverwritePasses | Drive (Actions > SecureErase (Action)) | integer | The number of times to overwrite the drive if performing an overwrite type of sanitization. |
OverWritePolicy | LogService | string (enum) | The overwrite policy for this service that takes place when the log is full. |
OverwriteUnit (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | This contains the action for securely erasing given regions using the NIST SP800-88 Purge: Overwrite. |
Owner | TrustedComponent (Links) | object | A link to the resource that owns this trusted component. |
OwningEntity | AttributeRegistry | string | The organization or company that publishes this attribute registry. |
MessageRegistry | string | The organization or company that publishes this message registry. | |
OwningStorageResource | Volume (Links) | object | A pointer to the Storage resource that owns or contains this volume. |
OwningStorageService | Volume (Links) | object | A pointer to the StorageService that owns or contains this volume. |
PacketCRCErrors | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number of PCRC transient errors detected. |
PacketDeadlineDiscards | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The number of packets discarded due to the Congestion Deadline subfield reaching zero. |
Parameters | ActionInfo | array | The list of parameters included in the specified Redfish action. |
Parity | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The type of parity used by the sender and receiver to detect errors over the serial connection. |
PartNumber | NetworkAdapter | string | Part number for this network adapter. |
Battery | string | The part number for this battery. | |
Cable | string | The part number for this cable. | |
Drive | string | The part number for this drive. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution | string | The part number for this equipment. | |
FabricAdapter | string | The part number for this fabric adapter. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | string | The part number for this fan. | |
Filter | string | The part number for this filter. | |
GraphicsController | string | The part number for this graphics controller. | |
Heater | string | The part number for this heater. | |
License | string | The part number for this license. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The part number for this PCIe device. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string | The part number for this power supply. | |
Pump | string | The part number for this pump. | |
Reservoir | string | The part number for this reservoir. | |
Port (SFP) | string | The part number for this SFP. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The part number for this storage controller. | |
Switch | string | The part number for this switch. | |
ComputerSystem | string | The part number for this system. | |
USBController | string | The part number for this USB controller. | |
Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The part number of the assembly. | |
Chassis | string | The part number of the chassis. | |
LeakDetector | string | The part number of the leak detector. | |
Manager | string | The part number of the manager. | |
Processor | string | The part number of the processor. | |
Sensor | string | The part number of the sensor. | |
TrustedComponent | string | The part number of the trusted component. | |
MediaController | string | The part number of this media controller. | |
Memory | string | The product part number of this device. | |
PartofSummaryHash | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | boolean | Indicates whether this measurement is part of the measurement summary. |
PassiveModeEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | boolean | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) passive mode status. |
Passphrase | Memory (Actions > DisablePassphrase (Action)), Memory (Actions > OverwriteUnit (Action)), Memory (Actions > SecureEraseUnit (Action)), Memory (Actions > SetPassphrase (Action)) | string | Passphrase for doing the operation. |
Memory (Actions > DisableMasterPassphrase (Action)) | string | The master passphrase for the specified region. | |
Memory (Actions > SetMasterPassphrase (Action)) | string | The master passphrase to set for the specified region. | |
Memory (Actions > UnlockUnit (Action)) | string | The passphrase required to complete the operation. | |
PassphraseCapable | Memory (SecurityCapabilities) | boolean | An indication of whether the memory device is passphrase capable. |
PassphraseEnabled | Memory (Regions) | boolean | An indication of whether the passphrase is enabled for this region. |
PassphraseLockLimit | Memory (SecurityCapabilities) | integer | The maximum number of incorrect passphrase attempts allowed before memory device is locked. |
PassphraseState | Memory (Regions) | boolean | An indication of whether the state of the passphrase for this region is enabled. |
Password | AggregationSource | string | The password for accessing the aggregation source. The value is null in responses. |
EventService (SMTP) | string | The password for authentication with the SMTP server. The value is null in responses. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol (Proxy) | string | The password for the proxy. The value is null in responses. |
AccountService (ActiveDirectory > Authentication), AccountService (LDAP > Authentication), AccountService (OAuth2 > Authentication), AccountService (TACACSplus > Authentication), ExternalAccountProvider (Authentication) | string | The password for this service. A PATCH or PUT request writes the password. This property is null in responses. |
Session | string | The password for this session. The value is null in responses. |
ComputerSystem (KeyManagement > KMIPServers) | string | The password to access the KMIP server. The value is null in responses. |
VirtualMedia (Actions > InsertMedia (Action)) | string | The password to access the URI specified by the Image parameter. |
VirtualMedia | string | The password to access the URI specified by the Image property. The value is null in responses. |
UpdateService (Actions > SimpleUpdate (Action)) | string | The password to access the URI specified by the ImageURI parameter. |
LicenseService (Actions > Install (Action)) | string | The password to access the URI specified by the LicenseFileURI parameter. |
LogService (Actions > CollectDiagnosticData (Action)), LogService (Actions > PushDiagnosticData (Action)) | string | The password to access the URI specified by the TargetURI parameter. |
ManagerAccount | string | The password. Use this property with a PATCH or PUT to write the password for the account. This property is null in responses. |
PasswordChangeRequired | ManagerAccount | boolean | An indication of whether the service requires that the password for this account be changed before further access to the account is allowed. |
PasswordExchangeProtocols | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > TACACSplusService), AccountService (LDAP > TACACSplusService), AccountService (OAuth2 > TACACSplusService), AccountService (TACACSplus > TACACSplusService), ExternalAccountProvider (TACACSplusService) | array | Indicates the allowed TACACS+ password exchange protocols. |
PasswordExpiration | ManagerAccount | string | Indicates the date and time when this account password expires. If null , the account password never expires. |
PasswordExpirationDays | AccountService | integer | The number of days before account passwords in this account service will expire. |
PasswordName | Bios (Actions > ChangePassword (Action)) | string | The name of the BIOS password to change. |
PasswordSet | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), EventService (SMTP), ManagerNetworkProtocol (Proxy) | boolean | Indicates if the Password property is set. |
PATCH | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides > OperationMap) | array | The privilege required to complete an HTTP PATCH operation. |
PathMTUDiscoveryEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | boolean | Path MTU discovery status. |
Payload | Job | object | The HTTP and JSON request payload details for this job. |
Task | object | The HTTP and JSON request payload details for this task, unless they are hidden from view by the service. | |
PciClassCode | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | string | The Class Code, Subclass, and Programming Interface code of this PCIe function. |
PCIe | Processor (FPGA > ExternalInterfaces), Processor (FPGA > HostInterface), Processor (SystemInterface) | object | The PCIe-related information for this interface. |
PCIeDevice | PCIeSlots (Slots > Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe devices contained in this slot. |
GraphicsController (Links) | object | A link to the PCIe device that represents this graphics controller. | |
USBController (Links) | object | A link to the PCIe device that represents this USB controller. | |
Processor (Links) | object | The link to the PCIe device associated with this processor. | |
PCIeFunction (Links) | object | The link to the PCIe device on which this function resides. | |
Switch (Links) | object | The link to the PCIe device providing this switch. | |
PCIeDevices | FabricAdapter (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe devices associated with this fabric adapter. |
NetworkAdapter (Controllers > Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe devices associated with this network controller. | |
Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe devices located in this chassis. | |
ComputerSystem | array | The link to a collection of PCIe devices that this computer system uses. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of PCIe devices located in this chassis. | |
PCIeErrors | PortMetrics | object | The PCIe errors associated with this port. |
ProcessorMetrics | object | The PCIe errors associated with this processor. | |
SwitchMetrics | object | The PCIe errors associated with this switch. | |
PCIeFunction | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links) | object | The link to the PCIe function associated with this network device function. |
PCIeFunctions | PCIeDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to PCIe functions exposed by this device. |
CXLLogicalDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe functions assigned to this CXL logical device. | |
AccelerationFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe functions associated with this acceleration function. | |
MemoryDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe functions representing this memory domain. | |
Drive (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe functions that the drive produces. | |
Storage (StorageControllers > Links), StorageController (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIe functions that the storage controller produces. | |
Processor (Links) | array | An array of links to the PCIeFunctions associated with this processor. | |
ComputerSystem | array | The link to a collection of PCIe functions that this computer system uses. | |
PCIeDevice | object | The link to the collection of PCIe functions associated with this PCIe device. | |
PCIeInterface | NetworkAdapter (Controllers), Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | object | The PCIe interface details for this controller. |
FabricAdapter | object | The PCIe interface details for this fabric adapter. | |
PCIeDevice | object | The PCIe interface details for this PCIe device. | |
PCIeSlots | Chassis | object | The link to the PCIe slot properties for this chassis. |
PCIeType | PCIeSlots (Slots) | string (enum) | The PCIe specification supported by this slot. |
PCIeDevice (Slot) | string (enum) | The PCIe specification this slot supports. | |
PCIeDevice (PCIeInterface) | string (enum) | The version of the PCIe specification in use by this device. | |
PCIeVirtualFunctions | Processor (FPGA) | integer | The number of PCIe Virtual Functions. |
PciFunctionNumber | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities) | integer | The PCI ID of the connected entity. |
PciId | Endpoint | object | The PCI ID of the endpoint. |
PCR | ComponentIntegrity (TPM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | integer | The Platform Configuration Register (PCR) bank of the measurement. |
PCRSelection | ComponentIntegrity (Actions > TPMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | string | An object that identifies the PCRs to sign. |
PeakPowerBudgetMilliWatts | Memory (PowerManagementPolicy) | integer (milliwatts) | Peak power budget, in milliwatt units. |
PeakReading | Sensor | number | The peak sensor value. |
PeakReadingTime | Sensor | string | The time when the peak sensor value occurred. |
PeerAS | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | Peer Autonomous System (AS) number. |
PeerDHCHAPAuthSecret | Connection (ConnectionKeys > DHCHAP) | string | The peer DHCHAP authentication secret. The value is null in responses. |
PercentageComplete | Volume (Operations) | integer | The percentage of the operation that has been completed. |
Drive (Operations) | integer (%) | The percentage of the operation that has been completed. | |
PercentageUsed | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | number (%) | The percentage of the NVM subsystem life used. |
PercentComplete | Job | integer (%) | The completion percentage of this job. |
Task | integer (%) | The completion percentage of this task. | |
PerformanceDegraded | MemoryMetrics (HealthData) | boolean | An indication of whether performance has degraded. |
PermanentMACAddress | NetworkDeviceFunction (Ethernet) | string | The permanent MAC address assigned to this function. |
EthernetInterface | string | The permanent MAC address assigned to this interface, or port. | |
PermanentNodeGUID | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | string | The permanent node GUID assigned to this network device function. |
PermanentPortGUID | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | string | The permanent port GUID assigned to this network device function. |
PermanentSystemGUID | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | string | The permanent system GUID assigned to this network device function. |
PermanentWWNN | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | string | The permanent World Wide Node Name (WWNN) address assigned to this function. |
PermanentWWPN | NetworkDeviceFunction (FibreChannel) | string | The permanent World Wide Port Name (WWPN) address assigned to this function. |
Persistency | LogEntry | boolean | Indicates whether the log entry is persistent across a cold reset of the device. |
LogService | boolean | Indicates whether the log service is persistent across a cold reset. | |
PersistentCacheSizeMiB | Storage (StorageControllers > CacheSummary), StorageController (CacheSummary) | integer (mebibytes) | The portion of the cache memory that is persistent, measured in MiB. |
PersistentRegionNumberLimit | Memory | integer | Total number of persistent regions this memory device can support. |
PersistentRegionSizeLimitMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | Total size of persistent regions in mebibytes (MiB). |
PersistentRegionSizeMaxMiB | Memory | integer (mebibytes) | Maximum size of a single persistent region in mebibytes (MiB). |
PhaseAngleDegrees | various (Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToLine2), Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToNeutral) ... ) | number | The phase angle (degrees) between the current and voltage waveforms. |
PhaseWiringType | PowerSupply | string (enum) | The number of ungrounded current-carrying conductors (phases) and the total number of conductors (wires) provided for the power supply input connector. |
Circuit, Outlet | string (enum) | The number of ungrounded current-carrying conductors (phases) and the total number of conductors (wires). | |
PhoneNumber | License (Contact) | string | Phone number for this contact. |
ManagerAccount | string | The contact phone number associated with this account. | |
PhyResetProblemCount | PortMetrics (SAS) | integer | The number of times a phy reset problem has occurred. |
PhysicalAddress | Memory (Actions > InjectPersistentPoison (Action)) | string | The device persistent physical address in which to perform a poison injection as a hex-encoded string. |
Memory (Actions > ScanMedia (Action)) | string | The starting device physical address to scan as a hex-encoded string. | |
PhysicalContext | Fan, Thermal (Fans) | string (enum) | The area or device associated with this fan. |
Filter | string (enum) | The area or device associated with this filter. | |
Heater | string (enum) | The area or device associated with this heater. | |
Pump | string (enum) | The area or device associated with this pump. | |
Reservoir | string (enum) | The area or device associated with this reservoir. | |
Assembly (Assemblies) | string (enum) | The area or device to which the assembly data applies. | |
Control | string (enum) | The area or device to which this control applies. | |
LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups > Detectors), LeakDetector | string (enum) | The area or device to which this leak detector applies. | |
PowerSupply (OutputRails) | string (enum) | The area or device to which this power rail applies. | |
EnvironmentMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), HeaterMetrics (TemperatureReadingsCelsius), PowerSupplyMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), Sensor, ThermalMetrics (TemperatureReadingsCelsius) | string (enum) | The area or device to which this sensor measurement applies. | |
Thermal (Temperatures) | string (enum) | The area or device to which this temperature measurement applies. | |
Power (Voltages) | string (enum) | The area or device to which this voltage measurement applies. | |
Power (PowerControl) | string (enum) | The area, device, or set of devices to which this power control applies. | |
MetricDefinition | string (enum) | The physical context of the metric. | |
PhysicalLocation | Drive | object | The location of the drive. This property is equivalent to the Location property common to other standard Redfish resources. |
PhysicalNetworkPortAssignment | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links), NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The physical port to which this network device function is currently assigned. |
PhysicalPortAssignment | NetworkDeviceFunction (Links), NetworkDeviceFunction | object | The physical port to which this network device function is currently assigned. |
PhysicalPortNumber | NetworkPort | string | The physical port number label for this port. |
PhysicalSecureID | Drive (Actions > RevertToOriginalFactoryState (Action)) | string | The physical secure ID (PSID). The PSID is generally printed on the drive label and used to revert an encrypted SED. |
PhysicalSecurity | Chassis | object | The physical security state of the chassis. |
PhysicalSubContext | Control | string (enum) | The usage or location within a device to which this control applies. |
LeakDetection (LeakDetectorGroups > Detectors), LeakDetector | string (enum) | The usage or location within a device to which this leak detector applies. | |
EnvironmentMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), HeaterMetrics (TemperatureReadingsCelsius), PowerSupplyMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), Sensor, ThermalMetrics (TemperatureReadingsCelsius) | string (enum) | The usage or location within a device to which this sensor measurement applies. | |
PIDT | FabricAdapter (GenZ) | array | An array of table entry values for the Packet Injection Delay Table. |
PinOut | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The physical pinout configuration for a serial connector. |
PlugType | Circuit, PowerSupply | string (enum) | The type of plug according to NEMA, IEC, or regional standards. |
PMRUnreliable | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeSMARTCriticalWarnings) | boolean | The Persistent Memory Region has become unreliable. |
PoisonListMaxMediaErrorRecords | Memory | integer | The maximum number of media error records this device can track in its poison list. |
PolicyEnabled | Memory (PowerManagementPolicy) | boolean | An indication of whether the power management policy is enabled. |
PolyPhaseCurrentAmps | Circuit | object | The current readings for this circuit. |
Outlet | object | The current readings for this outlet. | |
PolyPhaseEnergykWh | Circuit | object | The energy readings for this circuit. |
PolyPhasePowerWatts | Circuit | object | The power readings for this circuit. |
PolyPhaseVoltage | Circuit | object | The voltage readings for this circuit. |
Outlet | object | The voltage readings for this outlet. | |
Pool | ResourceBlock | string (enum) | The pool to which this resource block belongs. |
Port | EventService (SMTP) | integer | The destination SMTP port. |
ComputerSystem (KeyManagement > KMIPServers) | integer | The KMIP server port. | |
various (ComputerSystem (GraphicalConsole), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > IPMI) ... ) | integer | The protocol port. | |
Endpoint (IPTransportDetails) | integer | The UDP or TCP port number used by the endpoint. | |
PortConnectionType | Port (FibreChannel) | string (enum) | The connection type of this port. |
PortGUID | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | string | The currently configured port GUID of the network device function. |
PortId | Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | A colon-delimited string of hexadecimal octets identifying a port to be transmitted from this endpoint. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | A colon-delimited string of hexadecimal octets identifying a port. | |
Port | string | The label of this port on the physical package for this port. | |
PortIdSubtype | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string (enum) | The port ID subtype received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string (enum) | The port ID subtype to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
PortLoginAccepts | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of port login (PLOGI) accept (ACC) responses. |
PortLoginRejects | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of port login (PLOGI) reject (RJT) responses. |
PortLoginRequests | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of port login (PLOGI) requests transmitted. |
PortMaximumMTU | NetworkPort | integer | The largest maximum transmission unit (MTU) that can be configured for this network port. |
PortMedium | Port | string (enum) | The physical connection medium for this port. |
PortProtocol | Port | string (enum) | The protocol being sent over this port. |
Ports | Endpoint (Links) | array | An array of links to the physical ports associated with this endpoint. |
NetworkAdapter (Controllers > Links) | array | An array of links to the ports associated with this network controller. | |
EthernetInterface (Links) | array | The links to the ports providing this Ethernet interface. | |
MediaController | object | The link to the collection of ports associated with this media controller. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the collection of ports associated with this network adapter. | |
Processor | object | The link to the collection of ports for this processor. | |
FabricAdapter | object | The link to the collection of ports that exist on the fabric adapter. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | object | The link to the collection of ports that exist on the storage controller. | |
Switch | object | The link to the collection ports for this switch. | |
NetworkInterface | object | The link to the ports associated with this network interface. | |
GraphicsController | object | The ports of the graphics controller. | |
USBController | object | The ports of the USB controller. | |
PortType | Port | string (enum) | The type of this port. |
POST | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides > OperationMap) | array | The privilege required to complete an HTTP POST operation. |
Power | Chassis | object | The link to the power properties, or power supplies, power policies, and sensors, for this chassis. |
PowerAllocatedWatts | Power (PowerControl) | number (watts) | The total amount of power that has been allocated or budgeted to chassis. |
PowerAvailableWatts | Power (PowerControl) | number (watts) | The amount of reserve power capacity, in watt units, that remains. This value is the PowerCapacityWatts value minus the PowerAllocatedWatts value. |
PowerBackupFailed | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeSMARTCriticalWarnings) | boolean | Indicates that the volatile memory backup device has failed. |
PowerCapacityVA | PowerDistribution | integer (V.A) | The maximum power capacity, rated as apparent power, of this equipment, in volt-ampere units. |
PowerCapacityWatts | Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | number (watts) | The maximum capacity of this power supply. |
Power (PowerControl) | number (watts) | The total amount of power that can be allocated to the chassis. This value can be either the power supply capacity or the power budget that an upstream chassis assigns to this chassis. | |
PowerConsumedWatts | Power (PowerControl) | number (watts) | The actual power that the chassis consumes, in watt units. |
PowerControl | Power | array | The set of power control functions, including power reading and limiting. |
PowerControl (Action) | Circuit (Actions) | object | This action turns the circuit on or off. |
OutletGroup (Actions) | object | This action turns the outlet group on or off. | |
Outlet (Actions) | object | This action turns the outlet on or off. | |
PowerControlLocked | Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | boolean | Indicates whether power control requests are locked. |
PowerCycleDelaySeconds | Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | number | The number of seconds to delay power on after a PowerControl action to cycle power. Zero seconds indicates no delay. |
ComputerSystem | number | The number of seconds to delay power on after a Reset action requesting PowerCycle . Zero seconds indicates no delay. |
PowerCycles | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of power cycles. |
PowerDistribution | Chassis (Links) | object | A link to power distribution functionality contained in this chassis. |
PowerDomains | Facility | object | Link to the power domains in this facility. |
PoweredBy | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to resources or objects that power this chassis. Normally, the link is for either a chassis or a specific set of power supplies. |
ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to resources or objects that power this computer system. Normally, the link is for either a chassis or a specific set of power supplies. | |
PoweredByParent | Chassis | boolean | Indicates that the chassis receives power from the containing chassis. |
PowerEnabled | Circuit | boolean | Indicates if the circuit can be powered. |
Outlet | boolean | Indicates if the outlet can be powered. | |
OutletGroup | boolean | Indicates if the outlet group can be powered. | |
PowerEquipment | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a set of power equipment. |
PowerFactor | various (Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToLine2), Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToNeutral) ... ) | number | The power factor for this sensor. |
PoweringChassis | PowerSupply (Links) | array | An array of links to the chassis that are directly powered by this power supply. |
PowerInputWatts | Power (PowerSupplies) | number (watts) | The measured input power of this power supply. |
PowerLimit | Power (PowerControl) | object | The power limit status and configuration information for this chassis. |
PowerLimitThrottleDuration | ProcessorMetrics | string | The total duration of throttling caused by a power limit of the processor since reset. |
PowerLimitWatts | EnvironmentMetrics | object | Power limit (W). |
PowerLoadPercent | Circuit | object | The power load (percent) for this circuit. |
EnvironmentMetrics | object | The power load (percent) for this device. | |
PowerDistributionMetrics | object | The power load (percent) for this equipment. | |
Outlet | object | The power load (percent) for this outlet. | |
PowerManagementICManufacturerID | Memory | string | The manufacturer ID of the Power Management Integrated Controller on this memory device. |
PowerManagementICRevisionID | Memory | string | The revision ID of the Power Management Integrated Controller on this memory device. |
PowerManagementPolicy | Memory | object | Power management policy information. |
PowerMetrics | Power (PowerControl) | object | The power readings for this chassis. |
PowerMode | ComputerSystem | string (enum) | The power mode setting of the computer system. |
PowerOffDelaySeconds | Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | number | The number of seconds to delay power off after a PowerControl action. Zero seconds indicates no delay to power off. |
ComputerSystem | number | The number of seconds to delay power off during a reset. Zero seconds indicates no delay to power off. | |
PowerOnDelaySeconds | ComputerSystem | number | The number of seconds to delay power on after a power cycle or during a reset. Zero seconds indicates no delay to power up. |
Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | number | The number of seconds to delay power up after a power cycle or a PowerControl action. Zero seconds indicates no delay to power up. |
PowerOnHours | DriveMetrics | number | The number of power-on hours for the lifetime of the drive. |
StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | number | The number of power-on hours. | |
PowerOutlet | Circuit (Links) | object | A link to the power outlet that provides power to this circuit. |
PowerOutlets | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the outlets that provide power to this chassis. |
PowerSupply (Links) | array | An array of links to the outlets that provide power to this power supply. | |
PowerOutputWatts | Power (PowerSupplies) | number (watts) | The measured output power of this power supply. |
PowerRequestedWatts | Power (PowerControl) | number (watts) | The potential power, in watt units, that the chassis requests, which might be higher than the current level being consumed because the requested power includes a budget that the chassis wants for future use. |
PowerRestoreDelaySeconds | Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | number | The number of seconds to delay power on after power has been restored. Zero seconds indicates no delay. |
PowerRestorePolicy | Circuit | string (enum) | The desired power state of the circuit when power is restored after a power loss. |
OutletGroup | string (enum) | The desired power state of the outlet group when power is restored after a power loss. | |
Outlet | string (enum) | The desired power state of the outlet when power is restored after a power loss. | |
ComputerSystem | string (enum) | The desired power state of the system when power is restored after a power loss. | |
PowerShelves | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the power shelves in this facility. |
PowerDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the power shelves in this power domain. | |
PowerEquipment | object | A link to a collection of power shelves. | |
PowerState | Chassis | string (enum) | The current power state of the chassis. |
Manager | string (enum) | The current power state of the manager. | |
Processor | string (enum) | The current power state of the processor. | |
Switch | string (enum) | The current power state of the switch. | |
ComputerSystem | string (enum) | The current power state of the system. | |
Circuit (Actions > BreakerControl (Action)) | string (enum) | The desired power state of the circuit if the breaker is reset successfully. | |
Circuit (Actions > PowerControl (Action)) | string (enum) | The desired power state of the circuit. | |
OutletGroup (Actions > PowerControl (Action)) | string (enum) | The desired power state of the outlet group. | |
Outlet (Actions > PowerControl (Action)) | string (enum) | The desired power state of the outlet. | |
Circuit | string (enum) | The power state of the circuit. | |
OutletGroup | string (enum) | The power state of the outlet group. | |
Outlet | string (enum) | The power state of the outlet. | |
PowerStateInTransition | Circuit, Outlet, OutletGroup | boolean | Indicates whether the power state is undergoing a delayed transition. |
PowerSubsystem | Chassis | object | The link to the power subsystem properties for this chassis. |
PowerSupplies | Outlet (Links) | array | An array of links to the power supplies connected to this outlet. |
Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the power supplies that provide power to this chassis. | |
Power | array | The set of power supplies associated with this system or device. | |
PowerDistribution | object | The link to the collection of power supplies for this equipment. | |
PowerSubsystem | object | The link to the collection of power supplies within this subsystem. | |
PowerSupplyRedundancy | PowerDistribution | array | The redundancy information for the set of power supplies for this equipment. |
PowerSubsystem | array | The redundancy information for the set of power supplies in this subsystem. | |
PowerSupplyReset (Action) | Power (Actions) | object | This action resets the targeted power supply. |
PowerSupplyType | Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string (enum) | The power supply type (AC or DC). |
PowerWatts | AccelerationFunction | integer (watts) | The acceleration function power consumption, in watt units. |
ThermalMetrics | object | Power consumption (W) of the thermal management subsystem. | |
EnvironmentMetrics, Fan, HeaterMetrics, PowerDistributionMetrics | object | Power consumption (W). | |
Circuit | object | The power (W) for this circuit. | |
OutletGroup | object | The power (W) for this outlet group. | |
Outlet | object | The power (W) for this outlet. | |
Precedence | EthernetInterface (IPv6AddressPolicyTable) | integer | The IPv6 precedence, as defined in RFC6724, section 2.1. |
Precision | MetricDefinition | integer | Number of significant digits in the metric reading. |
Sensor | number | The number of significant digits in the reading. | |
PredictedMediaLifeLeftPercent | Memory (HealthData) | number (%) | The current health of the memory device as a percentage. |
Drive | number (%) | The percentage of reads and writes that are predicted to be available for the media. | |
MemoryMetrics (HealthData) | number (%) | The percentage of reads and writes that are predicted to still be available for the media. | |
PreferExclusive | RegisteredClient (ManagedResources) | boolean | Indicates whether the registered client expects to have exclusive access to the managed resource. |
Preferred | EndpointGroup | boolean | An indication if access to the resources through the endpoint group is preferred. |
PreferredMainsId | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | string | The preferred source for the mains circuit to this equipment. |
Prefix | EthernetInterface (IPv6AddressPolicyTable) | string | The IPv6 address prefix, as defined in RFC6724, section 2.1. |
PrePowerOnHeatingTimeSeconds | HeaterMetrics | integer | The total number of seconds the heater was active while the device it heats was powered off. |
PresentedPublicHostKey | AggregationSource (SSHSettings) | object | A link to the last public host key presented by the remote service corresponding to the aggregation source. A client that trusts this public host key can add the public host key to the TrustedPublicHostKeys collection to allow SSH communication with the aggregation source. |
PresentedPublicHostKeyTimestamp | AggregationSource (SSHSettings) | string | The date and time when the key referenced by the PresentedPublicHostKey property was last updated. |
PreUpgradeHTTPHeaders | OutboundConnection | object | The HTTP headers to send to the remote client during the initial connection prior to the WebSocket upgrade. This property is an empty object in responses. |
PrimaryCoolantConnectors | CoolingLoop, CoolingUnit | object | A link to the primary coolant connectors for this equipment. |
PrimaryDNS | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv6 or IPv4 address of the primary DNS server for the iSCSI boot initiator. |
PrimaryLUN | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | integer | The logical unit number (LUN) for the primary iSCSI boot target. |
PrimaryTargetIPAddress | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv4 or IPv6 address for the primary iSCSI boot target. |
PrimaryTargetName | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The name of the iSCSI primary boot target. |
PrimaryTargetTCPPort | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | integer | The TCP port for the primary iSCSI boot target. |
PrimaryVLANEnable | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | boolean | An indication of whether the primary VLAN is enabled. |
PrimaryVLANId | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | integer | The 802.1q VLAN ID to use for iSCSI boot from the primary target. |
Priority | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | integer | The authentication priority for the external account provider. |
PrivateEnterpriseId | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > EngineId) | string | The private enterprise ID. |
Privilege | various (PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap > DELETE), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap > GET) ... ) | array | An array of privileges that are required to complete a specific HTTP operation on a resource. |
PrivilegeLevelArgument | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > TACACSplusService), AccountService (LDAP > TACACSplusService), AccountService (OAuth2 > TACACSplusService), AccountService (TACACSplus > TACACSplusService), ExternalAccountProvider (TACACSplusService) | string | Indicates the name of the TACACS+ argument name in an authorization request. |
PrivilegeMap | AccountService | object | The link to the mapping of the privileges required to complete a requested operation on a URI associated with this service. |
PrivilegesUsed | PrivilegeRegistry | array | The set of Redfish standard privileges used in this mapping. |
Processor | PCIeFunction (Links) | object | The link to a processor that is hosted on this PCIe function. |
ProcessorArchitecture | Processor | string (enum) | The architecture of the processor. |
ProcessorId | Processor | object | The identification information for this processor. |
ProcessorIndex | Processor | integer | The logical index of this processor within the system. |
ProcessorMemory | Processor | array | The memory directly attached or integrated within this processor. Examples include internal cache, dedicated memory for the processor, and system memory. |
Processors | Memory (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors associated with this memory device. |
ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the processors available in this resource block. | |
Heater (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors heated by this heater. | |
Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors located in this chassis. | |
GraphicsController (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors that are a part of this graphics controller. | |
PCIeDevice (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors that are directly connected or directly bridged to this PCIe device. | |
PCIeSlots (Slots > Links) | array | An array of links to the processors that are directly connected or directly bridged to this PCIe slot. | |
USBController (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors that can utilize this USB controller. | |
FabricAdapter (Links) | array | An array of links to the processors that this fabric adapter provides to a fabric. | |
NetworkAdapter | object | The link to the collection of offload processors contained in this network adapter. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of processors associated with this system. | |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of processors located in this chassis that belong to fabric-related resource pools. | |
ProcessorStatistics | ManagerDiagnosticData | object | The processor statistics of the manager. |
ProcessorSummary | ComputerSystem | object | The central processors of the system in general detail. |
ProcessorType | Processor | string (enum) | The type of processor. |
Producer | Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The producer or manufacturer of the assembly. |
Product | ServiceRoot | string | The product associated with this Redfish service. |
ProductionDate | Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The production date of the assembly. |
Battery | string | The production or manufacturing date of this battery. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution, Pump | string | The production or manufacturing date of this equipment. | |
PowerSupply | string | The production or manufacturing date of this power supply. | |
ProductName | AttributeRegistry (SupportedSystems) | string | The product name of the computer system to which this attribute registry applies. |
ProgrammableFromHost | Processor (FPGA) | boolean | An indication of whether the FPGA firmware can be reprogrammed from the host by using system software. |
Processor (FPGA > ReconfigurationSlots) | boolean | An indication of whether the reconfiguration slot can be reprogrammed from the host by using system software. | |
ProgrammaticId | ContainerImage | string | The programmatic identifier for this container image. |
Container | string | The programmatic identifier for this container. | |
PropertyOverrides | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings) | array | The privilege overrides of properties within a resource. |
Proportional | Control (ControlLoop), Pump (SpeedControlPercent > ControlLoop) | number | The proportional coefficient. |
ProtectedIdentificationNumber | Processor (ProcessorId) | string | The Protected Processor Identification Number (PPIN) for this processor. |
Protocol | Drive | string (enum) | The protocol that this drive currently uses to communicate to the storage controller. |
EventDestination | string (enum) | The protocol type of the event connection. | |
ProtocolEnabled | various (ManagerNetworkProtocol (DHCP), ManagerNetworkProtocol (DHCPv6) ... ) | boolean | An indication of whether the protocol is enabled. |
ProtocolFeaturesSupported | ServiceRoot | object | The information about protocol features that the service supports. |
ProvidedCertificate | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > IdentityAuthentication > RequesterAuthentication) | object | A link to the certificate that represents the identity of the SPDM Requester provided in mutual authentication. |
ProvidingStoragePool | Volume (Links) | object | The StoragePool resource that provides this volume resource. |
ProvisioningPolicy | Volume | string (enum) | This property specifies the volume's storage allocation, or provisioning policy. |
Proxy | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The HTTP/HTTPS proxy information for this manager. |
ProxyAutoConfigURI | ManagerNetworkProtocol (Proxy) | string | The URI used to access a proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file. |
ProxyServerURI | ManagerNetworkProtocol (Proxy) | string | The URI of the proxy server, including the scheme and any non-default port value. |
PublicationUri | JsonSchemaFile (Location) | string | The link to publicly available (canonical) URI for schema. |
MessageRegistryFile (Location) | string | The link to publicly available (canonical) URI for the registry. | |
PublicIdentityKey | AggregationSource (SSHSettings) | object | A link to the public key that is used with the aggregation source when the authentication method is configured to use a public key. The GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair and RemoveSSHIdentityKeyPair are used to update the key for this aggregation source. |
PublicIdentitySSHKey | UpdateService | object | A link to the public key that is used with the SimpleUpdate action for the key-based authentication. The GenerateSSHIdentityKeyPair and RemoveSSHIdentityKeyPair are used to update the key for the SimpleUpdate action. |
PumpRedundancy | CoolingUnit | array | The redundancy information for the groups of pumps in this unit. |
Pumps | CoolingUnit, ThermalSubsystem | object | A link to the pumps for this equipment. |
PumpSpeedPercent | Pump | object | The pump speed (%). |
PumpType | Pump | string (enum) | The type of pump. |
PushDiagnosticData (Action) | LogService (Actions) | object | The action to push an existing diagnostic data to a target URI. |
PUT | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides > OperationMap), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides > OperationMap) | array | The privilege required to complete an HTTP PUT operation. |
QoS | CXLLogicalDevice | object | The quality of service configuration for this CXL logical device. |
QoSTelemetryCapabilities | CXLLogicalDevice | object | The quality of service telemetry capabilities for this CXL logical device. |
Port (CXL) | object | The quality of service telemetry capabilities for this CXL port. | |
RackPDUs | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the rack-level power distribution units in this facility. |
PowerDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the rack-level power distribution units in this power domain. | |
PowerEquipment | object | A link to a collection of rack-level power distribution units. | |
RAIDType | Volume | string (enum) | The RAID type of this volume. |
Volume (Actions > ChangeRAIDLayout (Action)) | string (enum) | The requested RAID type for the volume. | |
RailCurrentAmps | PowerSupplyMetrics | array | The output currents (A) for this power supply. |
RailPowerWatts | PowerSupplyMetrics | array | The output power readings (W) for this power supply. |
RailVoltage | PowerSupplyMetrics | array | The output voltages (V) for this power supply. |
RankCount | Memory | integer | Number of ranks available in the memory device. |
RatedCurrentAmps | Circuit | number (A) | The rated maximum current allowed for this circuit. |
Outlet | number (A) | The rated maximum current allowed for this outlet. | |
RatedFlowLitersPerMinute | CoolingLoop | number (L/min) | The rated liquid flow (L/min) for this cooling loop. |
CoolantConnector | number (L/min) | The rated liquid flow (L/min) for this loop interface. | |
RatedFlowPressurekPa | CoolantConnector | number (kPa) | The pressure (kPa) at which the rated liquid flow is valid. |
RatedPressurekPa | CoolantConnector | number (kPa) | The rated pressure (kPa) for this connector. |
CoolingLoop | number (kPa) | The rated pressure (kPa) for this cooling loop. | |
RatedServiceHours | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | number | The rated hours of service life for this coolant. |
Filter | number | The rated hours of service life for this filter. | |
RawEntryHex | VCATEntry | string | The hexadecimal value of the Virtual Channel Action Table entries. |
RouteEntry | string | The raw data of route entry rows. | |
RDMAProtectionErrors | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA protection errors. |
RDMAProtocolErrors | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA protocol errors. |
RDMARXBytes | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA bytes received on a port since reset. |
RDMARXRequests | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA requests received on a port since reset. |
RDMATXBytes | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA bytes transmitted on a port since reset. |
RDMATXReadRequests | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA read requests transmitted on a port since reset. |
RDMATXRequests | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA requests transmitted on a port since reset. |
RDMATXSendRequests | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA send requests transmitted on a port since reset. |
RDMATXWriteRequests | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of RDMA write requests transmitted on a port since reset. |
RDP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's Remote Desktop Protocol support. |
ReactivekVARh | various (Circuit (EnergykWh), Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh > Line1ToLine2) ... ) | number (kV.A.h) | Reactive energy (kVARh). |
ReactiveVAR | various (Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToLine2), Circuit (PolyPhasePowerWatts > Line1ToNeutral) ... ) | number (V.A) | The square root of the difference term of squared apparent VA and squared power (Reading) for a circuit, in VAR units. |
ReadCachePolicy | Volume | string (enum) | Indicates the read cache policy setting for the Volume. |
Reading | Thermal (Fans) | integer | The fan speed. |
EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | number | The reading of the sensor associated with this control. | |
various (Battery (StateOfHealthPercent), BatteryMetrics (CellVoltages) ... ) | number | The sensor value. | |
various (Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCaution), Sensor (Thresholds > LowerCautionUser) ... ) | number | The threshold value. | |
ReadingAccuracy | Sensor | number | Accuracy (+/-) of the reading. |
ReadingBasis | Sensor | string (enum) | The basis for the reading of this sensor. |
ReadingCelsius | Thermal (Temperatures) | number (Celsius) | The temperature (C). |
ReadingRangeMax | Sensor | number | The maximum possible value for this sensor. |
ReadingRangeMin | Sensor | number | The minimum possible value for this sensor. |
ReadingTime | Sensor | string | The date and time that the reading was acquired from the sensor. |
ReadingType | Sensor | string (enum) | The type of sensor. |
ReadingUnits | Sensor | string | The units of the reading and thresholds. |
EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | string | The units of the sensor reading associated with this control. | |
Thermal (Fans) | string (enum) | The units in which the fan reading and thresholds are measured. | |
ReadingVolts | Power (Voltages) | number (volts) | The reading of the voltage sensor. |
ReadIOKiBytes | DriveMetrics | integer (KiBy) | The number of kibibytes read. |
ReadOnly | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean | An indication of whether this attribute is read-only. A read-only attribute cannot be modified, and should be grayed out in user interfaces. |
AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Menus) | boolean | An indication of whether this menu is read-only. A read-only menu, its properties, and sub-menus are not accessible in user interfaces. | |
ReadyToRemove | Drive | boolean | An indication of whether the drive is prepared by the system for removal. |
PCIeDevice | boolean | An indication of whether the PCIe device is prepared by the system for removal. | |
Rear | Chassis (Doors) | object | The rear door of the chassis. |
RebuildRatePercent | Storage (StorageControllers > ControllerRates) | integer | The percentage of controller resources used for rebuilding/repairing volumes. |
StorageController (ControllerRates) | integer (%) | The percentage of controller resources used for rebuilding/repairing volumes. | |
ReceivedECN | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The number of packets received on this interface with the Congestion ECN bit set. |
ReconfigurationSlots | Processor (FPGA) | array | An array of the FPGA reconfiguration slots. An FPGA uses a reconfiguration slot to contain an acceleration function that can change as the FPGA is provisioned. |
RecoverableCapacitySourceCount | Volume | integer | Current number of capacity source resources that are available as replacements. |
RedfishVersion | ServiceRoot | string | The version of the Redfish service. |
Redundancy | Endpoint | array | Redundancy information for the lower-level endpoints supporting this endpoint. |
Storage | array | Redundancy information for the storage subsystem. | |
Switch | array | Redundancy information for the switches. | |
ComputerSystem | array | The link to a collection of redundancy entities. Each entity specifies a kind and level of redundancy and a collection, or redundancy set, of other computer systems that provide the specified redundancy to this computer system. | |
Manager | array | The redundancy information for the managers of this system. | |
Thermal | array | The redundancy information for the set of fans in this chassis. | |
Power | array | The redundancy information for the set of power supplies in this chassis. | |
Thermal (Fans) | array | The set of redundancy groups for this fan. | |
Power (PowerSupplies) | array | The set of redundancy groups for this power supply. | |
RedundantGroup | CoolingUnit (CoolantConnectorRedundancy), CoolingUnit (FilterRedundancy), CoolingUnit (PumpRedundancy), PowerDistribution (PowerSupplyRedundancy), PowerSubsystem (PowerSupplyRedundancy), ThermalEquipment (CoolingLoopRedundancy), ThermalSubsystem (CoolantConnectorRedundancy), ThermalSubsystem (FanRedundancy) | object | The redundancy information for the devices in a redundancy group. |
RegionBaseOffsetMiB | MemoryRegion | integer (mebibytes) | The offset of the memory region in the device address range in mebibytes (MiB). |
RegionId | MemoryChunks (InterleaveSets) | string | DIMM region identifier. |
Memory (Actions > SetMasterPassphrase (Action)) | string | The memory region ID to which to apply the master passphrase. | |
Memory (Actions > DisablePassphrase (Action)), Memory (Actions > OverwriteUnit (Action)), Memory (Actions > SecureEraseUnit (Action)), Memory (Actions > SetPassphrase (Action)), Memory (Actions > UnlockUnit (Action)) | string | The memory region ID to which to apply this action. | |
Memory (Actions > DisableMasterPassphrase (Action)) | string | The memory region ID to which to disable the master passphrase. | |
Memory (Regions) | string | Unique region ID representing a specific region within the memory device. | |
RegionKey | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > GenZ) | string | The Region Key for the entity. |
RegionNumber | MemoryRegion, PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity > MemoryBlockSizesSupported), PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity > SanitizationOnReleaseSupport) | integer | The memory region number. |
Regions | Memory | array | Memory regions information within the memory device. |
RegionSizeMiB | MemoryRegion | integer (mebibytes) | The size of the memory region in mebibytes (MiB). |
RegionType | MemoryRegion | string (enum) | The type of memory region. |
RegisteredClients | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of registered clients. |
Registries | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of registries. |
Registry | MessageRegistryFile | string | The registry name and its major and minor versions. This registry can be any type of registry, such as a message registry, privilege registry, or attribute registry. |
RegistryEntries | AttributeRegistry | object | The list of all attributes and their metadata for this component. |
RegistryPrefix | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the RegistryPrefixes property. |
MessageRegistry | string | The single-word prefix that is used in forming and decoding MessageId values. |
RegistryPrefixes | EventDestination | array | The list of prefixes for the message registries that contain the MessageId values that are sent to this event destination. |
EventService | array | The list of the prefixes of the message registries that can be used for the RegistryPrefixes or ExcludeRegistryPrefixes properties on a subscription. If this property is absent or contains an empty array, the service does not support registry prefix-based subscriptions. |
RegistryVersion | AttributeRegistry | string | The attribute registry version. |
MessageRegistry | string | The message registry version in the middle portion of a MessageId . |
Rekey (Action) | Certificate (Actions) | object | This action generates a new key-pair for a certificate and produces a certificate signing request. |
RekeyExternalKey (Action) | Storage (Actions) | object | This action causes the controllers of the storage subsystem to request new encryption keys managed by an external key service. |
RelatedInterfaces | EthernetInterface (Links) | array | The links to the Ethernet interfaces that constitute this Ethernet interface. |
RelatedItem | LogEntry (Links) | array | An array of links to resources associated with this log entry. |
BootOption | array | An array of links to resources or objects associated with this boot option. | |
Power (PowerControl) | array | An array of links to resources or objects associated with this power limit. | |
Power (PowerSupplies) | array | An array of links to resources or objects associated with this power supply. | |
Thermal (Temperatures) | array | An array of links to resources or objects that represent areas or devices to which this temperature applies. | |
SoftwareInventory | array | An array of links to resources or objects that represent devices to which this software inventory applies. | |
Thermal (Fans) | array | An array of links to resources or objects that this fan services. | |
Sensor | array | An array of links to resources or objects that this sensor services. | |
Power (Voltages) | array | An array of links to resources or objects to which this voltage measurement applies. | |
Control | array | An array of links to resources that this control services. | |
RelatedLogEntries | LogEntry (Links) | array | An array of links to other log entries that are related to this log entry. |
RelativePerformance | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormat), Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > LBAFormats) | string (enum) | The LBA Relative Performance type. |
Release | OperatingSystem (Kernel) | string | The release of the kernel. |
ReleaseCapacityPoliciesSupported | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity) | array | The set of removal policies supported by the CXL device when dynamic capacity is released. |
ReleaseDate | SoftwareInventory | string | The release date of this software. |
ReleaseType | SoftwareInventory | string (enum) | The type of release. |
ReliabilityDegraded | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART > EGCriticalWarningSummary) | boolean | An indication of whether the reliability of one or more Endurance Groups is degraded due to significant media-related errors or any internal error that degrades the NVM subsystem reliability. |
RemainingAutomaticRetryAttempts | ComputerSystem (Boot) | integer | The number of remaining automatic retry boots. |
RemainingCapacityPercent | Volume | integer | The percentage of the capacity remaining in the Volume. |
RemainingDuration | License | string | The remaining usage duration before the license expires. |
RemainingSpareBlockPercentage | MemoryMetrics (HealthData) | number (%) | The remaining spare blocks, as a percentage. |
RemainingUseCount | License | integer | The remaining usage count before the license expires. |
RemoteAccountService | Manager | object | The link to the account service resource for the remote manager that this resource represents. |
RemoteGroup | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (LDAP > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (OAuth2 > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (TACACSplus > RemoteRoleMapping), ExternalAccountProvider (RemoteRoleMapping) | string | The name of the remote group, or the remote role in the case of a Redfish service, that maps to the local Redfish role to which this entity links. |
RemoteMemoryBandwidthBytes | ProcessorMetrics | integer (bytes) | The remote memory bandwidth usage in bytes. |
RemotePortId | Port | string | The identifier of the remote port to which this port is connected. |
RemoteRedfishServiceUri | Manager | string | The URI of the Redfish service root for the remote manager that this resource represents. |
RemoteReplicaTargets | Volume | array | URIs to the resources that are remote target replicas of this source. |
RemoteRoleMapping | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | array | The mapping rules to convert the external account providers account information to the local Redfish role. |
RemoteServerCertificates | UpdateService | object | The link to a collection of server certificates for the server referenced by the ImageURI parameter in SimpleUpdate. |
RemoteServerHostName | Key (SSH) | string | The host name of the remote server associated with this key. |
RemoteServerSSHKeys | UpdateService | object | The link to a collection of keys that can be used to authenticate the server referenced by the ImageURI parameter in SimpleUpdate . |
RemoteUser | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (LDAP > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (OAuth2 > RemoteRoleMapping), AccountService (TACACSplus > RemoteRoleMapping), ExternalAccountProvider (RemoteRoleMapping) | string | The name of the remote user that maps to the local Redfish role to which this entity links. |
Removable | License | boolean | An indication of whether the license is removable. |
Remove | Manager (Actions > ModifyRedundancySet (Action)) | array | An array of managers to remove from the redundancy set. |
RemoveElements (Action) | Aggregate (Actions) | object | This action is used to remove one or more resources from the aggregate. |
RemoveEndpoint (Action) | Zone (Actions) | object | This action removes an endpoint from a zone. |
RemoveReplicaRelationship (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to disable data synchronization between a source and target volume, remove the replication relationship, and optionally delete the target volume. |
RemoveResourceBlock (Action) | ComputerSystem (Actions) | object | This action removes a resource block from a system. |
RemoveSSHIdentityKeyPair (Action) | UpdateService (Actions) | object | This action removes the SSH identity key-pair used with the UpdateService resource. |
AggregationSource (Actions) | object | This action removes the SSH identity key-pair used with this aggregation source. | |
Renew (Action) | Certificate (Actions) | object | This action generates a certificate signing request by using the existing information and key-pair of the certificate. |
Replaceable | Assembly (Assemblies) | boolean | An indication of whether the component associated this assembly can be independently replaced as allowed by the vendor's replacement policy. |
Battery, Chassis, Fan, Filter, PowerSupply, Processor | boolean | An indication of whether this component can be independently replaced as allowed by the vendor's replacement policy. | |
ReplaceCertificate (Action) | CertificateService (Actions) | object | This action replaces a certificate. |
ReplacePeerASEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | boolean | Replace Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer Autonomous System (AS) status. |
ReplicaInfo | Volume | object | Describes this storage volume in its role as a target replica. |
ReplicaTargets | Volume | array | The resources that are target replicas of this source. |
ReplicationEnabled | Volume | boolean | Indicates whether or not replication is enabled on the volume. |
ReplicaType | Volume (Actions > AssignReplicaTarget (Action)), Volume (Actions > CreateReplicaTarget (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of replica relationship to be created. |
ReplicaUpdateMode | Volume (Actions > AssignReplicaTarget (Action)), Volume (Actions > CreateReplicaTarget (Action)) | string (enum) | The replica update mode (synchronous vs asynchronous). |
ReportActions | MetricReportDefinition | array | The set of actions to perform when a metric report is generated. |
ReportActionsEnum | MetricReportDefinition (ReportActions) | string (enum) | Actions to perform when a metric report is generated. |
ReportSequence | MetricReport | string | The current sequence identifier for this metric report. |
ReportsNamespaceGranularity | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports reporting of Namespace Granularity. |
ReportsUUIDList | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports reporting of a UUID list. |
ReportTimespan | MetricReportDefinition | string | The maximum timespan that a metric report can cover. |
ReportUpdates | MetricReportDefinition | string (enum) | The behavior for how subsequent metric reports are handled in relationship to an existing metric report created from the metric report definition. Namely, whether to overwrite, append, or create a metric report. |
RequestedOperationalState | MemoryChunks | string (enum) | The requested operational state of this memory chunk. |
RequestedWatts | PowerSubsystem (Allocation) | number (watts) | The potential power, in watt units, that the subsystem requests, which might be higher than the current level being consumed because the requested power includes a budget that the subsystem wants for future use. |
Requester | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM) | object | The link to the component that is reporting the integrity information of the target component. |
RequesterAuthentication | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > IdentityAuthentication) | object | Authentication information of the identity of the SPDM Requester. |
RequestFormat | CompositionService (Actions > Compose (Action)) | string (enum) | The format of the request. |
RequestorVCAT | FabricAdapter (GenZ) | object | The Requestor Virtual Channel Action Table for the component. |
RequestType | CompositionService (Actions > Compose (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of request. |
RequireChangePasswordAction | AccountService | boolean | An indication of whether clients are required to invoke the ChangePassword action to modify account passwords. |
Required | ActionInfo (Parameters) | boolean | An indication of whether the parameter is required to complete this action. |
RequiredMinRxIntervalMilliseconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | integer | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) receive value. |
RequireSecureErase | ComputerSystem (Actions > Decommission (Action)) | boolean | Ensure secure erasure of all devices and fail the request if not possible. |
ReservationDuration | CompositionService | string | The length of time a composition reservation is held before the service deletes the reservation and marks any related resource blocks as no longer reserved. |
ReservationId | CompositionService (Actions > Compose (Action)) | string | The identifier of the composition reservation if applying a reservation. The value for this parameter is obtained from the response of a Compose action where the RequestType parameter contains the value PreviewReserve . |
ReservationTime | CompositionReservation | string | The date and time the service created the reservation. |
Reserved | ResourceBlock (CompositionStatus) | boolean | An indication of whether any client has reserved the resource block. |
ReservedResourceBlocks | CompositionReservation | array | The array of links to the reserved resource blocks. |
Reservoirs | CoolingUnit | object | A link to the reservoirs for this equipment. |
ReservoirType | Reservoir | string (enum) | The type of reservoir. |
Reset (Action) | Manager (Actions) | object | The reset action resets/reboots the manager. |
Aggregate (Actions) | object | This action is used to reset a collection of resources. For example, this could be an aggregate or a list of computer systems. | |
AggregationService (Actions) | object | This action is used to reset a set of resources. For example this could be a list of computer systems. | |
Application (Actions) | object | This action resets the application. | |
Battery (Actions) | object | This action resets the battery. | |
Chassis (Actions) | object | This action resets the chassis. Additionally, it could reset systems or other contained resources depending on the ResetType used to invoke this action. |
Container (Actions) | object | This action resets the container. | |
NetworkAdapter (Actions) | object | This action resets the network adapter. | |
PowerSupply (Actions) | object | This action resets the power supply. | |
Processor (Actions) | object | This action resets the processor. | |
ComputerSystem (Actions) | object | This action resets the system. | |
Drive (Actions) | object | This action resets this drive. | |
MediaController (Actions) | object | This action resets this media controller. | |
Memory (Actions) | object | This action resets this memory device. | |
Port (Actions) | object | This action resets this port. | |
Switch (Actions) | object | This action resets this switch. | |
ResetBios (Action) | Bios (Actions) | object | This action resets the BIOS attributes to default. |
ResetBiosToDefaultsPending | Bios | boolean | An indication of whether there is a pending request to reset the BIOS attributes to default values. |
ResetKeys (Action) | SecureBootDatabase (Actions) | object | This action is used to reset the UEFI Secure Boot keys of this database. |
SecureBoot (Actions) | object | This action resets the UEFI Secure Boot keys. | |
ResetKeysType | SecureBoot (Actions > ResetKeys (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of reset or delete to perform on the UEFI Secure Boot databases. |
SecureBootDatabase (Actions > ResetKeys (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of reset or delete to perform on this UEFI Secure Boot database. | |
ResetMetricReportDefinitionsToDefaults (Action) | TelemetryService (Actions) | object | The action to reset the metric report definitions to factory defaults. |
ResetMetrics (Action) | Sensor (Actions) | object | Resets metrics related to this sensor. |
ManagerDiagnosticData (Actions) | object | Resets time intervals or counted values of the diagnostic data for this manager. | |
Circuit (Actions) | object | This action resets metrics related to this circuit. | |
OutletGroup (Actions) | object | This action resets metrics related to this outlet group. | |
Outlet (Actions) | object | This action resets metrics related to this outlet. | |
NetworkAdapterMetrics (Actions), NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (Actions), PortMetrics (Actions) | object | This action resets the summary metrics related to this device. | |
EnvironmentMetrics (Actions), HeaterMetrics (Actions), PowerDistributionMetrics (Actions), PowerSupplyMetrics (Actions), ThermalMetrics (Actions) | object | This action resets the summary metrics related to this equipment. | |
ResetPPB (Action) | Port (Actions) | object | This action resets the PCI-to-PCI bridge (PPB) for this port. |
ResetRequired | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | boolean | An indication of whether a system or device reset is required for this attribute value change to take effect. |
ResetSettingsToDefault (Action) | NetworkAdapter (Actions) | object | This action is to clear the settings back to factory defaults. |
ResetToDefaults (Action) | Control (Actions), EnvironmentMetrics (Actions), Memory (Actions), Processor (Actions), Sensor (Actions) | object | The action resets the values of writable properties to factory defaults. |
Manager (Actions) | object | The reset action resets the manager settings to factory defaults. This can cause the manager to reset. | |
Storage (Actions) | object | The reset action resets the storage device to factory defaults. This can cause the loss of data. | |
ResetTriggersToDefaults (Action) | TelemetryService (Actions) | object | The action to reset the triggers to factory defaults. |
ResetType | Manager (Actions > ResetToDefaults (Action)), Storage (Actions > ResetToDefaults (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of reset to defaults. |
various (Aggregate (Actions > Reset (Action)), AggregationService (Actions > Reset (Action)) ... ) | string (enum) | The type of reset. | |
ResidencyPercent | ProcessorMetrics (CoreMetrics > CStateResidency) | number (%) | The percentage of time that the processor or core has spent in this particular level of C-state. |
ResidentSetSizeBytes | ManagerDiagnosticData (TopProcesses) | integer (bytes) | The resident set size of this process in bytes. |
Resolution | Event (Events) | string | Used to provide suggestions on how to resolve the situation that caused the event. |
LogEntry | string | Used to provide suggestions on how to resolve the situation that caused the log entry. | |
ResolutionStep | Event (Events > ResolutionSteps), LogEntry (ResolutionSteps) | object | This type describes a recommended step of the service-defined resolution. |
ResolutionSteps | Event (Events) | array | The list of recommended steps to resolve the cause of the event. |
LogEntry | array | The list of recommended steps to resolve the cause of the log entry. | |
Resolved | LogEntry | boolean | Indicates if the cause of the log entry has been resolved or repaired. |
ResourceBlock | ComputerSystem (Actions > AddResourceBlock (Action)) | object | The resource block to add to the system. |
ComputerSystem (Actions > RemoveResourceBlock (Action)) | object | The resource block to remove from the system. | |
ResourceBlockETag | ComputerSystem (Actions > AddResourceBlock (Action)) | string | The current ETag of the resource block to add to the system. |
ComputerSystem (Actions > RemoveResourceBlock (Action)) | string | The current ETag of the resource block to remove from the system. | |
ResourceBlocks | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the resource blocks located in this chassis. |
ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to the resource blocks that are used in this computer system. | |
Zone (Links) | array | The links to the resource blocks with which this zone is associated. | |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of resource blocks. This collection is intended for implementations that do not contain a composition service but that expose resources to an orchestrator that implements a composition service. | |
CompositionService | object | The resource blocks available on the service. | |
ResourceBlockType | ResourceBlock | array | The types of resources available on this resource block. |
ResourcesAccessed | AggregationSource (Links) | array | An array links to the resources added to the service through this aggregation source. It is recommended that this be the minimal number of properties needed to find the resources that would be lost when the aggregation source is deleted. |
ResourceType | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the ResourceTypes property. |
ResourceTypes | EventService | array | The list of @odata.type values, or schema names, that can be specified in the ResourceTypes array in a subscription. If this property is absent or contains an empty array, the service does not support resource type-based subscriptions. |
EventDestination | array | The list of resource type values (schema names) that correspond to the OriginOfCondition . The version and full namespace should not be specified. |
ResourceURIOverrides | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings) | array | The privilege overrides of resource URIs. |
ResourceZones | CompositionService | object | The resource zones available on the service. |
ResponderAuthentication | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > IdentityAuthentication) | object | Authentication information of the identity of the SPDM Responder. |
ResponderVCAT | FabricAdapter (GenZ) | object | The Responder Virtual Channel Action Table for the component. |
RespondToUnauthenticatedClients | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > ClientCertificate) | boolean | An indication of whether the service responds to clients that do not successfully authenticate. |
RestartAfterFailureCount | ManagerDiagnosticData (TopProcesses) | integer | The number of times this process has restarted unexpectedly. |
RestartCount | ManagerDiagnosticData (TopProcesses) | integer | The number of times this process has restarted. |
RestartTimerSeconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix) | integer | Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) restart timer in seconds. |
RestrictCommunityToIPv4AddressRange | ManagerNetworkProtocol (SNMP > CommunityStrings) | boolean | Indicates if this community is restricted to accessing the service from a range of IPv4 addresses. |
Restricted | Role | boolean | An indication of whether use of the role is restricted. |
RestrictedOemPrivileges | AccountService | array | The set of restricted OEM privileges. |
RestrictedPrivileges | AccountService | array | The set of restricted Redfish privileges. |
ResultMetric | MetricDefinition (CalculationParameters) | string | The URI with wildcards and property identifiers of the metric property that stores the result of the calculation. If the URI has wildcards, the wildcards are substituted as specified in the Wildcards property. |
ResumeReplication (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to resume the active data synchronization between a source and target volume, without otherwise altering the replication relationship. |
ResumeSubscription (Action) | EventDestination (Actions) | object | This action resumes a suspended event subscription. |
RetransferDelaySeconds | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | integer | The time in seconds to delay the automatic transfer from the alternate mains circuit back to the preferred mains circuit. |
RetransferEnabled | PowerDistribution (TransferConfiguration) | boolean | Indicates if the automatic transfer is permitted from the alternate mains circuit back to the preferred mains circuit after the preferred mains circuit is qualified again and the retransfer delay time has expired. |
Retries | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | integer | The number of times to retry connecting to an address in the ServiceAddresses property before attempting the next address in the array. |
RetryCount | OutboundConnection (RetryPolicy) | integer | The number of retries to attempt if the retry policy specifies a maximum number of retries. |
RetryIntervalMinutes | OutboundConnection (RetryPolicy) | integer | The retry interval in minutes. |
RetryPolicy | OutboundConnection | object | The retry policy for this outbound connection. |
ReturnPressurekPa | CoolantConnector | object | The return pressure (kPa). |
ReturnTemperatureCelsius | CoolantConnector | object | The return temperature (C). |
ReverseReplicationRelationship (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to reverse the replication relationship between a source and target volume. |
RevertToOriginalFactoryState (Action) | Drive (Actions) | object | This action reverts a self-encrypting drive (SED) to the original factory state. |
Revision | Drive | string | The revision of this drive. For SCSI-based drives, this is the version of the drive from the 'Inquiry' command, which can be the firmware or hardware version. For other types of drives, this is the hardware version. |
RevisionId | PCIeFunction | string | The Revision ID of this PCIe function. |
RevokedCertificates | SecurityPolicy (SPDM) | object | The revoked SPDM device certificates. |
SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server) | object | The revoked TLS server certificates. | |
RFB | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's Remote Frame Buffer protocol support, which can support VNC. |
RITable | FabricAdapter (GenZ) | array | An array of table entry values for the Responder Interface Table. |
RKeyDomainCheckingEnabled | Connection (ConnectionKeys > GenZ) | boolean | Indicates whether Region Key domain checking is enabled for this connection. |
RKeyReadOnlyKey | Connection (ConnectionKeys > GenZ) | string | The read-only Region Key for this connection. |
RKeyReadWriteKey | Connection (ConnectionKeys > GenZ) | string | The read-write Region Key for this connection. |
Role | ManagerAccount (Links) | object | The link to the Redfish role that defines the privileges for this account. |
RoleId | Role | string | The name of the role. |
ManagerAccount | string | The role for this account. | |
HostInterface (CredentialBootstrapping) | string | The role used for the bootstrap account created for this interface. | |
Roles | OutboundConnection | array | The Redfish roles that contain the privileges of the remote client for the outbound connection. |
Session | array | The Redfish roles that contain the privileges of this session. | |
AccountService | object | The collection of Redfish roles. | |
RotationSpeedRPM | Drive | number ({rev}/min) | The rotation speed of this drive, in revolutions per minute (RPM) units. |
RouteDistinguisherAdministratorSubfield | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | string | The Route Distinguisher (RD) Administrator subfield. |
RouteDistinguisherRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | object | The Route Distinguisher (RD) number range for the fabric. |
RouterAdvertisementEnabled | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | boolean | An indication of whether IPv6 router advertisement is enabled for the iSCSI boot target. |
RouteSet | RouteEntry | object | The link to the collection of route set entries associated with this route. |
RouteTargetAdministratorSubfield | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | string | The Route Target (RT) Administrator Subfield. |
RouteTargetRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > BGPEvpn) | object | The Route Target (RT) number range for the fabric. |
RoutingScope | EthernetInterface | string (enum) | The routing scope for this interface. |
RunningDisparityErrorCount | PortMetrics (SAS) | integer | The number of dwords containing running disparity errors that have been received by the phy outside of phy reset sequences. |
RuntimeHeatingTimeSeconds | HeaterMetrics | integer | The total number of seconds the heater was active while the device it heats was powered on. |
RXAvgQueueDepthPercent | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | number (%) | The average RX queue depth as the percentage. |
RXBBCreditZero | PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The number of times the receive buffer-to-buffer credit count transitioned to zero. |
RXBroadcastFrames | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of valid broadcast frames received on a port since reset. |
RXBytes | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | integer (bytes) | The total number of bytes received on a network function. |
PortMetrics | integer (bytes) | The total number of bytes received on a port since reset. | |
NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer (bytes) | The total number of bytes received since reset. | |
RXCongestionFPINs | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of Congestion Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received. |
RXDeliveryFPINs | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of Delivery Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received. |
RXDiscards | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of frames discarded in a port's receive path since reset. |
RXErrors | PortMetrics | integer | The total number of received errors on a port since reset. |
RXExchanges | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel), PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of Fibre Channel exchanges received. |
RXFalseCarrierErrors | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of false carrier errors received from phy on a port since reset. |
RXFCSErrors | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of frames received with frame check sequence (FCS) errors on a port since reset. |
RXFrameAlignmentErrors | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of frames received with alignment errors on a port since reset. |
RXFrames | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | integer | The total number of frames received on a network function. |
PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of frames received on a port since reset. | |
RXInputPowerMilliWatts | PortMetrics (Transceivers) | number (milliwatts) | The RX input power value of a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver. |
RXLinkIntegrityFPINs | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of Link Integrity Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received. |
RXMulticastFrames | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | integer | The total number of good multicast frames received on a network function since reset. |
NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer | The total number of good multicast frames received since reset. | |
PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of valid multicast frames received on a port since reset. | |
RXOversizeFrames | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of frames that exceed the maximum frame size. |
RXPauseXOFFFrames | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of flow control frames from the network to pause transmission. |
RXPauseXONFrames | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of flow control frames from the network to resume transmission. |
RXPeerCongestionFPINs | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of Peer Congestion Fabric Performance Impact Notifications (FPINs) received. |
RXPFCFrames | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of priority flow control (PFC) frames received on a port since reset. |
RXQueuesEmpty | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | boolean | Whether nothing is in a network function's RX queues to DMA. |
RXQueuesFull | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | integer | The number of RX queues that are full. |
RXSequences | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics (FibreChannel), PortMetrics (FibreChannel) | integer | The total number of Fibre Channel sequences received. |
RXStompedECRC | PortMetrics (GenZ) | integer | The total number of packets received with a stomped ECRC field. |
RXUndersizeFrames | PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of frames that are smaller than the minimum frame size of 64 bytes. |
RXUnicastFrames | NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics | integer | The total number of good unicast frames received on a network function since reset. |
NetworkAdapterMetrics | integer | The total number of good unicast frames received since reset. | |
PortMetrics (Networking) | integer | The total number of valid unicast frames received on a port since reset. | |
SanitizationOnReleaseSupport | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity) | array | An indication of whether the sanitization on capacity release is configurable for the memory regions in this CXL device. |
SanitizationOnReleaseSupported | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice > DynamicCapacity > SanitizationOnReleaseSupport) | boolean | An indication of whether the sanitization on capacity release is configurable for this memory region. |
SanitizationType | Drive (Actions > SecureErase (Action)) | string (enum) | The type of data sanitization to perform. |
SanitizeOnRelease | MemoryRegion | boolean | An indication of whether the capacity released from this memory region will be sanitized before it is made available to any host. |
SAS | PortMetrics | array | The physical (phy) metrics for Serial Attached SCSI (SAS). Each member represents a single phy. |
SAVIEnabled | NetworkDeviceFunction | boolean | Indicates if Source Address Validation Improvement (SAVI) is enabled for this network device function. |
ScalarIncrement | AttributeRegistry (RegistryEntries > Attributes) | integer | The amount to increment or decrement an integer attribute each time a user requests a value change. The 0 value indicates a free-form numeric user-input attribute. |
ScanMedia (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Scans the media of the memory device. |
Schedule | MetricReportDefinition | object | The schedule for generating the metric report. |
Job | object | The schedule settings for this job. | |
Scheduling | JobService (ServiceCapabilities) | boolean | An indication of whether scheduling of jobs is supported. |
Schema | JsonSchemaFile | string | The @odata.type name this schema describes. |
Scheme | ComponentIntegrity (Actions > TPMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | string | The signing scheme to use for the TPM attestation key. |
SearchSettings | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > LDAPService), AccountService (LDAP > LDAPService), AccountService (OAuth2 > LDAPService), AccountService (TACACSplus > LDAPService), ExternalAccountProvider (LDAPService) | object | The required settings to search an external LDAP service. |
SecondaryCoolantConnectors | CoolingLoop, CoolingUnit | object | A link to the secondary coolant connectors for this equipment. |
SecondaryDNS | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv6 or IPv4 address of the secondary DNS server for the iSCSI boot initiator. |
SecondaryLUN | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | integer | The logical unit number (LUN) for the secondary iSCSI boot target. |
SecondarySpeedPercent | Fan | object | The fan speed (percent) of the second rotor in a multi-rotor fan. |
SecondaryTargetIPAddress | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The IPv4 or IPv6 address for the secondary iSCSI boot target. |
SecondaryTargetName | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | string | The name of the iSCSI secondary boot target. |
SecondaryTargetTCPPort | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | integer | The TCP port for the secondary iSCSI boot target. |
SecondaryVLANEnable | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | boolean | An indication of whether the secondary VLAN is enabled. |
SecondaryVLANId | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | integer | The 802.1q VLAN ID to use for iSCSI boot from the secondary target. |
SecretKey | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > GoogleAuthenticator) | string | The secret key to use when communicating with the Google Authenticator server. This property is null in responses. |
AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > MicrosoftAuthenticator) | string | The secret key to use when communicating with the Microsoft Authenticator server. This property is null in responses. |
SecretKeySet | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > GoogleAuthenticator), AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > MicrosoftAuthenticator) | boolean | Indicates if the SecretKey property is set. |
SectionType | Event (Events > CPER), LogEntry (CPER) | string | The CPER Section Type. |
SecureBoot | ComputerSystem | object | The link to the UEFI Secure Boot associated with this system. |
SecureBootCurrentBoot | SecureBoot | string (enum) | The UEFI Secure Boot state during the current boot cycle. |
SecureBootDatabases | SecureBoot | object | A link to the collection of UEFI Secure Boot databases. |
SecureBootEnable | SecureBoot | boolean | An indication of whether UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. |
SecureBootMode | SecureBoot | string (enum) | The current UEFI Secure Boot Mode. |
SecureErase (Action) | Drive (Actions) | object | This action securely erases the contents of the drive. |
SecureEraseUnit (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | This contains the action for securely erasing given regions using the NIST SP800-88 Purge: Cryptographic Erase. |
SecureHashAllowList | Key (NVMeoF) | array | The secure hash algorithms allowed with the usage of this key. |
KeyPolicy (NVMeoF) | array | The secure hash algorithms that this key policy allows. | |
SecureSessionEnabled | SecurityPolicy (SPDM) | boolean | An indication of whether SPDM secure sessions with devices is enabled. |
SecurID | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth) | object | The settings related to RSA SecurID multi-factor authentication. |
SecurityCapabilities | Memory | object | Security capabilities of the memory device. |
SecurityKey | Storage (Actions > SetControllerPassword (Action)) | string | The security key for the controller. This parameter is not needed if the controller does not have a security key. |
SecurityPolicy | Manager | object | The security policy settings for this manager. |
SecurityProtocol | StorageController (Actions > SecurityReceive (Action)), StorageController (Actions > SecuritySend (Action)) | integer | The security protocol number. |
SecurityProtocolAllowList | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF) | array | The security protocols that this key policy allows. |
SecurityProtocolSpecific | StorageController (Actions > SecurityReceive (Action)), StorageController (Actions > SecuritySend (Action)) | integer | The security protocol-specific parameter. |
SecurityProtocolType | Key (NVMeoF) | string (enum) | The security protocol that this key uses. |
SecurityReceive (Action) | StorageController (Actions) | object | This action transfers security protocol data from the controller. The data transferred from the controller contains the status and data result of one or more SecuritySend action requests that were previously submitted to the controller. |
SecuritySend | Drive (NVMe > ConfigurationLockState), Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties > ConfigurationLockState) | string (enum) | The lock state of the NVMe-defined Security Send command. |
SecuritySend (Action) | StorageController (Actions) | object | This action transfers security protocol data to the controller. The data transferred to the controller contains security protocol-specific commands to be performed by the controller. |
SecurityState | Memory | string (enum) | The current security state of this memory device. |
SecurityStates | Memory (SecurityCapabilities) | array | Security states supported by the memory device. |
Memory | object | The security states of this memory device. | |
SecurityTransportAllowList | KeyPolicy (NVMeoF) | array | The security transports that this key policy allows. |
SecurityVersionNumber | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > MeasurementSet > Measurements) | string | The security version number the measurement represents. |
SegmentNumber | PCIeFunction | string | The segment number of this PCIe function. |
SelectedNetworkPort | Manager (Links) | object | The network port currently used by this manager. This allows selection of shared or dedicated ports for managers that support one or the other. For managers that always have their dedicated port enabled, this allows the selection of which shared port to use. |
SelectQuery | ServiceRoot (ProtocolFeaturesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the $select query parameter. |
SelfTest (Action) | Battery (Actions) | object | This action performs a self-test of the battery. |
SemanticsSupported | CXLLogicalDevice | array | The semantics supported by this CXL logical device. |
SendCommunityEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP) | boolean | Indicates whether community attributes are sent. |
SendDefaultRouteEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPRoute), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPRoute) | boolean | Send default route status. |
SendHeartbeat | EventDestination | boolean | Send a heartbeat event periodically to the destination. |
SensingFrequency | LeakDetector | number | The time interval between readings of the physical leak detector. |
Sensor | number | The time interval between readings of the physical sensor. | |
SensingInterval | Sensor | string | The time interval between readings of the sensor. |
MetricDefinition | string | The time interval between when a metric is updated. | |
Sensor | Control | object | The sensor reading associated with this control. |
SensorGroup | Sensor | object | The group of sensors that provide readings for this sensor. |
SensorNumber | Power (Voltages) | integer | A numerical identifier to represent the voltage sensor. |
LogEntry | integer | The IPMI-defined sensor number. | |
Thermal (Fans) | integer | The numerical identifier for this fan speed sensor. | |
Thermal (Temperatures) | integer | The numerical identifier of the temperature sensor. | |
SensorResetTime | various (Circuit (EnergykWh), Circuit (PolyPhaseEnergykWh > Line1ToLine2) ... ) | string | The date and time when the time-based properties were last reset. |
Sensors | PowerDistribution | object | A link to the collection of sensors located in the equipment and sub-components. |
Chassis | object | The link to the collection of sensors located in the equipment and sub-components. | |
SensorType | LogEntry | string (enum) | The sensor type to which the log entry pertains if the entry type is SEL . |
SequenceNumber | MemoryRegion (MemoryExtents) | integer | The memory extent sequence number. |
SerialConsole | Manager | object | The serial console service that this manager provides. |
ComputerSystem | object | The serial console services that this system provides. | |
SerialInterfaces | Manager | object | The link to a collection of serial interfaces that this manager uses for serial and console communication. |
SerialNumber | Memory | string | The product serial number of this device. |
Battery | string | The serial number for this battery. | |
Cable | string | The serial number for this cable. | |
Drive | string | The serial number for this drive. | |
CoolingUnit, PowerDistribution | string | The serial number for this equipment. | |
FabricAdapter | string | The serial number for this fabric adapter. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | string | The serial number for this fan. | |
Filter | string | The serial number for this filter. | |
GraphicsController | string | The serial number for this graphics controller. | |
Heater | string | The serial number for this heater. | |
License | string | The serial number for this license. | |
NetworkAdapter | string | The serial number for this network adapter. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The serial number for this PCIe device. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string | The serial number for this power supply. | |
Pump | string | The serial number for this pump. | |
Reservoir | string | The serial number for this reservoir. | |
Port (SFP) | string | The serial number for this SFP. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The serial number for this storage controller. | |
Switch | string | The serial number for this switch. | |
ComputerSystem | string | The serial number for this system. | |
USBController | string | The serial number for this USB controller. | |
Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The serial number of the assembly. | |
Certificate | string | The serial number of the certificate. | |
Chassis | string | The serial number of the chassis. | |
LeakDetector | string | The serial number of the leak detector. | |
Manager | string | The serial number of the manager. | |
Processor | string | The serial number of the processor. | |
Sensor | string | The serial number of the sensor. | |
TrustedComponent | string | The serial number of the trusted component. | |
MediaController | string | The serial number of this media controller. | |
Server | SecurityPolicy (TLS) | object | The TLS policy. |
ServerAddress | EventService (SMTP) | string | The address of the SMTP server. |
ServerEndpoints | Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to the server Endpoints associated with this volume. |
ServerSentEventUri | EventService | string | The link to a URI for receiving Server-Sent Event representations for the events that this service generates. |
ServerURI | AccountService (MultiFactorAuth > SecurID) | string | The URI of the RSA SecurID server. |
ServiceAddresses | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | array | The addresses of the user account providers to which this external account provider links. The format of this field depends on the type of external account provider. |
ServiceCapabilities | JobService | object | The supported capabilities of this job service implementation. |
ServiceConditions | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the service conditions. |
ServicedDate | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | string | The date the coolant was last serviced. |
Filter | string | The date this filter was put into service. | |
ServiceEnabled | EventService (SMTP) | boolean | An indication if SMTP for event delivery is enabled. |
AccountService | boolean | An indication of whether the account service is enabled. If true , it is enabled. If false , it is disabled and users cannot be created, deleted, or modified, and new sessions cannot be started. However, established sessions might still continue to run. Any service, such as the session service, that attempts to access the disabled account service fails. However, this does not affect HTTP Basic Authentication connections. |
AggregationService | boolean | An indication of whether the aggregation service is enabled. | |
Manager (CommandShell), Manager (GraphicalConsole), Manager (SerialConsole) | boolean | An indication of whether the service is enabled for this manager. | |
ComputerSystem (GraphicalConsole), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > IPMI), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > SSH), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > Telnet), ComputerSystem (VirtualMediaConfig) | boolean | An indication of whether the service is enabled for this system. | |
various (AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP) ... ) | boolean | An indication of whether this service is enabled. | |
EventService | boolean | An indication of whether this service is enabled. If false , events are no longer published, new SSE connections cannot be established, and existing SSE connections are terminated. |
SessionService | boolean | An indication of whether this service is enabled. If true , this service is enabled. If false , it is disabled, and new sessions cannot be created, old sessions cannot be deleted, and established sessions can continue operating. |
ServiceEntryPointUUID | Manager | string | The UUID of the Redfish service that is hosted by this manager. |
ServiceHours | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | number | The hours of service this coolant has provided. |
Filter | number | The hours of service this filter has provided. | |
Pump | number | The hours of service this pump has provided. | |
ServiceIdentification | Manager | string | A product instance identifier displayed in the Redfish service root. |
ServiceRoot | string | The vendor or user-provided product and service identifier. | |
ServiceProviderNotified | LogEntry | boolean | Indicates if the log entry has been sent to the service provider. |
ServiceRootUptimeSeconds | ManagerDiagnosticData | number | The wall-clock time the service root hosted by this manager has been running in seconds. |
Session | OutboundConnection (Links) | object | The link to the session for this outbound connection. |
SessionAccountPassword | ManagerAccount (Actions > ChangePassword (Action)) | string | The password of the account tied to the current session. |
SessionId | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > ComponentCommunication > Sessions), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > ComponentCommunication > Sessions) | integer | The identifier for an active session or communication channel between two components. |
Sessions | ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > ComponentCommunication), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > ComponentCommunication) | array | The active sessions or communication channels between two components. |
ServiceRoot (Links), SessionService | object | The link to a collection of sessions. | |
SessionService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the sessions service. |
SessionTimeout | SessionService | integer (seconds) | The number of seconds of inactivity that a session can have before the session service closes the session due to inactivity. |
SessionType | Session | string (enum) | The active session type. |
ComponentIntegrity (SPDM > ComponentCommunication > Sessions), ComponentIntegrity (TPM > ComponentCommunication > Sessions) | string (enum) | The type of session or communication channel between two components. | |
SetControllerPassword (Action) | Storage (Actions) | object | This action sets the controller boot password for a host-based storage controller. |
SetDefaultBootOrder (Action) | Aggregate (Actions) | object | This action is used to restore the boot order to the default state for the computer systems that are members of this aggregate. |
AggregationService (Actions) | object | This action is used to restore the boot order to the default state for the specified computer systems. | |
ComputerSystem (Actions) | object | This action sets the BootOrder property to the default settings. |
SetEncryptionKey (Action) | Storage (Actions) | object | This action sets the local encryption key for the storage subsystem. |
SetMasterPassphrase (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Sets the master passphrase for the given region. |
SetPassphrase (Action) | Memory (Actions) | object | Set passphrase for the given regions. |
SetPoint | Control, EnvironmentMetrics (PowerLimitWatts), Pump (SpeedControlPercent) | number | The desired set point of the control. |
SetPointAccuracy | Control | number | Accuracy (+/-) of the set point. |
SetPointType | Control | string (enum) | The set point type used to operate the control. |
SetPointUnits | Control | string | The units of the set point. |
SetPointUpdateTime | Control | string | The date and time that the set point was changed. |
SettingMax | Control, Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz) | number | The maximum set point in the allowed range. |
SettingMin | Control, Memory (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz), Processor (OperatingSpeedRangeMHz) | number | The minimum set point in the allowed range. |
Severities | EventDestination | array | The list of severities that are sent to this event destination. |
EventService | array | The list of severities that can be specified in the Severities array in a subscription. |
Severity | EventService (Actions > SubmitTestEvent (Action)) | string | The severity for the event to add. |
Event (Events) | string | The severity of the event. | |
Triggers (DiscreteTriggers) | string (enum) | The severity of the event message. | |
LogEntry | string (enum) | The severity of the log entry. | |
SFP | Port | object | The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) device associated with this port. |
SFTP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) support. |
ShareableRegion | MemoryRegion | boolean | An indication of whether this memory region can be shared across multiple hosts. |
SharedBytes | ManagerDiagnosticData (MemoryStatistics) | integer (bytes) | The amount of shared memory in bytes. |
SharedNamespaceControllerAttachmentSupported | Storage (NVMeSubsystemProperties) | boolean | Indicates whether the subsystem supports shared namespace controller attachment, allowing a shared namespace to be attached concurrently to two or more controllers in an NVMe Subsystem. |
SharedNetworkPorts | Manager | object | The shared network ports of the manager. |
SharedWithManagerCLI | ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > IPMI), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > SSH), ComputerSystem (SerialConsole > Telnet) | boolean | Indicates whether the serial console service is shared with access to the manager's command-line interface (CLI). |
SharingCapable | ResourceBlock (CompositionStatus) | boolean | An indication of whether this resource block can participate in multiple compositions simultaneously. |
SharingEnabled | ResourceBlock (CompositionStatus) | boolean | An indication of whether this resource block is allowed to participate in multiple compositions simultaneously. |
ShutdownThresholdPercentage | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix) | number (%) | Shutdown threshold status. |
SID | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > GenZ > GCID) | string | The subnet identifier portion of the GCID for the entity. |
SignalDetected | Port | boolean | An indication of whether a signal is detected on this interface. |
NetworkPort | boolean | An indication of whether the port has detected enough signal on enough lanes to establish a link. | |
SignalType | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The type of signal used for the communication connection. |
SignatureAlgorithm | Certificate | string | The algorithm used for creating the signature of the certificate. |
SignatureAlgorithms | SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Client > Denied > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server > Allowed > Algorithms), SecurityPolicy (TLS > Server > Denied > Algorithms) | array | The TLS signature algorithms. |
Signatures | SecureBootDatabase | object | A link to the collection of signatures contained in this UEFI Secure Boot database. |
SignatureString | Signature | string | The string for the signature. |
SignatureType | Signature | string | The format of the signature. |
SignatureTypeRegistry | Signature | string (enum) | The type of the signature. |
SimpleStorage | ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the simple storage available in this resource block. |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of storage devices associated with this system. | |
Storage (Links) | object | The link to the simple storage instance that corresponds to this storage. | |
SimpleUpdate (Action) | UpdateService (Actions) | object | This action updates software components. |
SizeBytes | ContainerImage | integer (bytes) | The size of this container image in bytes. |
SizeMiB | Memory (Regions) | integer (mebibytes) | Size of this memory region in mebibytes (MiB). |
MemoryChunks (InterleaveSets) | integer (mebibytes) | Size of this memory region measured in mebibytes (MiB). | |
SKU | FabricAdapter | string | The manufacturer SKU for this fabric adapter. |
NetworkAdapter | string | The manufacturer SKU for this network adapter. | |
ComputerSystem | string | The manufacturer SKU for this system. | |
Cable | string | The SKU for this cable. | |
Drive | string | The SKU for this drive. | |
GraphicsController | string | The SKU for this graphics controller. | |
License | string | The SKU for this license. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The SKU for this PCIe device. | |
Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | string | The SKU for this storage controller. | |
Switch | string | The SKU for this switch. | |
USBController | string | The SKU for this USB controller. | |
Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The SKU of the assembly. | |
Chassis | string | The SKU of the chassis. | |
LeakDetector | string | The SKU of the leak detector. | |
Sensor | string | The SKU of the sensor. | |
TrustedComponent | string | The SKU of the trusted component. | |
Slot | Memory (MemoryLocation) | integer | The slot number to which the memory device is connected. |
PCIeDevice | object | Information about the slot for this PCIe device. | |
SlotCapableProtocols | Drive | array | The drive protocols capable in this slot. |
SlotFormFactor | Drive | string (enum) | The form factor of the slot. |
SlotId | Certificate (SPDM) | integer | Slot identifier of the certificate. |
ComponentIntegrity (Actions > SPDMGetSignedMeasurements (Action)) | integer | The slot identifier for the certificate containing the private key to generate the signature over the measurements. | |
Processor (FPGA > ReconfigurationSlots) | string | The FPGA reconfiguration slot identifier. | |
Slots | PCIeSlots | array | An array of PCI Slot information. |
SlotType | PCIeSlots (Slots) | string (enum) | The PCIe slot type for this slot. |
PCIeDevice (Slot) | string (enum) | The PCIe slot type. | |
SMTP | EventService | object | Settings for SMTP event delivery. |
SNMP | EventDestination | object | Settings for an SNMP event destination. |
AggregationSource | object | SNMP settings of the aggregation source. | |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's SNMP support. | |
ManagerAccount | object | The SNMP settings for this account. | |
Socket | Memory (MemoryLocation) | integer | The socket number to which the memory device is connected. |
Processor | string | The socket or location of the processor. | |
SoftwareId | SoftwareInventory | string | The implementation-specific label that identifies this software. |
SoftwareImage | Application (Links) | object | The link to the software image for this application. |
ContainerImage (Links) | object | The link to the software image for this container image. | |
OperatingSystem (Links) | object | The link to the software image for this operating system. | |
SoftwareImages | Bios (Links) | array | The images that are associated with this BIOS. |
NetworkAdapter (Controllers > Links) | array | The images that are associated with this controller. | |
Drive (Links) | array | The images that are associated with this drive. | |
Manager (Links) | array | The images that are associated with this manager. | |
TrustedComponent (Links) | array | The images that are associated with this trusted component. | |
SoftwareInventory | UpdateService | object | An inventory of software. |
Source | Container (MountPoints) | string | The file system path from the hosting system that is provided to this container. |
SourceCircuit | Circuit (Links) | object | A link to the circuit that provides power to this circuit. |
SourceMetric | MetricDefinition (CalculationParameters) | string | The URI with wildcards and property identifiers of the metric property used as the input into the calculation. If the URI has wildcards, the wildcards are substituted as specified in the Wildcards property. |
SourcePort | AddressPool (Ethernet > BFDSingleHopOnly) | integer | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) source port. |
SourcePortLower | AllowDeny | integer | The TCP, UDP, or other source port to which this rule begins application, inclusive. |
SourcePortUpper | AllowDeny | integer | The TCP, UDP or other source port to which this rule ends application, inclusive. |
SpareBlock | MemoryMetrics (HealthData > AlarmTrips) | boolean | An indication of whether the spare block capacity crossing alarm trip was detected. |
MemoryMetrics (CXL > AlertCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether spare block conditions generate an alert to the CXL Fabric Manager or host. | |
SpareCapacityUnderThreshold | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART > EGCriticalWarningSummary) | boolean | An indication of whether the available spare capacity of one or more Endurance Groups is below the threshold. |
SpareCapacityWornOut | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeSMARTCriticalWarnings) | boolean | Indicates that the available spare capacity has fallen below the threshold. |
SpareDeviceCount | Memory | integer | Number of unused spare devices available in the memory device. |
SparePartNumber | Battery | string | The spare part number for this battery. |
FabricAdapter | string | The spare part number for this fabric adapter. | |
Fan, Thermal (Fans) | string | The spare part number for this fan. | |
Filter | string | The spare part number for this filter. | |
Heater | string | The spare part number for this heater. | |
Power (PowerSupplies), PowerSupply | string | The spare part number for this power supply. | |
Pump | string | The spare part number for this pump. | |
Reservoir | string | The spare part number for this reservoir. | |
Assembly (Assemblies) | string | The spare part number of the assembly. | |
Chassis | string | The spare part number of the chassis. | |
Drive | string | The spare part number of the drive. | |
GraphicsController | string | The spare part number of the graphics controller. | |
LeakDetector | string | The spare part number of the leak detector. | |
Manager | string | The spare part number of the manager. | |
Memory | string | The spare part number of the memory. | |
PCIeDevice | string | The spare part number of the PCIe device. | |
Processor | string | The spare part number of the processor. | |
Sensor | string | The spare part number of the sensor. | |
USBController | string | The spare part number of the USB controller. | |
SpareResourceSets | Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to SpareResourceSets. |
SPDM | ComponentIntegrity | object | Integrity information about the SPDM Responder as reported by an SPDM Requester. |
Certificate | object | SPDM-related information for the certificate. | |
SecurityPolicy | object | The SPDM policy. | |
SPDMGetSignedMeasurements (Action) | ComponentIntegrity (Actions) | object | This action generates an SPDM cryptographic signed statement over the given nonce and measurements of the SPDM Responder. |
SpecificEventExistsInGroup | Event (Events) | boolean | Indicates this event is equivalent to a more specific event in this event group. |
LogEntry | boolean | Indicates this log entry is equivalent to a more specific log entry within the same EventGroupId . |
SpecificHeatkJoulesPerKgK | CoolingLoop (Coolant) | number (kJ/kg/K) | The specific heat capacity (kJ/(kg*K)) of the coolant. |
SpeedControlPercent | Pump | object | The desired pump speed (%). |
SpeedGbps | Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | number (Gbit/s) | The maximum speed of the storage controller's device interface. |
SpeedLimitMHz | Processor | integer (MHz) | The clock limit of the processor in MHz. |
SpeedLocked | Processor | boolean | Indicates whether the clock speed of the processor is fixed at the value specified in the SpeedLimitMHz property. |
SpeedMbps | EthernetInterface | integer (Mbit/s) | The current speed, in Mbit/s, of this interface. |
SpeedMHz | Processor (ProcessorMemory) | integer | The operating speed of the memory in MHz. |
SpeedPercent | Fan | object | The fan speed (percent). |
SpeedRPM | EnvironmentMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), Fan (SecondarySpeedPercent), Fan (SpeedPercent), PowerSupplyMetrics (FanSpeedPercent), PowerSupplyMetrics (FanSpeedsPercent), Pump (PumpSpeedPercent), Sensor | number ({rev}/min) | The rotational speed. |
SplitReplication (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to split the replication relationship and suspend data synchronization between a source and target volume. |
SRIOV | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > VirtualizationOffload) | object | Single-root input/output virtualization (SR-IOV) capabilities. |
SRIOVVEPACapable | NetworkAdapter (Controllers > ControllerCapabilities > VirtualizationOffload > SRIOV) | boolean | An indication of whether this controller supports single root input/output virtualization (SR-IOV) in Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator (VEPA) mode. |
SSDP | ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's SSDP support. |
SSDT | FabricAdapter (GenZ) | object | The Single Subnet Destination Table for the component. |
SSEFilterPropertiesSupported | EventService | object | The set of properties that are supported in the $filter query parameter for the ServerSentEventUri . |
SSH | Key | object | SSH specific properties. |
ComputerSystem (SerialConsole) | object | The connection details for an SSH serial console service. | |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's Secure Shell (SSH) protocol support. | |
SSHKeyAttribute | AccountService (ActiveDirectory > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (LDAP > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (OAuth2 > LDAPService > SearchSettings), AccountService (TACACSplus > LDAPService > SearchSettings), ExternalAccountProvider (LDAPService > SearchSettings) | string | The attribute name that contains the LDAP user's SSH public key entry. |
SSHSettings | AggregationSource | object | Settings for an aggregation source using SSH as part of the associated connection method. |
StagedNonVolatileSizeMiB | Memory (CXL) | integer (mebibytes) | Total device non-volatile memory capacity in MiB staged for next activation. The value is in multiples of 256 MiB. |
StagedVersion | PCIeDevice | string | The staged firmware version for this PCIe device; this firmware is not yet active. |
StagedVolatileSizeMiB | Memory (CXL) | integer (mebibytes) | Total device volatile memory capacity in MiB staged for next activation. This value is in multiples of 256 MiB. |
StaleRoutesTimeSeconds | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > GracefulRestart), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > GracefulRestart), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > GracefulRestart) | integer | Stale route timer in seconds. |
StartDateTime | Manager (DaylightSavingTime) | string | The start date and time with UTC offset of daylight saving time. |
StartTime | Application | string | The date and time when the application started running. |
Container | string | The date and time when the container started running. | |
Job | string | The date and time when the job was started or is scheduled to start. | |
Task | string | The date and time when the task was started. | |
StartUpdate (Action) | UpdateService (Actions) | object | This action starts updating all images that have been previously invoked using an OperationApplyTime value of OnStartUpdateRequest . |
State | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The state, province, or region of the organization making the request. |
Certificate (Issuer), Certificate (Subject) | string | The state, province, or region of the organization of the entity. | |
StateChangeCount | StorageControllerMetrics | integer | The number of state changes for this storage controller. |
StatefulSession | AllowDeny | boolean | Indicates if this is a permission that only applies to stateful connections. |
StatelessAddressAutoConfig | EthernetInterface | object | Stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) parameters for this interface. |
StateOfHealthPercent | Battery | object | The state of health (percent) of this battery. |
StaticNameServers | EthernetInterface | array | The statically-defined set of DNS server IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. |
Status | Volume | object | The property contains the status of the Volume. |
various (AccelerationFunction, AccountService ... ) | object | The status and health of the resource and its subordinate or dependent resources. | |
License | object | The status of the license. | |
StatusIndicator | Drive | string (enum) | The state of the status indicator, which communicates status information about this drive. |
Step | Processor (ProcessorId) | string | The step value for this processor. |
StepOrder | Job | array | The serialized execution order of the job steps. |
Steps | Job | object | The link to a collection of steps for this job. |
StopBits | SerialInterface | string (enum) | The period of time before the next start bit is transmitted. |
StopBootOnFault | ComputerSystem (Boot) | string (enum) | If the boot should stop on a fault. |
Storage | ResourceBlock | array | An array of links to the storage available in this resource block. |
Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the storage subsystems connected to or inside this chassis. | |
Drive (Links) | object | A link to the storage subsystem to which this drive belongs. | |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of storage subsystems. | |
ComputerSystem | object | The link to the collection of storage devices associated with this system. | |
SimpleStorage (Links) | object | The link to the storage instance that corresponds to this simple storage. | |
StorageAccessCapability | Volume (AccessCapabilities) | string (enum) | Values of StorageAccessCapability describe abilities to read or write storage. |
StorageControllers | Heater (Links) | array | An array of links to the storage controllers heated by this heater. |
PCIeFunction (Links) | array | An array of links to the storage controllers that this PCIe function produces. | |
Battery (Links) | array | An array of links to the storage controllers to which this battery provides power during a power-loss event. | |
Storage | array | The set of storage controllers that this resource represents. | |
StorageGroups | Volume (Links) | array | An array of references to the StorageGroups associated with this volume. |
Storage | object | All of the storage groups, each of which contains a set of volumes and endpoints that are managed as a group for mapping and masking, that belong to this storage subsystem. | |
Volume | object | An array of references to Storage Groups that includes this volume. | |
StoragePools | Drive (Links) | array | An array of links to the storage pools to which this drive belongs. |
Storage | object | The set of all storage pools that are allocated by this storage subsystem. A storage pool is the set of storage capacity that can be used to produce volumes or other storage pools. | |
StorageServices | Storage (StorageControllers > Links) | array | An array of links to the storage services that connect to this controller. |
Storage (Links) | array | An array of links to the storage services that connect to this storage subsystem. | |
ComputerSystem (HostedServices) | object | The link to a collection of storage services that this computer system supports. | |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of storage services. | |
StorageSystems | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of storage systems. |
StoredChargeAmpHours | BatteryMetrics | object | The charge (Ah) stored in this battery. |
StoredEnergyWattHours | BatteryMetrics | object | The energy (Wh) stored in this battery. |
StrictAccountTypes | ManagerAccount | boolean | Indicates if the service needs to use the account types exactly as specified when the account is created or updated. |
StripSizeBytes | Volume (Actions > ChangeRAIDLayout (Action)) | integer | The number of blocks (bytes) requested for new strip size. |
Volume | integer (bytes) | The number of blocks (bytes) in a strip in a disk array that uses striped data mapping. | |
SubContext | RegisteredClient | string | Additional client-supplied data for providing contextual information for its own use. |
Subfeeds | PowerDistribution | object | A link to the subfeed circuits for this equipment. |
Subject | Certificate | object | The subject of the certificate. |
Subjects | Certificate (Links) | array | An array of links to certificates that were issued by the CA that is represented by this certificate. |
SubmitTestEvent (Action) | EventService (Actions) | object | This action generates a test event. |
SubmitTestMetricReport (Action) | TelemetryService (Actions) | object | This action generates a metric report. |
SubModel | ComputerSystem | string | The sub-model for this system. |
SubordinateOverrides | PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings) | array | The privilege overrides of the subordinate resource. |
SubordinateResources | EventService (SSEFilterPropertiesSupported) | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports filtering by the SubordinateResources property. |
EventDestination | boolean | An indication of whether the subscription is for events in the OriginResources array and its subordinate resources. If true and the OriginResources array is specified, the subscription is for events in the OriginResources array and its subordinate resources. Note that resources associated through the Links section are not considered subordinate. If false and the OriginResources array is specified, the subscription is for events in the OriginResources array only. If the OriginResources array is not present, this property has no relevance. |
SubordinateResourcesSupported | EventService | boolean | An indication of whether the service supports the SubordinateResources property on both event subscriptions and generated events. |
SubProcessors | Processor | object | The link to the collection of sub-processors associated with this processor, such as cores or threads, that are part of a processor. |
Subscriptions | EventService | object | The link to a collection of event destinations. |
SubscriptionType | EventDestination | string (enum) | The subscription type for events. |
SubsystemDeviceID | Memory | string | Subsystem device ID. |
SubsystemId | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > EntityPciId), Endpoint (PciId), PCIeFunction | string | The Subsystem ID of this PCIe function. |
SubsystemVendorId | Endpoint (ConnectedEntities > EntityPciId), Endpoint (PciId), PCIeFunction | string | The Subsystem Vendor ID of this PCIe function. |
SubsystemVendorID | Memory | string | SubSystem vendor ID. |
SubTasks | Task | object | The link to a collection of sub-tasks for this task. |
SupplyEquipmentNames | CoolingLoop | array | An array of names of upstream devices that supply coolant to this cooling loop. |
SupplyingComputerSystems | ComputerSystem (Links) | array | An array of links to computer systems that contribute, in whole or in part, to the implementation of this computer system. |
SupplyingResourceBlocks | ResourceBlock (Links) | array | An array of links to resource blocks that this resource block depends on. |
SupplyPressurekPa | CoolantConnector | object | The supply pressure (kPa). |
SupplyTemperatureCelsius | CoolantConnector | object | The supply temperature (C). |
SupplyVoltage | PortMetrics (Transceivers) | number (volts) | The supply voltage of a small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceiver. |
SupportedAccountTypes | AccountService | array | The account types supported by the service. |
SupportedCollectionFunctions | TelemetryService | array | The functions that can be performed over each metric. |
SupportedControllerProtocols | Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | array | The supported set of protocols for communicating with this storage controller. |
SupportedCXLModes | Port (CXL) | array | The supported device modes. |
SupportedDeviceProtocols | Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | array | The protocols that the storage controller can use to communicate with attached devices. |
SupportedEthernetCapabilities | NetworkPort, Port (Ethernet) | array | The set of Ethernet capabilities that this port supports. |
SupportedImageTypes | OperatingSystem (ContainerEngines), OperatingSystem (VirtualMachineEngines) | array | The supported image types for this container engine. |
SupportedLinkCapabilities | NetworkPort | array | The link capabilities of this port. |
SupportedMTUSizes | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | array | The maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes supported for this network device function. |
SupportedOEMAccountTypes | AccountService | array | The OEM account types supported by the service. |
SupportedProtocols | Switch | array | The protocols this switch supports. |
SupportedRAIDTypes | Storage (StorageControllers), StorageController | array | The set of RAID types supported by the storage controller. |
SupportedSFPTypes | Port (SFP) | array | The types of SFP devices that can be attached to this port. |
SupportedSystems | AttributeRegistry | array | An array of systems that this attribute registry supports. |
SupportedUpdateImageFormats | UpdateService | array | The image format types supported by the service. |
Supports128BitHostId | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports a 128-bit Host Identifier. |
SupportsAtomicTransactionSize | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > NamespaceFeatures) | boolean | Indicates that the NVM fields for Namespace preferred write granularity (NPWG), write alignment (NPWA), deallocate granularity (NPDG), deallocate alignment (NPDA) and optimal write size (NOWS) are defined for this namespace and should be used by the host for I/O optimization. |
SupportsDeallocatedOrUnwrittenLBError | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > NamespaceFeatures) | boolean | This property indicates that the controller supports deallocated or unwritten logical block error for this namespace. |
SupportsEnduranceGroups | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports Endurance Groups. |
SupportsExceedingPowerOfNonOperationalState | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports exceeding Power of Non-Operational State in order to execute controller-initiated background operations in a non-operational power state. |
SupportsIOPerformanceHints | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > NamespaceFeatures) | boolean | Indicates that the Namespace Atomic Write Unit Normal (NAWUN), Namespace Atomic Write Unit Power Fail (NAWUPF), and Namespace Atomic Compare and Write Unit (NACWU) fields are defined for this namespace and should be used by the host for this namespace instead of the controller-level properties AWUN, AWUPF, and ACWU. |
Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | boolean | Indicates whether the namespace supports IO performance hints. | |
SupportsMultipleNamespaceAttachments | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties) | boolean | Indicates whether the namespace may be attached to two or more controllers. |
SupportsNGUIDReuse | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > NamespaceFeatures) | boolean | This property indicates that the namespace supports the use of an NGUID (namespace globally unique identifier) value. |
SupportsNVMSets | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports NVM Sets. |
SupportsPredictableLatencyMode | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports Predictable Latency Mode. |
SupportsReadRecoveryLevels | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports Read Recovery Levels. |
SupportsReservations | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates if the controller supports reservations. |
SupportsSQAssociations | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports SQ Associations. |
SupportsThinProvisioning | Volume (NVMeNamespaceProperties > NamespaceFeatures) | boolean | This property indicates whether or not the NVMe Namespace supports thin provisioning. |
SupportsTrafficBasedKeepAlive | StorageController (NVMeControllerProperties > NVMeControllerAttributes) | boolean | Indicates whether or not the controller supports restarting the Keep Alive Timer if traffic is processed from an admin command or I/O during a Keep Alive Timeout interval. |
SuppressRepeatedMetricValue | MetricReportDefinition | boolean | An indication of whether any metrics are suppressed from the generated metric report. If true , any metric that equals the same value in the previously generated metric report is suppressed from the current report. Also, duplicate metrics are suppressed. If false , no metrics are suppressed from the current report. The current report might contain no metrics if all metrics equal the values in the previously generated metric report. |
Surname | CertificateService (Actions > GenerateCSR (Action)) | string | The surname of the user making the request. |
SuspendReplication (Action) | Volume (Actions) | object | This action is used to suspend active data synchronization between a source and target volume, without otherwise altering the replication relationship. |
SuspendSubscription (Action) | EventDestination (Actions) | object | This action suspends an event subscription. |
SustainedBytesPerSecond | NetworkDeviceFunction (Limits) | integer | The maximum number of sustained bytes per second for this network device function. |
SustainedPacketsPerSecond | NetworkDeviceFunction (Limits) | integer | The maximum number of sustained packets per second for this network device function. |
Switch | PCIeDevice (Links) | object | The link to a switch that is associated with this PCIe device. |
Switches | Chassis (Links) | array | An array of links to the switches located in this chassis. |
Fabric | object | The collection of links to the switches that this fabric contains. | |
Switchgear | Facility (Links) | array | An array of links to the switchgear in this facility. |
PowerDomain (Links) | array | An array of links to the switchgear in this power domain. | |
PowerEquipment | object | A link to a collection of switchgear. | |
SwitchType | Switch | string (enum) | The protocol being sent over this switch. |
SyslogFacility | EventDestination (SyslogFilters > LogFacilities), LogService (SyslogFilters > LogFacilities) | string (enum) | The syslog facility code is an enumeration of program types. |
SyslogFilters | EventDestination | array | A list of filters applied to syslog messages before sending to a remote syslog server. An empty list indicates all syslog messages are sent. |
LogService | array | A list of syslog message filters to be logged locally. | |
SystemCapabilities | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | array | The system capabilities received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | array | The system capabilities to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
SystemDescription | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | The system description received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | The system description to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
SystemGUID | NetworkDeviceFunction (InfiniBand) | string | This is the currently configured system GUID of the network device function. |
SystemId | AttributeRegistry (SupportedSystems) | string | The ID of the systems to which this attribute registry applies. |
SystemInterface | Processor | object | The interface between the system and the processor. |
SystemMACRange | AddressPool (Ethernet > IPv4) | object | The MAC address range for systems in this subnet. |
SystemName | Port (Ethernet > LLDPReceive) | string | The system name received from the remote partner across this link. |
Port (Ethernet > LLDPTransmit) | string | The system name to be transmitted from this endpoint. | |
Systems | AggregationService (Actions > SetDefaultBootOrder (Action)) | array | The computer systems to restore. |
ServiceRoot | object | The link to a collection of systems. | |
SystemType | ComputerSystem | string (enum) | The type of computer system that this resource represents. |
TACACSplus | AccountService | object | The first TACACS+ external account provider that this account service supports. |
TACACSplusService | AccountService (ActiveDirectory), AccountService (LDAP), AccountService (OAuth2), AccountService (TACACSplus), ExternalAccountProvider | object | The additional information needed to parse a TACACS+ services. |
Tag | MemoryRegion (MemoryExtents) | string | The tag of this memory extent. |
TargetCHAPPassword | Connection (ConnectionKeys > CHAP) | string | The target shared secret for mutual (2-way) CHAP authentication. The value is null in responses. |
TargetComponentURI | ComponentIntegrity | string | The link to the component whose integrity that this resource reports. |
TargetConfigurationLockLevel | Drive, Storage | string (enum) | Indicates the target configuration lock level for the drive based upon the state of the ConfigurationLock property. Other properties, such as ConfigurationLockState , contain additional information regarding the status of the configuration lock. |
TargetEndpointGroupIdentifier | EndpointGroup | integer | The SCSI-defined identifier for this group. |
TargetEndpointGroups | Connection (Links) | array | An array of links to the target endpoint groups that are associated with this connection. |
TargetEndpoints | Connection (Links) | array | An array of links to the target endpoints that are associated with this connection. |
TargetInfoViaDHCP | NetworkDeviceFunction (iSCSIBoot) | boolean | An indication of whether the iSCSI boot target name, LUN, IP address, and netmask should be obtained from DHCP. |
Targets | UpdateService (Actions > SimpleUpdate (Action)) | array | An array of URIs that indicate where to apply the update image. |
PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > PropertyOverrides), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > ResourceURIOverrides), PrivilegeRegistry (Mappings > SubordinateOverrides) | array | The set of URIs, resource types, or properties. | |
TargetServices | License (Links) | array | An array of links to the managers where the license is installed. |
LicenseService (Actions > Install (Action)) | array | An array of links to the managers where the license will be installed. | |
TargetStoragePool | Volume (Actions > CreateReplicaTarget (Action)) | string | The Uri to the existing target Storage Pool. |
TargetUri | Job (Payload) | string | The link to the target for this job. |
Task (Payload) | string | The URI of the target for this task. | |
TargetURI | LogService (Actions > CollectDiagnosticData (Action)), LogService (Actions > PushDiagnosticData (Action)) | string | The URI to access when sending the diagnostic data. |
TargetURIs | AggregationService (Actions > Reset (Action)) | array | An array of links to the resources being reset. |
TargetVolume | Volume (Actions > AssignReplicaTarget (Action)), Volume (Actions > RemoveReplicaRelationship (Action)), Volume (Actions > ResumeReplication (Action)), Volume (Actions > ReverseReplicationRelationship (Action)), Volume (Actions > SplitReplication (Action)), Volume (Actions > SuspendReplication (Action)) | string | The Uri to the existing target volume. |
TaskAutoDeleteTimeoutMinutes | TaskService | integer | The number of minutes after which a completed task is deleted by the service. |
TaskMonitor | Task | string | The URI of the task monitor for this task. |
Tasks | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the task service. |
TaskService | object | The links to the collection of tasks. | |
TaskState | Task | string (enum) | The state of the task. |
TaskStatus | Task | string (enum) | The completion status of the task. |
TCPMaxSegmentSizeBytes | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor) | integer | TCP max segment size in bytes. |
TDPWatts | Processor | integer (watts) | The nominal Thermal Design Power (TDP) in watt units. |
OperatingConfig | integer (watts) | The thermal design point of the processor in watt units. | |
TeamMode | EthernetInterface | string (enum) | The team mode for this interface. |
TelemetryService | ServiceRoot | object | The link to the telemetry service. |
Telnet | ComputerSystem (SerialConsole) | object | The connection details for a Telnet serial console service. |
ManagerNetworkProtocol | object | The settings for this manager's Telnet protocol support. | |
Temperature | MemoryMetrics (HealthData > AlarmTrips) | boolean | An indication of whether a temperature threshold alarm trip was detected. |
MemoryMetrics (CXL > AlertCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether temperature conditions generate an alert to the CXL Fabric Manager or host. | |
TemperatureCelsius | ProcessorMetrics | number (Celsius) | The temperature of the processor. |
EnvironmentMetrics, PowerDistributionMetrics | object | Temperature (Celsius). | |
BatteryMetrics | object | The temperature (C) for this battery. | |
PowerSupplyMetrics | object | The temperature (C) for this power supply. | |
TemperatureReadingsCelsius | HeaterMetrics, ThermalMetrics | array | The temperatures (in degree Celsius units) from all related sensors for this device. |
Temperatures | Thermal | array | The set of temperature sensors for this chassis. |
TemperatureSensorsCelsius | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | array (Celsius) | The temperature sensor readings in degree Celsius units for this storage controller. |
TemperatureSummaryCelsius | ThermalMetrics | object | The summary temperature readings for this chassis. |
TemporaryThroughputReductionEnabled | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice), Port (CXL) | boolean | Indicates whether temporary throughput reduction is enabled. |
TemporaryThroughputReductionSupported | PCIeDevice (CXLDevice) | boolean | Indicates whether temporary throughput reduction is supported. |
CXLLogicalDevice (QoSTelemetryCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether the device supports the CXL Specification-defined 'Temporary Throughput Reduction' mechanism. | |
Port (CXL > QoSTelemetryCapabilities) | boolean | Indicates whether the port supports the CXL Specification-defined 'Temporary Throughput Reduction' mechanism. | |
TestEventSubscription (Action) | EventService (Actions) | object | This action generates a test event using the pre-defined test message. |
THDPercent | various (BatteryMetrics (CellVoltages), BatteryMetrics (InputCurrentAmps) ... ) | number (%) | The total harmonic distortion percent (% THD). |
Thermal | Chassis | object | The link to the thermal properties, such as fans, cooling, and sensors, for this chassis. |
ThermalDirection | Chassis | string (enum) | Indicates the thermal management path through the chassis. |
ThermalEquipment | ServiceRoot | object | The link to a set of cooling equipment. |
ThermalLimitThrottleDuration | ProcessorMetrics | string | The total duration of throttling caused by a thermal limit of the processor since reset. |
ThermalManagedByParent | Chassis | boolean | Indicates that the chassis is thermally managed by the parent chassis. |
ThermalMetrics | ThermalSubsystem | object | The link to the summary of thermal metrics for this subsystem. |
ThermalMgmtTemp1TotalTimeSeconds | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of seconds the controller transitioned to lower power states or performed vendor-specific thermal-management actions while minimizing the impact on performance in order to attempt to reduce the composite temperature. |
ThermalMgmtTemp1TransitionCount | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of times the controller transitioned to lower power states or performed vendor-specific thermal-management actions while minimizing the impact on performance in order to attempt to reduce the composite temperature. |
ThermalMgmtTemp2TotalTimeSeconds | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of seconds the controller transitioned to lower power states or performed vendor-specific thermal-management actions regardless of the impact on performance in order to attempt to reduce the composite temperature. |
ThermalMgmtTemp2TransitionCount | StorageControllerMetrics (NVMeSMART) | integer | The number of times the controller transitioned to lower power states or performed vendor-specific thermal-management actions regardless of the impact on performance in order to attempt to reduce the composite temperature. |
ThermalSubsystem | Chassis | object | The link to the thermal subsystem properties for this chassis. |
ThreadingEnabled | ComputerSystem (ProcessorSummary) | boolean | An indication of whether threading is enabled on all processors in this system. |
Threshold | VCATEntry (VCEntries) | string | The configured threshold. |
Thresholds | Sensor | object | The set of thresholds defined for this sensor. |
ThresholdWarningOnlyEnabled | AddressPool (Ethernet > EBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolEBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix), AddressPool (Ethernet > MultiProtocolIBGP > BGPNeighbor > MaxPrefix) | boolean | Threshold w |